13:55:20 RRSAgent has joined #tt 13:55:20 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/09/19-tt-irc 13:55:22 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:55:22 Zakim has joined #tt 13:55:24 Zakim, this will be TTML 13:55:24 ok, trackbot; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes 13:55:25 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 13:55:25 Date: 19 September 2013 13:57:36 SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has now started 13:57:44 + +1.417.671.aaaa 13:58:10 + +1.425.558.aabb 13:58:35 zakim, aaaa is glenn 13:58:35 +glenn; got it 13:58:43 zakim, aabb is sean 13:58:43 +sean; got it 13:58:57 +Plh 13:59:16 zakim, aabb is sean 13:59:16 sorry, glenn, I do not recognize a party named 'aabb' 14:01:23 tel:+1.617.258.0992 (Office) 14:02:36 mijordan has joined #tt 14:04:10 +[Adobe] 14:05:06 tmichel has joined #tt 14:05:59 andreas_tai has joined #tt 14:06:45 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ttml/raw-file/4932d6f9d68b/ttml1/spec/ttml1-changes.html#change-history-per-to-rec-2e 14:06:45 +??P28 14:06:54 + +49.893.aacc 14:07:05 zakim, ??P28 is tmichel 14:07:06 +tmichel; got it 14:07:26 Zakim, Adobe is mijordan 14:07:26 +mijordan; got it 14:07:56 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ttml/raw-file/default/ttml10/spec/ttml-changes.html#change-history-per-to-rec-23 14:11:10 charset 14:11:10 If specified, the charset parameter must match the XML encoding declaration, or if absent, the actual encoding. 14:12:45 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-tt/2013Aug/0052.html 14:17:38 +1 14:17:54 to using TTML1 14:18:12 scribe? 14:18:37 http://www.w3.org/TR/ttml1/ will be then 14:18:49 -Plh 14:19:07 scribenick: mijordan 14:19:42 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-tt/2013Sep/0035.html 14:20:12 Publication date for TTML 1.0SE is Sept 24 14:21:30 shortname url forthcoming 14:21:40 Action glenn to send final URL for SE publishing to ML 14:21:40 Created ACTION-202 - Send final url for se publishing to ml [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-09-26]. 14:22:02 Pending review actions: 14:22:17 Topic: Pending Review Actions 14:22:42 action-188? 14:22:42 action-188 -- Glenn Adams to Create an issue to address the use of other namespace vocabulary in the schema -- due 2013-09-15 -- PENDINGREVIEW 14:22:42 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/188 14:23:03 resolved by creating issue-178 14:23:10 s/178/278/ 14:23:14 issue-278? 14:23:14 issue-278 -- Tightening schema support for foreign vocabulary. -- open 14:23:14 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/278 14:23:28 close action-188 14:23:28 Closed action-188. 14:23:48 Action-198? 14:23:48 Action-198 -- Thierry Michel to Check if feature request for tracker notifications on action/issue new comment or status change has been added to requested feature list -- due 2013-09-12 -- PENDINGREVIEW 14:23:48 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/198 14:25:08 Thierry checked and such notifications are not currently supported. I sent email to w3t-sys requesting the feature, which should eventually show up on http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/todo 14:25:21 close action-188 14:25:21 Closed action-188. 14:25:40 close action-198 14:25:41 Closed action-198. 14:25:49 Action-199? 14:25:49 Action-199 -- Glenn Adams to Create new issue about need for region elements to obtain inherited styles, possibly from layout or tt element -- due 2013-09-12 -- PENDINGREVIEW 14:25:49 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/199 14:26:20 Opened issue-277 14:26:32 close Action-199 14:26:32 Closed Action-199. 14:26:55 Action-200? 14:26:55 Action-200 -- Glenn Adams to Add ttp:version to items for possible f2f agenda -- due 2013-09-12 -- PENDINGREVIEW 14:26:55 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/200 14:27:10 close action-200 14:27:10 Closed action-200. 14:27:17 Action-201? 14:27:17 Action-201 -- Nigel Megitt to Check if pixel aspect ratio makes a difference when performing the min and max comparison -- due 2013-09-12 -- PENDINGREVIEW 14:27:17 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/201 14:28:05 close Action-201 14:28:05 Closed Action-201. 14:28:33 Topic: Pending review issues 14:28:57 Issue-20? 