19:45:24 RRSAgent has joined #crypto 19:45:24 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/05/20-crypto-irc 19:47:44 Zakim, this will be webcrypto 19:47:44 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, virginie 19:48:09 Zakim, this will be webcrypto 19:48:09 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, virginie 19:48:17 Zakim, this will be crypto 19:48:17 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, virginie 19:54:23 rbarnes has joined #crypto 19:56:33 zakim, this will be CRYPT 19:56:33 ok, wseltzer; I see SEC_WebCryp()4:00PM scheduled to start in 4 minutes 19:56:33 sangrae has joined #crypto 19:56:39 trackbot, prepare teleconf 19:56:41 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:56:43 Zakim, this will be SEC_WebCryp 19:56:43 ok, trackbot, I see SEC_WebCryp()4:00PM already started 19:56:44 Meeting: Web Cryptography Working Group Teleconference 19:56:44 Date: 20 May 2013 19:57:46 Chair: virginie 19:58:12 agenda ? 19:58:41 +jyates 19:58:53 agenda+ welcome 19:59:04 agenda+ status on futures 19:59:10 karen has joined #crypto 19:59:12 +[IPcaller] 19:59:37 agenda+ status on key derivation/generation/agreement 19:59:47 +ddahl 19:59:50 agenda+ status on key wrap/unwrap 20:00:02 agenda+ action followup 20:00:11 +Wendy 20:00:17 +[Microsoft] 20:00:22 agenda+ next PWD 20:00:31 agenda+ status on use cases 20:00:39 zakim, Microsoft has Israel 20:00:39 +Israel; got it 20:00:41 agenda+ next F2F meeting 20:00:47 israelh has joined #crypto 20:00:57 agenda+ AOB (WASH13, ...) 20:01:10 MichaelH has joined #crypto 20:01:14 +Google 20:01:44 +Karen 20:01:45 + +1.512.257.aabb 20:01:57 karen_odonoghue has joined #crypto 20:01:59 + +1.512.257.aacc 20:02:08 zakim, who's on the phone? 20:02:08 On the phone I see +1.617.873.aaaa, jyates, Sangrae, ddahl, Wendy, [Microsoft], Google, Karen, +1.512.257.aabb, +1.512.257.aacc 20:02:10 zakim, aabb is Karen 20:02:11 [Microsoft] has Israel 20:02:11 +Karen; got it 20:02:13 zakim, i am aaaa 20:02:13 +rbarnes; got it 20:02:45 zakim, who is on the phone ? 20:02:45 On the phone I see rbarnes, jyates, Sangrae, ddahl, Wendy, [Microsoft], Google, Karen, Karen.a, Virginie 20:02:48 [Microsoft] has Israel 20:02:48 Google has rsleevi 20:02:54 zakim, Karen.a is really Michael 20:02:54 +Michael; got it 20:02:57 + +1.540.809.aadd 20:03:18 zakim, aadd is kodonog 20:03:18 +kodonog; got it 20:03:18 zakim, who is on the phone ? 20:03:19 On the phone I see rbarnes, jyates, Sangrae, ddahl, Wendy, [Microsoft], Google, Karen, Michael, Virginie, kodonog 20:03:19 [Microsoft] has Israel 20:03:19 Google has rsleevi 20:04:02 agenda? 20:04:06 zakim, kodonog is really karen_odonoghue 20:04:06 +karen_odonoghue; got it 20:05:37 markw has joined #crypto 20:05:52 agenda+ dictionary 20:06:13 scribenick: rbarnes 20:06:20 hi, i'm richard, and i'll be your scribe today 20:06:59 zakim, take up agendum 2 20:06:59 agendum 2. "status on futures" taken up [from virginie] 20:07:14 virginie: ryan, any news on futures? 20:07:22 rsleevi: discussion is ongoing 20:07:34 … one of the ongoing issues is cancellation 20:07:37 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-script-coord/2013AprJun/thread.html#msg316 20:07:41 … discussion going on on public-script-coord 20:08:38 eroman has joined #crypto 20:08:43 … haven't published all of it yet; will address things that have been published as they come up in the agenda 20:08:56 virginie: are you confident that the cancellation aspect will be solved soon? 20:08:59 rsleevi: yes 20:09:16 virginie: will you be able to publish something integrating futures in the beginning of june? 20:09:36 rsleevi: can put up a draft that reflects the api, but would like to hold off and get the algorithm side as well 20:09:45 +Netflix 20:09:55 … have the draft ready, holding off publishing pending the cancellation discussions 20:10:19 vgb has joined #crypto 20:10:20 … we could push forward if we want to ignore that discussion for the moment, but they're very active 20:10:46 +[Microsoft.a] 20:10:52 virginie: still hoping to see an editor draft in ~3 jun 20:10:58 zakim, [microsoft.a] is me 20:10:58 +vgb; got it 20:11:00 ACTION rsleevi to publish new editor's draft due June 3 20:11:00 Created ACTION-101 - Publish new editor's draft due June 3 [on Ryan Sleevi - due 2013-05-27]. 20:11:35 israel: my understanding is that futures are a whatwg concept now, right? 