14:44:00 RRSAgent has joined #forms 14:44:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/05/29-forms-irc 14:44:02 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:44:02 Zakim has joined #forms 14:44:04 Zakim, this will be IA_XForms 14:44:04 ok, trackbot; I see IA_XForms()11:00AM scheduled to start in 16 minutes 14:44:05 Meeting: Forms Working Group Teleconference 14:44:05 Date: 29 May 2013 14:44:35 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2013May/0023 14:44:43 Steven has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2013May/0023 14:44:49 Regrets: Philip 14:44:53 Chair: Steven 14:51:20 ebruchez has joined #forms 14:55:44 alain has joined #forms 15:00:48 IA_XForms()11:00AM has now started 15:00:56 +??P26 15:00:58 zakim, I am ? 15:00:58 +Steven; got it 15:01:12 ebruchez has joined #forms 15:01:55 +[IPcaller] 15:02:12 zakim, [ is alain 15:02:12 +alain; got it 15:02:26 zakim, code? 15:02:26 the conference code is 93676 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), nvdbleek 15:02:37 +ebruchez 15:03:24 +??P39 15:03:32 zakim, I am ??P39 15:03:32 +nvdbleek; got it 15:04:29 scribe: nvdbleek 15:04:36 Topic: ACTION-1949 - Add note about use of var with other scripting 15:04:36 languages 15:04:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2013May/0020.html 15:05:34 Steven: Looks alright for me 15:05:45 nvdbleek: Looks fine for me too 15:06:01 Steven: alain did you have a chance to look at it? 15:06:51 alain: It's ok for me 15:07:02 Steven: Erik thank you very much 15:07:10 close action-1949 15:07:10 Closed ACTION-1949 Add note about use of var with other scripting languages.. 15:07:13 Topic: ACTION-1947 - Import the XPath 3.0 serialize() function to XForms 2.0 15:07:14 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2013May/0021.html 15:07:16 Topic: ACTION-1947 - Import the XPath 3.0 serialize() function to XForms 15:07:16 2.0 15:07:16 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2013May/0021.html 15:07:56 ebruchez: For this one I had a few more questions 15:08:38 ebruchez: The way things are structured, Xpath 3.0 defines the function, the serialisation and the parameters are defined in XSLT and XQuery Serialization 3.0 15:08:43 unl has joined #forms 15:09:19 ebruchez: The serialisation spec allows you to extend the basic functionality, by default you can specify the method and some other parameters 15:09:40 ebruchez: I think the parameters aren't mandatory to implement 15:09:54 ebruchez: you can specify your own in your own namespace 15:10:23 ebruchez: I added a JSON serialisation, relevant pruning and validation 15:10:34 ebruchez: they are all in our namespace 15:10:59 ebruchez: nvdbleek already commented on some of my questions 15:11:47 ebruchez: historically yes and no are used, but we use true and false, what should we use, maybe support both 15:12:27 ebruchez: The next question is what about failure, e.g. json serialisation may fail if you are serialising arbitrary XML 15:12:43 +unl 15:13:00 Steven: Certain things get ignored, I don't remember if JSON serialisation can fail 15:13:20 alain: If it doesn't fail, you could miss data 15:13:38 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/index.php?title=XPath_Expressions_Module&diff=3800&oldid=3750#The_serialize.28.29_Function 15:13:54 ebruchez: there is another error case, when you enable validate and the serialised item isn't valid 15:14:24 ebruchez: On error we could return either an empty string or we could throw a dynamic error 15:14:47 ebruchez: I think we should throw an error 15:15:11 alain: There is already an event 15:16:17 ebruchez: I don't like function sending events, because then you need to be able to send an event in the middle of evaluating an XPath expression, which could be handled. It works for submission because it is triggered in an action 15:16:35 alain: How can you catch a dynamic error in XPath? 15:17:00 ebruchez: XQuery has a try/catch mechanism but XPath doesn't has it 15:17:06 http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery-30/#id-try-catch 15:18:34 nvdbleek: There are already other XPath functions that throw dynamic exception, we might add exception handling in a future version of the spec 15:19:24 ebruchez: When you do text serialisation you won't know the difference between serialising an empty element or an exception 15:19:38 ebruchez: I think throwing an error is the right way to go 15:19:49 nvdbleek: +1 for throwing a dynamic error 15:20:56 alain: I would like to have media type as a serialisation parameter, are they all boolean 15:21:18 alain: why not use media type to configure the serialisation method 15:22:11 ebruchez: Because we decided to go for the xpath 3.0 serialise function. They have a serialisation method text, html, xml 15:22:22 alain: They are not media types 15:22:39 ebruchez: They are indeed not media types, they are just values 15:22:57 http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-xquery-serialization-30/#serparam 15:23:16 method: An expanded QName with a null namespace URI, and the local part of the name equal to one of xml, xhtml, html or text, or having a non-null namespace URI. If the namespace URI is non-null, the parameter specifies an implementation-defined output method. 