14:28:57 Issue-20 -- Region border not supported -- pending review 14:28:57 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/20 14:31:03 Glenn: Added support for tts:border property. Question re supporting additional border styles for CEA-708. Need to determine how CSS3 border styles map to styles in CEA-708. 14:31:54 Added border on region and content elements since supported in CSS 14:33:03 close issue-20 14:33:03 Closed issue-20. 14:33:53 issue-20: if there are issues around 708 styles, a new issue should be opened with specifics 14:33:54 Notes added to issue-20 Region border not supported. 14:34:25 action glenn to investigate 708 border style mapping issues with mike's help 14:34:25 Created ACTION-203 - Investigate 708 border style mapping issues with mike's help [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-09-26]. 14:35:55 issue-22? 14:35:55 issue-22 -- window fade in/out not supported? -- pending review 14:35:55 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/22 14:36:38 Add support for continuous animation using animate element. https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ttml/rev/1d13586de640 14:37:27 definition from SVG for symantics 14:38:19 want to make sure it can be mapped to CSS animation 14:38:46 issue-22: need to check how well the animate semantics map to CSS3 Animation 14:38:46 Notes added to issue-22 window fade in/out not supported?. 14:39:08 Remain as pending review 14:39:48 Glenn: other changes made 14:40:41 - Set element: at support for targeting an element that is not immediate parent of set element 14:42:31 created grouping element in head for animation, in TTML2 introduced concepts of inline and out-of-line animation 14:44:52 glenn: described recent changes to introduce animate element, inline vs out-of-line animation, etc. 14:45:11 sean: let's leave this issue-22 pending until i can review 14:45:30 issue-23? 14:45:30 issue-23 -- intermediate animation of extent -- pending review 14:45:30 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/23 14:46:29 leave issue-23 pending review and issue-72 open 14:46:41 issue-159? 14:46:41 issue-159 -- Text orientation in I18n script processing -- pending review 14:46:41 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/159 14:46:44 s/open/pending review/ 14:49:35 glenn: added tts:textOrientation styling attribute, with mixed, sideways, and upright values. but will be adding sideways-left and sideways-right values 14:49:41 action glenn to add sideways{Left,Right} then close issue-159 14:49:41 Created ACTION-204 - Add sideways{left,right} then close issue-159 [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-09-26]. 14:50:22 action-204: should also then be able to close issue-231 14:50:22 Notes added to action-204 Add sideways{left,right} then close issue-159. 14:50:55 should be able to close issue-231 at same time 14:51:37 issue-231? 14:51:37 issue-231 -- Individual character rotation -- open 14:51:37 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/231 14:51:54 issue-167? 14:51:54 issue-167 -- allowing attributes that have no semantics on specific elements -- pending review 14:51:54 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/167 14:51:56 issue-231: should be closed upon conclusion of action-204 14:51:56 Notes added to issue-231 Individual character rotation. 14:53:48 Added note in 8.2 14:54:39 Sean: pending review from Mike Dolan 14:54:51 issue-168? 14:54:51 issue-168 -- Padding on tt:p and tt:span elements -- pending review 14:54:51 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/168 14:54:52 issue-167: mike should review, but WG appears satisfied 14:54:52 Notes added to issue-167 allowing attributes that have no semantics on specific elements. 14:55:56 Glenn: added support for padding for all content elements, maps natively to css and xfl-fo 14:56:31 question about background color going through padding 14:57:54 andreas: original requirement from EBU that with added padding the background color displays in the padded portion of the region 14:59:18 close issue-168 14:59:18 Closed issue-168. 15:00:24 andreas: question is there a difference between adding padding on div and p 15:00:39 glenn: padding is cummulative 15:00:53 issue-176? 