09:47:13 RRSAgent has joined #mbui 09:47:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/07/05-mbui-irc 09:47:19 chair: Fabio 09:47:27 scribe: Dave 09:47:29 scribenick: dsr 09:47:45 meeting: Model-Based UI weekly meeting 10:00:48 zakim, call dsr-office 10:00:48 ok, dsr; the call is being made 10:00:49 UW_MBUI()6:00AM has now started 10:00:50 +Dsr 10:01:39 +??P0 10:02:04 + + 10:02:18 Present: Dave, Cristina, Joelle, Gaelle 10:02:20 + +30231125aabb 10:02:42 Present+ Nicholas 10:02:48 joelle has joined #mbui 10:03:41 +Klaus/Johannes/Thomas 10:03:55 Present+ Jaroslav 10:04:42 Fabio has joined #mbui 10:05:01 + +39.050.621.aacc 10:05:12 Present+ Fabio 10:06:04 gaelle_ has joined #mbui 10:07:44 Topic: Next Week's F2F 10:08:18 We discuss the details of how to get to the meeting site. Dave will post some info on trains to email and wiki. 10:09:29 +[IPcaller] 10:09:55 Jaroslav notes that he will arrive late on Wednesday, so please don't start with the glossary. 10:09:59 davide has joined #mbui 10:10:09 -[IPcaller] 10:10:26 +[IPcaller] 10:10:42 Present+ davide 10:12:20 Fabio: I would like us to liaise with the IndieUI working group, could we invite them to the F2F? 10:12:42 Dave: too late for that to be practical, let's invite them to a future telecon. 10:13:13 Their website http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/ 10:14:07 Dave: I will contact them to see if one of them can attend a future MBUI telecon to describe their work and discuss its relationship to model-based UI 10:15:37 The F2F agenda is at http://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?title=Munich_2013_Face_to_Face_Agenda 10:22:39 We discuss some reordering for the agenda. To start with the invited presentation by RedHat, then a brief review the use case study , followed by the task model spec which won't take long. 10:23:02 We would start on the AUI spec in the morning and carry on in the afternoon. 10:23:44 ... finishing with the glossary before breaking for the evening. 10:24:42 Dave to check with Heiko about lunch arrangements, but we wouldn't want the lunch break to last beyond one hour. 10:25:27 Topic: Latest updates to the Glossary 10:25:58 Joelle and Gaelle have moved the struck out items into a separate document so that we don't lose them. 10:27:14 Secondary terms are now shown as white text on a black background. 10:27:50 Jaroslav: we should prioritize our time at the F2F to focus on the more important items first. 10:29:17 Joelle: everyone needs to review the glossary and come to the meeting prepared to discuss the details. 10:30:32 Jaroslav has some concerns that the glossary needs more work to appeal to the industry audience. 10:31:06 He cites references to Cameleon Reference Framework as a case in point 10:33:44 The wording is sometimes to abstract and needs simplifying with concrete examples. 10:33:50 s/to/too/ 10:36:45 We can discuss this further at the face to face ... 10:38:05 Fabio reviews the F2F agenda for the second day. 10:39:32 We have three documents to publish after the meeting: AUI, Introduction to MBUI and the Glossary. 10:49:01 -??P0 10:49:02 - +30231125aabb 10:49:02 -[IPcaller] 10:49:03 - +39.050.621.aacc 10:49:03 - + 10:49:04 -Klaus/Johannes/Thomas 10:49:09 -Dsr 10:49:11 UW_MBUI()6:00AM has ended 10:49:11 Attendees were Dsr, +, +30231125aabb, Klaus/Johannes/Thomas, +39.050.621.aacc, [IPcaller] 10:49:59 If necessary we can continue some items over from the first day to the second. 10:50:27 Fabio: we can tweak the agenda at the start of the meeting. 10:50:44 We say goodbye and look forward to meeting each other in Munich. 10:50:53 rrsagent, set logs public 10:51:00 rrsagent, make minutes 10:51:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/07/05-mbui-minutes.html dsr 11:05:54 hbraun has joined #mbui 12:52:50 Zakim has left #mbui 12:57:18 hbraun has joined #mbui