13:41:51 RRSAgent has joined #eval 13:41:51 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/09/26-eval-irc 13:41:53 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:41:53 Zakim has joined #eval 13:41:55 Zakim, this will be 3825 13:41:55 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM scheduled to start in 19 minutes 13:41:56 Meeting: WCAG 2.0 Evaluation Methodology Task Force Teleconference 13:41:56 Date: 26 September 2013 13:42:20 Zakim, this will be 3825 13:42:20 ok, MartijnHoutepen; I see WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM scheduled to start in 18 minutes 13:55:40 Vivienne has joined #eval 13:55:54 korn has joined #eval 13:56:29 MaryJo has joined #eval 13:56:36 Hy MaryJo! 13:56:46 /Hy/Hi 13:57:34 Liz has joined #eval 13:57:41 WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM has now started 13:57:43 +[IPcaller] 13:57:49 zakim, IPcaller is me 13:57:49 +Vivienne; got it 13:58:10 + +1.301.975.aaaa 13:58:12 - +1.301.975.aaaa 13:58:12 + +1.301.975.aaaa 13:58:14 ericvelleman has joined #eval 13:58:21 +Peter_Korn 13:58:42 Zakim; aaaa is Liz 13:58:58 + +31.30.239.aabb 13:59:09 Zakim, aabb is me 13:59:09 +MartijnHoutepen; got it 13:59:20 Zakim, aaaa is Liz 13:59:20 +Liz; got it 14:00:21 +Eric_Velleman 14:00:38 +Mary_Jo_Mueller 14:02:40 scribe: Martijn 14:02:49 Zakim, mute me 14:02:49 MartijnHoutepen should now be muted 14:02:59 ev: welcome 14:04:02 EV: new member: Mary Jo Mueller 14:04:47 MJM: introduces herself 14:04:54 Detlev has joined #eval 14:06:01 + +49.404.318.aacc 14:06:17 EV: Working on new ED 14:06:20 Zakim, aacc is Detlev 14:06:20 +Detlev; got it 14:06:35 Zakim, mute me 14:06:35 Detlev should now be muted 14:06:44 topic: Reporting - Appendix C 14:07:01 EV: survey 11 is still open 14:07:09 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/48225/EvalTFsurvey11/ 14:07:39 Appendix C http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/conformance/ED-methodology-20130903#reports 14:07:40 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/conformance/ED-methodology-20130903#reports 14:08:21 q+ 14:08:23 EV: not a lot work done yet on this 14:08:34 q+ 14:08:39 q+ 14:08:45 ack me 14:08:47 ... question is: What do we want in the reports, is it optional 14:09:32 DF: appendix c says "should have'', does that mean "must have"? 14:10:01 Zakim, mute me 14:10:01 Detlev should now be muted 14:10:05 q? 14:10:45 PK: The sample report should be a sufficient evaluation statement 14:11:05 ... should remain optional 14:11:27 q- 14:11:32 ... some of the bullets in the list are insufficiently specified 14:11:52 So it would be "Date of the "accessibility evaluation statement" rather than "Date of the conformance claim" 14:12:00 ... f.e. terminology 14:12:58 ... Example report should also be an accessibility evaluation statement 14:14:27 VC: good suggestion of PK, we need more explaining on the items of the bullet-list 14:14:28 q+ 14:14:36 + +1.313.322.aadd 14:14:50 q? 14:14:55 ... problem with validity in time 14:14:58 Mike_Elledge has joined #eval 14:15:08 Kathy has joined #eval 14:15:28 q+ 14:15:30 ... uri's of claim is not reasonable, more reasonable to include uri's of sample 14:15:33 +Kathy 14:16:14 PK: 3rd bullet, conformance claim does not belong here 14:16:49 maybe "tested WCAG level" 14:17:12 ... see also "conformance level" etc. all occurrances of "conformance" 14:17:49 ack me 14:17:51 EV: copied some info from WCAG, we could include some (with reference) 14:17:55 q? 14:18:02 q- 14:18:04 ack V 14:18:31 q+ 14:18:52 DF: URL: sufficient to use just URL if it includes all pages on that site, agree with VC to include list of sample pages 14:19:07 ... remover occurrances of "claim" 14:19:13 q? 14:19:29 ... only date to include can be the evaluation date 14:19:59 EV: we will look at the use of conformance and claim, etc 14:20:24 DF: Good idea to list all pages in sample 14:21:02 Zakim, mute me 14:21:02 Detlev should now be muted 14:21:35 PK: the list of pages makes sence for traditional website, for applications it doesn't 14:21:47 q+ 14:21:49 q+ 14:22:12 ... we need to include a way to describe states in webapps 14:22:35 zakim, mute me 14:22:35 Detlev was already muted, Detlev 14:23:02 q+ 14:23:05 ... keep in mind development patterns, could be more data behind statement than can be included in list 14:23:32 q- 14:23:37 ack me 14:23:38 ... add release number , version number when known 14:24:10 EV: instead of date? extra option? 