15:00:53 issue-176 -- Adding support for extent and origin attributes on block elements -- pending review 15:00:53 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/176 15:01:28 glenn: note added to issue 15:02:39 sean: note describes solution that has not been the industry practice 15:03:43 glenn: problem with proposed solution in that it would be confusing to those that think in terms of css 15:04:32 sean: we'll have to articulate reasons for the change to implementors in the industry 15:07:02 sean: can't close at this point because it's not what was originally requested 15:07:23 action sean to forward this solution to relevant implementers for their input 15:07:23 Created ACTION-205 - Forward this solution to relevant implementers for their input [on Sean Hayes - due 2013-09-26]. 15:11:06 Glenn: if we put origin and extent on content element it puts them outside of the region inheritence 15:13:14 sean: it's an issue of purity over common practice 15:19:09 put on agenda for face to face 15:20:03 action glenn to add agenda items for F2F to discuss targeted animation, inline vs out-of-line regions 15:20:03 Created ACTION-206 - Add agenda items for f2f to discuss targeted animation, inline vs out-of-line regions [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-09-26]. 15:20:14 issue-178? 15:20:14 issue-178 -- initial values and style set calculations are unclear, especially for transformable attributes -- pending review 15:20:14 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/178 15:21:25 keep pending review from Mike Dolan 15:22:47 issue-193? 15:22:47 issue-193 -- Address SMPTE Questions for Region, Border, etc. related to character edge attributes -- pending review 15:22:47 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/193 15:23:03 issue-193: closing in deference to more specific issues 15:23:03 Notes added to issue-193 Address SMPTE Questions for Region, Border, etc. related to character edge attributes. 15:23:17 closing in deference to more specific issues added later 15:23:46 close issue-193 15:23:46 Closed issue-193. 15:24:08 issue-206? 15:24:08 issue-206 -- Add ttp:profileCombination parameter -- pending review 15:24:08 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/206 15:25:17 sean: part of more complex set of changes around profiles. added to agenda for face to face 15:25:27 keep pending review 15:25:42 issue-225 15:25:42 issue-225 -- tts:fontSize as percentage of container dimensions -- pending review 15:25:42 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/225 15:26:21 glenn: added 4 new units vh/vw and vmin/vmax 15:26:47 glenn: what does size mean re vmin/vmax 15:27:31 sean: another issues discussing what does pixel mean in absence of defined space 15:27:45 glenn: leave pending for time being 15:28:04 sean: agreed 15:28:16 issue-232 15:28:16 issue-232 -- Bottom-to-top text direction -- pending review 15:28:16 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/232 15:29:09 glenn: proposing to close in absence of bottom to top text direction in css 15:30:17 sean: agree with closing as ST 428-7 has been deprecated 15:30:29 close issue-232 15:30:29 Closed issue-232. 15:30:48 issue-257? 15:30:48 issue-257 -- Interpretation of percentage tts:fontSize on region element -- pending review 15:30:48 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/257 15:32:48 glenn: further tweaked definition of percentage in tts:fontSize 15:33:38 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ttml/raw-file/default/ttml1/spec/ttml1.html#style-attribute-fontSize 15:33:57 glenn: see clarification of "Percentages:" 15:34:46 editorial change will be included in TTML 1.0 SE 15:34:55 close issue-257 15:34:55 Closed issue-257. 15:35:18 issue-259? 15:35:18 issue-259 -- Define "closest" -- pending review 15:35:18 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/259 15:36:07 Glenn: added definition of "closest" in each place it was used. 15:37:02 Glenn: pierre suggested adding a round-down clarification 15:37:20 issue-259: need to add "round-down" clarification, then close 15:37:20 Notes added to issue-259 Define "closest". 15:37:33 sean: agreed 15:37:52 action glenn to add round-down clarification to "closest" language, see issue-259 15:37:53 Created ACTION-207 - Add round-down clarification to "closest" language, see issue-259 [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-09-26]. 