20:00:41 RRSAgent has joined #html-techs-tf 20:00:41 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/05/30-html-techs-tf-irc 20:00:47 WAI_WCAG()4:00PM has now started 20:00:54 +James_Nurthen 20:01:00 rrsagent, make log world 20:01:09 zakim, this is WAI_WCAG 20:01:09 jamesn, this was already WAI_WCAG()4:00PM 20:01:10 ok, jamesn; that matches WAI_WCAG()4:00PM 20:01:25 Meeting: HTML5 and ARIA Techniques TF 20:01:32 chair: James_Nurthen 20:01:54 agenda+ Survey - More ARIA techniques for 02 May 2013. *Question Number 2 ONLY* - https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/20130502tfaria2/ 20:02:09 agenda+ Updates on other techniques. Is there anything else ready for survey - http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Techniques/ARIA 20:02:13 agenda? 20:02:35 + +49.403.17.aaaa 20:02:42 Loretta has joined #html-techs-tf 20:02:51 +Cooper 20:03:11 +[Google] 20:03:41 zakim, aaaa is Detlev_Fischer 20:03:41 +Detlev_Fischer; got it 20:03:45 agenda- 1 20:03:50 agenda? 20:04:03 +Paul_Adam 20:04:53 pauljadam has joined #html-techs-tf 20:05:00 scribe: Detlev 20:05:27 zakim, next item 20:05:27 agendum 2. "Survey - More ARIA techniques for 02 May 2013. *Question Number 2 ONLY* - https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/20130502tfaria2/" taken up [from jamesn] 20:05:53 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/20130502tfaria2/ 20:07:12 jongunderson has joined #html-techs-tf 20:07:15 Technique put together originally by Josh 20:07:17 marcjohlic has joined #html-techs-tf 20:07:25 +Marc_Johlic 20:07:31 Hasn't been touched since April 20:07:58 James: Suggests to make soe changes now 20:09:19 James: roe alert has an implicit aria-live of 'assertive' on it 20:09:28 +Jon_Gunderson 20:09:47 adam_solomon has joined #html-techs-tf 20:09:57 James (editing on the fly) 20:10:02 +[IPcaller] 20:10:09 +Katie_Haritos-Shea 20:10:33 zakim, IPcaller is Adam_Solomon 20:10:33 +Adam_Solomon; got it 20:10:50 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/20130502tfaria2/ 20:11:28 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/20130502tfaria2/results#xrange 20:11:30 James: asking for suggestions for phrasing (second technique in survey) 20:11:53 Ryladog has joined #html-techs-tf 20:13:10 Adam / Detlev: Unclear what "(on an allowed HTML element used in HTML forms) " refers to 20:13:39 Michael: refers to elements where that role is allowed 20:14:51 James: couldn"t we generally refer to a document (tech note) allowed aria roles properties in HTML rather than out it in particular techniques? 20:15:23 Loretta: concerned that it my not materialize 20:15:45 James: does that qualification add any value? 20:16:52 Michael: on some ARIA techniques it may be important to point out that range of ARIA roles/attributes that can be used is limited 20:18:02 James (dropping parentheses form description and similar refernce in test procedure) 20:18:35 James: clarify the implicit aria-assertive? 20:19:23 -Cooper 20:20:07 (Editing ongoing) 20:20:29 This technique uses the ARIA role attribute with the value of “alert” in order to provide a suggestion to the user for correction on form input errors. Aria roles of alert have an implicit aria-live value of assertive which informs assistive technologies to monitor an applicable node and convey changes. 20:21:00 +Cooper 20:23:12 James (adding reference to SC 3.3.1 Error Identification: 20:24:24 Paul: would like a simpler example that doesn't require JavaScript 20:25:07 JAmes / Loretta: agree - question whehter Paul would pick up that technique 20:25:16 Paul: agrees 20:25:57 Paul: talking about a different technique (aria-live) 20:26:45 Paul: pointing out different rendering with JAWS in iE8 20:26:55 James: not really an issue 20:27:51 Paul: Using role alert plus aria-assertive may improve browser coverage 20:27:54 http://pauljadam.com/demos/aria-alert-validation.html 20:28:14 +Robin_Tuttle 20:28:42 robin has joined #html-techs-tf 20:28:50 Paul: mentioning James Craig's response to Paul's technique 20:29:43 Paul: user agent notes can cover UA and AT support 20:30:08 James: examples will need to be hosted somewhere - Michael, jQuery OK? 20:30:21 Michael: yes, in principle(?) 20:31:19 Paul: different ways, also inline validation 20:31:55 James: Asks Paul to take up technique and put in link to Paul's example - changing source as well 20:32:51 Paul: use examples for both techniques? 