20:12:00 rsleevi: futures as a DOM concept is in whatwg, but futures have been discussed in a couple of w3c WGs 20:12:29 israel: do we expect that there will be a w3c minimal spec on futures, or will we have a dependency on whatwg definitions? 20:12:43 rsleevi: don't have an answer at the moment, would have to see how other groups are doing it 20:13:02 israel: would like to heard about how others in this group feel about referencing whatwg 20:13:15 q? 20:13:17 rsleevi: you've touched on one of the most political issues around, would like to avoid it 20:13:39 … important in any case to make sure we're consistent with webapps 20:13:56 israelh: would hate to see it happen that not having one thing would derail the other 20:14:09 WebApps announcement thread - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2013JanMar/1040.html 20:14:14 virginie: would be happy to get feedback from w3c on this question 20:14:45 ACTION virginie and wendy/harry to get clarity on status of futures 20:14:45 Created ACTION-102 - And wendy/harry to get clarity on status of futures [on Virginie GALINDO - due 2013-05-27]. 20:15:24 agenda? 20:15:56 virginie: rsleevi, any further comments on the spec? 20:16:03 rsleevi: on item 2 or item 3/4 20:16:15 … nothing further on agenda item 2 20:16:23 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webcrypto-api/ 20:16:25 virginie: spec in general 20:16:40 rsleevi: actions 90 and 87 have been addressed in that 20:17:04 ACTION-90? 20:17:04 ACTION-90 -- Ryan Sleevi to add in wrap/unwrap as "feature at risk" to low-level -- due 2013-05-01 -- OPEN 20:17:04 http://www.w3.org/2012/webcrypto/track/actions/90 20:17:23 … action-90 is key wrap/unwrap 20:17:44 … hopefully addresses the netflix use case without being tightly bound to JOSE (format agnostic) 20:18:12 … hopes to support other forms of key transport / wrapping / unwrapping 20:18:38 … expresses a wrapping algorithm, hopefully correct, more general than the netflix case 20:18:42 ACTION-87? 20:18:42 ACTION-87 -- Ryan Sleevi to update result to be ArrayBuffer than ArrayBufferView -- due 2013-04-30 -- OPEN 20:18:42 http://www.w3.org/2012/webcrypto/track/actions/87 20:19:07 … action-87 changes from ArrayBufferView to ArrayBuffer, hopefully addresses those commetns 20:19:43 … on AB vs. ABV, what i've heard so far is that it's not clear why the specs don't permit either 20:19:52 … next editor draft will probably allow either 20:20:26 q+ 20:20:29 virginie: could mark comment on whether he's happy with the wrap/unwrap in the current draft? 20:20:43 markw: just seen the proposal today, so haven't had a chance to review 20:21:14 virginie: ok if we go ahead and close the issue, since wrap has been added? then start another issue on technical quality 20:21:31 close ISSUE-90 20:21:31 Error closing ISSUE-90 - the response from Tracker was missing data. Please contact sysreq with the details of what happened. 20:21:35 … hearing no objection, we'll close ACTION-90 20:22:03 RESOLVED: close ACTION-90 20:22:19 trackbot, close ACTION-90 20:22:20 Closed ACTION-90 Add in wrap/unwrap as "feature at risk" to low-level. 20:22:22 virginie: can we also discuss status on key derivation / agreement / etc. ? 20:22:33 … there was a call last week, summary by vgb on the list 20:22:38 zakim, take up agendum 3 20:22:38 agendum 3. "status on key derivation/generation/agreement" taken up [from virginie] 20:23:06 vgb: sent an email earlier today, tolga responded 20:23:23 … had a discussion last monday, tried to rule out handling the full variety of key agreement protocols 20:23:33 … focus on a few major two-party protocols 20:24:04 … want it to be possible to write this on top of, say, a hardware module that does the whole thing inside the module 20:24:15 … first major case is DH, second is MQV 20:24:21 q? 20:24:34 q- 20:24:34 … also, derivation to get a number of bytes from the agreed secret 20:25:07 q+ 20:25:20 virginie: how confident are you that you will find a stable solution in the next couple weeks? 20:25:32 vgb: well, if nobody proposed changes, it's stable, right? 20:25:56 rsleevi: as part of the deriveKey operation, you're taking public key and private key explicitly 20:26:05 … how much of that is tied to the key agreement scheme you're using? 