09:58:35 RRSAgent has joined #mbui 09:58:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/09/20-mbui-irc 09:59:10 meeting: Model-Based UI 09:59:22 chair: Fabio 09:59:28 scribe: Dave 09:59:35 scribenick: dsr 09:59:46 +Dsr 09:59:53 +[Fraunhofer] 10:00:39 Jaroslav has joined #mbui 10:01:35 + +1.321.047.aabb 10:02:40 +??P3 10:02:47 + +30231125aacc 10:02:59 Nick_Kaklanis has joined #mbui 10:03:08 Present+ Nick_Kaklanis 10:03:27 Present+ Dave 10:03:35 Present+ Jaroslav 10:04:17 +[IPcaller] 10:04:40 Chair: Gerrit 10:04:49 Present+ Gerrit 10:04:53 + +39.050.621.aadd 10:06:36 Pointer to AUI draft FPWD and request for schema: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mbui/2013Sep/0013.html 10:07:26 Topic: Publication of Glossary 10:07:55 Jaroslav describes the draft he has prepared for publication from the google doc. 10:08:15 ... should we capitalize the entries or make them lower case 10:08:44 ... proper names should be capitalized, but other words could start with a lower case letter 10:09:15 Fabio: this doesn't seem like a big problem ... 10:10:17 Dave: I agree that it isn't an important issue 10:10:38 ... but if you want to do that, that is fine with me 10:12:23 Dave: a more important question is filling in the editors and contributors (in the acknowledgements) 10:12:59 Jaroslav: I am the editor and will put everyone who contributed into the acknowledgements, 10:14:45 Jaroslav asks some questions about missing links 10:15:51 Jean: some entries refer to figures 10:16:21 Jaroslav: we can't reference the figures in the intro document until it is published. 10:17:42 Jaroslav asks Jean to verify the references from the Glossary and send him corrections. 10:18:19 Jaroslav: if there are no objections I will follow Vivian 10:18:51 ... in using lower case for all entries that aren't acronyms or proper names 10:20:14 -[Fraunhofer] 10:20:17 -??P3 10:20:25 Dave: once I have a fresh draft I will put it in the WG drafts area of the website and initiate a CfC for a formal resolution to publish 10:20:35 Topic: Abstract UI 10:20:41 http://www.w3.org/2011/mbui/drafts/abstract-ui/ 10:22:10 + + 10:23:41 Dave asks for corrections for the editors and contributors. 10:23:52 Jean: we will email you some corrections 10:26:40 Dave: can you provide the XML schema and OWL ontology? 10:26:49 Jean: yes, within the week 10:27:10 Dave: suggest defer publication until these are included, is that okay? 10:27:38 [no objections] 10:27:56 Dave: any other comments on the AUI? 10:27:59 [no] 10:28:07 Topic: Introduction document 10:28:35 Jean makes a number of comments (missed by the scribe) 10:29:07 gaelle has joined #mbui 10:29:09 Jean: I want to copy some text from the final report of the incubator group report. 10:29:26 joelle has joined #mbui 10:31:47 Gaelle: Jean, please paste your text in and we can see if it helps or not 10:33:05 Jean: I can't find it right now, and will do it later 10:34:13 ... perhaps the text I am thinking about is in the joint paper we did? 10:35:17 Joelle: we need to check that the term "platform model" is used in the same way as in the glossary. 10:37:09 Jean: what do we do with UI Commons Model? 10:37:47 Joelle: we should review that in time for next week, right? 10:38:49 Jean: there are some changes we plan to make. 10:38:59 -[IPcaller] 10:39:01 - + 10:39:02 - +39.050.621.aadd 10:39:02 - +30231125aacc 10:39:07 Gerrit: any other business? 10:39:09 - +1.321.047.aabb 10:39:09 [no] 10:39:11 - +55213527aaaa 10:39:12 -Dsr 10:39:13 UW_MBUI()6:00AM has ended 10:39:13 Attendees were +55213527aaaa, Dsr, [Fraunhofer], +1.321.047.aabb, +30231125aacc, [IPcaller], +39.050.621.aadd, + 10:39:18 end of meeting 10:39:27 rrsagent, set logs public 10:42:26 Present: Dave Raggett, Gerrit Meixner, Nikolaos Kaklanis, Gaelle Calvary, Joelle Coutaz, Cristina Gonzalez, Ignacio Marin, Vivian Genaro Motti, Jean Vanderdonckt, Fabio PaternĂ², Jaroslav Pullmann 10:42:36 rrsagent, make minutes 10:42:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/09/20-mbui-minutes.html dsr 10:43:09 Chair: Gerrit 10:43:11 rrsagent, make minutes 10:43:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/09/20-mbui-minutes.html dsr 12:09:52 Zakim has left #mbui