20:33:04 James: people were against merging the techniues 20:33:20 Lorentta: same example may be applicable for different techniques 20:34:19 James: Title of techniques were changed last week - may be the two techniques SHOULD be combined 20:34:49 Paul: A technique may show the different live regions types, polite, assertive etc.. 20:35:35 James: A technique may take specific use cases for live regions 20:36:34 Paul: His aim was to take the use case of error msgs and how to use either aria liver regions or role alert 20:37:12 James: Paul, want to combine them? 20:37:16 Paul: sure 20:37:29 James: can be undone if problems appear 20:38:34 James (editing) 20:39:27 James: Recommends Paul should take a look at Jason's detailed comments 20:39:51 Pau: Shall we look at test procedure for role =alert? 20:40:21 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Using_ARIA_Live_Regions_or_role%3Dalert_to_Identify_Errors 20:40:45 Loretta: Test seems to rely on particular AT behavior 20:41:23 Paul: whether live region is automaticlly read depends on AT in use 20:42:06 Loretta: Test procedure should tell evaluator whether the technique has been correctly implemented 20:42:27 Paul: like " container has the right role, error message is inserted" 20:42:41 James (doing the test procedure on the fly) 20:43:34 jamesn has left #html-techs-tf 20:43:41 jamesn has joined #html-techs-tf 20:44:07 # Check that there is an ARIA role attribute with value of “alert” or a live region with aria-live="assertive" 20:44:07 # Trigger the error 20:44:07 # Check that the error is inserted into the container with role="alert" or the live region with aria-live="assertive" 20:44:36 Paul: Should AT list browser version and SR make/version? 20:44:40 Yes 20:45:08 Paul: First step may not be needed could be insterted into the DOM 20:46:06 Adam: Language for test procedure may not be appropriate, things like "Make sure" .. 20:46:35 James: You have to declare role of container then insert it in the DOM 20:47:14 error 20:47:16 Adam: Why does it have to be inserted? Can it not be more generic? 20:47:59 James: The order in which you insert stuff is important affects end result 20:48:35 Loretta: Test procedures can describe necessary conditions for JavaScript 20:49:23 Adam: It could be a display:none nd then be shown at the occassion of the error occuring 20:50:16 Paul: in his example the contsiner is already there and then text is inserted 20:50:44 James: You can"t make changes of roles after pageload 20:50:59 Loretta: Some of this discussion should go into the description! 20:51:15 Paul: expalins that he can put that into the technique 20:51:36 Loretta: Good to have a variety of examples that show the subtleties as well 20:51:57 http://blog.paciellogroup.com/2012/06/html5-accessibility-chops-aria-rolealert-browser-support/ 20:53:00 Paul: referring to the differences in support of the different methods 1-4 in Steve's page 20:53:22 Are we done soon?(...) 20:54:08 Paul: WIll take what has been discussed and compile that into one technique 20:54:25 Paul: OK to share techniques on Twitter 20:54:51 -Adam_Solomon 20:55:04 James: Yes it"S all public, no concerns - clearly it's all in development, but that's fine 20:55:27 Loretta: It would also be great to get input from people 20:56:43 James: Three Failures from Detlev can go into survey for next week 20:57:11 Loretta: referring to third question on the survey (changed title) 20:57:21 James: Unclear what was concluded 20:57:46 Adam: Concludion was to explore whether aria-hidden could also be used 20:57:59 Sorry, not Adam that was Paul 20:58:42 James: Need investigation whether aria-hidden also work 20:58:57 Paul Will HTML5 hidden attriburte work as well? 20:59:15 James: Looking just at ARIA at the moment 20:59:44 Loretta: OK to look at HTML5 as well 21:00:30 James: takes up putting together some test cases for aria-hidden 21:00:35 -Jon_Gunderson 21:01:03 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 21:01:37 James: Agenda will go out on Tuesday - three or four things is plenty 21:01:37 -Paul_Adam 21:01:41 -James_Nurthen 21:01:43 -Cooper 21:01:48 -Marc_Johlic 21:01:52 -Detlev_Fischer 21:01:53 -[Google] 21:01:56 -Robin_Tuttle 21:01:57 WAI_WCAG()4:00PM has ended 21:01:57 Attendees were James_Nurthen, +49.403.17.aaaa, Cooper, [Google], Detlev_Fischer, Paul_Adam, Marc_Johlic, Jon_Gunderson, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Adam_Solomon, Robin_Tuttle 21:02:09 rrsagent, make minutes 21:02:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/05/30-html-techs-tf-minutes.html jamesn