15:38:13 leave as pending 15:38:20 issue-260? 15:38:20 issue-260 -- When agent is not @type 'character', then should prohibit actor child. -- pending review 15:38:20 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/260 15:39:04 Glenn: Addressed by allowing all agent types to be referenced by actor. 15:39:17 close issue-260 15:39:17 Closed issue-260. 15:39:34 issue-261? 15:39:34 issue-261 -- signaling docoument profile conformance is separate from decoder presentation requirements -- pending review 15:39:34 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/261 15:40:14 Glenn: added ttp:contentProfile parameter 15:40:22 leave pending review 15:40:29 issue-262? 15:40:29 issue-262 -- tts:extent semantics if value not supported -- pending review 15:40:29 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/262 15:42:15 Glenn: leave as pending review for Michael Dolan to review, since he raised the issue. 15:42:44 issue-264? 15:42:44 issue-264 -- What XML entities are valid in TTML canonical syntax -- pending review 15:42:44 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/264 15:43:08 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ttml/raw-file/default/ttml1/spec/ttml1.html#concrete-encoding 15:43:43 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ttml/raw-file/tip/ttml2/spec/ttml2.html#concrete-encoding 15:43:58 Glenn: added note to appendix N (non-normative) in TTML1 15:45:32 s/appendix M/appendix N 15:45:52 same note in TTML2 15:46:29 close issue-264 15:46:29 Closed issue-264. 15:46:52 issue-266? 15:46:52 issue-266 -- add ability for instance documents to declare what profile(s) it conforms to -- pending review 15:46:52 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/266 15:47:01 leave pending review 15:47:07 issue-268? 15:47:07 issue-268 -- Purpose of new draft wording in 12.2.1 is unclear -- pending review 15:47:07 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/268 15:48:09 close issue-268 15:48:09 Closed issue-268. 15:48:25 issue-271? 15:48:25 issue-271 -- 9.3.2 Smooth transition reference unavailable or requires purchase to resolve -- pending review 15:48:25 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/271 15:51:10 close issue-271 15:51:10 Closed issue-271. 15:51:18 issue-274? 15:51:18 issue-274 -- Semantics of "prohibited" features -- pending review 15:51:18 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/274 15:53:15 Glenn: TTML2 added note: Use of the prohibited value for a feature value is not to be interpreted as meaning that a conformant processor need not or must not support the default semantics that apply for that feature. 15:53:29 close issue-274 15:53:29 Closed issue-274. 15:53:39 issue-275? 15:53:39 issue-275 -- Improve compatibility with line height 'normal' and CSS/XSL-FO implementations. -- pending review 15:53:39 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/275 15:56:13 action glenn to add note to issue-275 linking to follow-on changelist which changed to 125% and made a note in ttml1 15:56:13 Created ACTION-208 - Add note to issue-275 linking to follow-on changelist which changed to 125% and made a note in ttml1 [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-09-26]. 15:56:24 close issue-275 15:56:24 Closed issue-275. 15:56:41 issue-279? 15:56:41 issue-279 -- Add @designator attribute to ttp:profile element. -- pending review 15:56:41 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/279 15:59:23 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ttml/raw-file/tip/ttml2/spec/ttml2.html#parameter-vocabulary-profile 16:00:17 close issue-279 16:00:17 Closed issue-279. 16:00:42 - +49.893.aacc 16:00:47 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:00:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/09/19-tt-minutes.html tmichel 16:00:51 -sean 16:00:53 trackbot, end meeting 16:00:53 Zakim, list attendees 16:00:53 As of this point the attendees have been +1.417.671.aaaa, +1.425.558.aabb, glenn, sean, Plh, +49.893.aacc, tmichel, mijordan 16:01:01 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:01:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/09/19-tt-minutes.html trackbot 16:01:02 RRSAgent, bye 16:01:02 I see no action items