15:23:42 Steven: It does a mediatype 15:23:55 … parameter as well 15:24:08 media-type: A string of Unicode characters specifying the media type (MIME content type) [RFC2046]; the charset parameter of the media type MUST NOT be specified explicitly in the value of the media-type parameter. If the destination of the serialized output is annotated with a media type, this parameter MAY be used to provide such an annotation. For example, it MAY be used to set the media type in an HTTP header. 15:24:38 ebruchez: In our case we couldn't use media-type because it doesn't influence the method parameter 15:25:17 ebruchez: the supported parameters depend on the method parameter 15:25:53 ebruchez: The spec doesn't say implement everything in the document, there are a lot of may's in the spec 15:26:09 ebruchez: It is very flexible 15:28:02 Steven: alain doesn't like that this isn't fully in sync with the xforms submission because xforms uses media-type to drive the serialisation method 15:29:01 nvdbleek: I think we should go for extending the value space of method by adding xforms:json and xfroms:csv 15:30:25 ebruchez: I also think we should go for the xpath 3.0 function, I don't like the xpath 3.0 way of specifying the serialisation parameters, but we don't have to do all the specification work 15:30:40 Steven: Are you OK with it 15:30:50 alain: If we add CSV I'm OK with it 15:31:41 ebruchez: Most standard boolean serialization parameters are "yes" and "no". 15:31:42 Should we use that too, or "true" and "false"? Or accept both? 15:32:13 ebruchez: that is for xforms:relevance and xforms:validate 15:32:25 alain: I would like to go with yes and no 15:32:32 ebruchez: That's fine for me 15:32:55 ebruchez: Is it unexpected to users that, by default, non-relevant nodes are pruned? This is consistent with xforms:submission 15:34:22 nvdbleek: I think we should go for pruning by default 15:34:28 agree 15:34:52 ebruchez: I'm not sure about the xforms:validate parameter 15:35:53 ebruchez: We have a valid() function, if you want to ensure that serialisation only happens when data is valid, you can use the valid() function 15:37:19 -alain 15:37:33 ebruchez: If we keep the xforms:validate parameter we have to specify what should happen when validation is on and you have invalid nodes 15:37:45 +[IPcaller] 15:39:07 if (valid(foo)) then serialize(foo) else '' 15:39:19 ebruchez: you don't want to run the validation process while evaluating XPath expressions, consequently the data shouldn't be re-validated while running the serialize function 15:39:40 nvdbleek: I'm in havoc of dropping the xforms:validate parameter 15:39:49 alain: +1 for removing xforms:validate parameter 15:40:31 ebruchez: How do we link to other specifications 15:42:01 s/havoc/favor/ 15:42:07 +1 15:42:22 nvdbleek: We add those to the references and and link to the reference from within the spec, We also point to dated versions of other specifications 15:42:48 ebruchez: nvdbleek comment "Shouldn't the default value for xforms:relevant be true (currently specified value is false)" 15:44:02 ebruchez: We agreed to prune by default 15:44:35 ebruchez: Let me double check the submission spec to make sure if it is specified correctly 15:45:53 ebruchez: OK, you are correct, the default value should be true 15:46:30 ebruchez: Others comments are no longer relevant because we dropped the xforms:validate parameter 15:46:46 ebruchez: I can update the text accordingly 15:47:31 Topic: ACTION-1943: Erik investigate why XPath 3 chose the function 15:47:31 signature they did for serialization 15:47:32 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2013May/0003.html 15:47:59 ebruchez: We covered this 15:48:08 close action-1943 15:48:08 Closed ACTION-1943 Investigate why XPath 3 chose the function signature they did for serialization. 15:50:43 -ebruchez 15:50:45 -Steven 15:50:45 -[IPcaller] 15:50:46 -unl 15:50:52 -nvdbleek 15:50:53 IA_XForms()11:00AM has ended 15:50:53 Attendees were Steven, [IPcaller], alain, ebruchez, nvdbleek, unl 15:50:54 Oh, hi Uli! 15:51:07 rrsagent, make minutes 15:51:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/05/29-forms-minutes.html Steven 15:52:04 alain has left #forms 16:38:44 ebruchez has joined #forms 17:21:34 Zakim has left #forms