14:24:47 PK: varies, which is most applicable or most significant 14:24:58 EV: or combination 14:24:59 ack me 14:25:24 Tim has joined #eval 14:25:44 KW: list of pages does not always apply, sometimes specific use cases fit better 14:26:53 KW: sometimes use cases are very long (more than 50 pages) 14:26:55 zakim, mute me 14:26:55 Kathy should now be muted 14:28:08 MJM: when you use webcrawlers on enterprise sites, the list could be very long. Settings of crawler can also of use 14:29:10 q+ 14:29:15 q+ 14:29:17 EV: what do we want to do with output from automated testing 14:30:04 MJM: We have to have some generic example of the use of automated tool 14:30:32 EV: so many tools, has to be very generic 14:30:37 q- mary 14:31:48 maybe use several different tools (at least 2) - do we want to specify? 14:32:06 VC: we use automated tools as assistance, but not rely on them. We agreed to list tools used, but not get into the use of automated tools too much 14:32:35 ... we wanted to steer away from reliance on automated tools 14:32:36 ack me 14:33:55 KW: in reporting, there is added value in including results of automated tools, though we would not want to rely on these results alone 14:34:35 ... we should include this in reporting 14:34:42 q- viv 14:34:42 q- 14:34:43 zakim, mute me 14:34:43 Kathy should now be muted 14:35:51 EV: in the reporting step 5a we refer to an optional step 4e where we refer to the use of tools 14:36:16 ... we don't have anything on crawlers 14:37:01 EV: at the moment just tools that support evaluation 14:37:32 EV: should we make a division optional/non-optional, should we define a minimum? 14:37:39 q+ 14:37:43 ack me 14:38:05 q+ 14:38:09 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/conformance/ED-methodology-20130903#reports 14:39:18 EV: in step 5a we already ask to report almost everything 14:39:20 q- 14:39:31 q+ 14:39:34 ack me 14:40:03 KW: we do need to make reporting too much work if it is not necessary 14:40:09 zakim, mute me 14:40:09 Kathy should now be muted 14:40:17 KW: do not 14:40:38 q? 14:40:55 +Tim_Boland 14:41:01 DF: some items on the list should be mandatory, others can be optional 14:41:33 +1 14:41:38 DF: maybe put the items in a survey and discuss this 14:41:45 +1 14:41:51 Ev: I could split in two in a new ED 14:41:52 +1 14:42:05 +1 14:42:29 Zakim, mute me 14:42:29 Detlev should now be muted 14:42:32 EV: will split into mandatory and optional 14:42:56 q+ 14:42:59 Yes, Eric that's fine 14:43:41 PK: the most important mandatory parts are those that make it an evaluation statement 14:45:51 q+ 14:46:04 EV: what should be mandatory 14:46:25 PK: level A, AA or AAA 14:46:46 EV: DF mentioned date, pages in sample 14:47:21 TB: name, name of org, some attribution 14:47:42 the result 14:48:56 VC: the scope of what you're using, the guideline, description of the website, description of the sample 14:49:25 q+ 14:49:38 q- viv 14:50:14 PK: scope of evaluation, critical, core features 14:50:37 q- k 14:50:42 q+ 14:51:05 EV: number of things already in step 5 14:51:42 q? 14:51:45 ack me 14:52:13 EV: we need to include introduction text on evaluation commissionar etc 14:53:17 DF: scope of evaluation includes what is core, etc 14:53:53 EV: will include this in new ED 14:54:25 topic: other issues 14:55:12 EV: survey will be discussed next time, things everyone agrees on will be in next ED 14:55:22 EV: no telco next week 14:55:55 PK: concerned on time dilation 14:56:34 fine 14:56:38 ... lot of uninamity on lot of items, maybe you can put these things in the new ED 14:56:52 ... as long as it is transparent 14:56:53 +1 14:56:57 +1 14:56:59 +1 14:57:05 EV: does everyone agree? 14:57:07 +1 14:57:15 +1 14:57:38 s/uninamity/unanimity 14:58:08 you will be missed! 14:58:35 Yes--good luck to you Peter! I hope you'll be able to continue as an Invited Expert. 14:58:52 hope you can continue.. 14:59:06 You would be sorely missed Peter,let's hope you can stay on 14:59:09 PK: will be leaving group, hope to focus on evaluation statement and reporting on the short term 14:59:52 +1 14:59:56 EV: great work PK 15:00:21 Thanks Martijn, Vivienne, TIm, Detlev, Mike, all. 15:00:34 EV: no telco next week 15:00:40 Thanks Peter 15:01:07 bye! 15:01:11 -Tim_Boland 15:01:11 bye 15:01:12 -Detlev 15:01:12 -Kathy 15:01:14 -Peter_Korn 15:01:15 -Mary_Jo_Mueller 15:01:17 -MartijnHoutepen 15:01:17 bye! 15:01:18 -Eric_Velleman 15:01:22 trackbot, end meeting 15:01:22 Zakim, list attendees 15:01:22 - +1.313.322.aadd 15:01:22 As of this point the attendees have been Vivienne, +1.301.975.aaaa, Peter_Korn, +31.30.239.aabb, MartijnHoutepen, Liz, Eric_Velleman, Mary_Jo_Mueller, +49.404.318.aacc, Detlev, 15:01:25 ... +1.313.322.aadd, Kathy, Tim_Boland 15:01:25 -Vivienne 15:01:26 -Liz 15:01:26 WAI_ERTWG(Eval TF)10:00AM has ended 15:01:26 Attendees were Vivienne, +1.301.975.aaaa, Peter_Korn, +31.30.239.aabb, MartijnHoutepen, Liz, Eric_Velleman, Mary_Jo_Mueller, +49.404.318.aacc, Detlev, +1.313.322.aadd, Kathy, 15:01:26 ... Tim_Boland 15:01:30 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:01:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/09/26-eval-minutes.html trackbot 15:01:31 RRSAgent, bye 15:01:31 I see no action items