20:26:14 … trying to find the right level for the API to make sure it's extensible 20:26:26 … my concern is that you're too focused on a few limited use cases 20:26:37 vgb: there's key agreement, and then there's key agreement 20:26:55 … we're focused on the major two-party key agreement 20:27:05 … this is not something like TLS key agreement where we both contribute nonces 20:27:16 … the primitive we're trying to address here is something like DH 20:27:54 … if we try to extend it too much, the concern is that you end up with an extremely generic API that doesn't clearly map to any particular algorithm 20:28:13 rsleevi: there are lots of variants on DH, though 20:28:19 … they agree on Z, then do different things from there 20:28:50 … initial concern is looking at these scoping decisions, and making sure they're not unnecessarily limiting 20:29:08 vgb: the difference between national governments, different DH instances tends to be in terms of group parameters 20:29:21 … the basic math of the DH operation is the same [it just happens in different groups] 20:29:35 … you can layer things like PFS on top of this 20:29:57 … the one thing that's constant is that you have public key / private key for this side / some other stuff 20:30:22 … additional key pairs got lumped into the "other stuff" == algorithm parameters dictionary 20:30:33 … think this is fairly mainstream across all the DH schemes in general use 20:30:50 … there are differences, e.g., in what ECC curves are used, but we 20:30:57 … … are abstracting over that already 20:31:02 … the focus here is getting to Z 20:31:20 rsleevi: agree, the divergence is on how you deal with Z 20:31:34 … the intent of the previous API was to separate out phase 1 and phase 2, where Z is the result of phase 1 20:32:06 … if i understand correctly, you see Z as leaving as a key object, then you derive bytes or keys from it 20:32:39 vgb: right. if you use the same Z with two different KDFs, it's not clear in general that you won't leak information 20:33:06 … this is why the secret key derivation asks the user to tell the API what KDF it's going to use 20:33:14 … trying to make it hard to use two KDFs on the same Z 20:33:25 rsleevi: will take a look, but that was my major concern 20:34:02 vgb: the other open question whether we want something like a "slice" primitive 20:34:17 … richard had suggested something like having "slice" as a KDF algorithm 20:34:34 … my concern was that seemed like it was getting very generic, but interested in hearing other peoples' views 20:34:42 q+ 20:34:52 rbarnes: i need to send some more details on that 20:35:29 karen: i understand the use case for slicing, but my concern is that if you generate a long key and generate the next key, the algorithm guarantees the independence of these keys 20:35:46 … however, if you slice, i don't see how you are certain that different parts of the same key satisfy the requirements 20:36:08 vgb: in general, this is part of the KDF algorithms properties, you can use any part of the key stream 20:36:21 … protocols are built to take account of this, e.g., you MUST take bytes X through Y 20:36:27 … so programmers have no alternative 20:37:21 rbarnes: in this case, the "key" that comes out of the KDF isn't a "key" that you would put into an algorithm 20:37:31 … it's an opaque stream of bytes that's held within the module 20:37:47 … from which you then slice out keys and other data 20:38:08 karen: some concerns about FIPS accreditation, need to make sure all the keys meet the criteria 20:38:21 vgb: FIPS specs are OK with this as long as you use non-overlapping slices 20:38:34 … one of the properties of a good KDF is that individual non-overlapping ranges are independent 20:38:50 q+ 20:39:06 q- karen 20:39:09 q- MichaelH 20:39:29 MichaelH: is the intention that the key size will be derived from the algorithm automatically? 20:40:27 rbarnes: which would you prefer? 20:40:36 MichaelH: seems like automatic would be simpler 20:40:47 q+ 20:40:55 rbarnes: but you're going to have to specify the start in any case, and making the developer think about start/end could help avoid overlap 20:41:00 ack kar 20:41:14 vgb: plus you're going to have to have start/end anyway for algorithms that take arbitrary-length keys 20:41:30 karen: so for deriveKey the output would be a key, but deriveBytes is bytes 20:41:53 vgb: right, the idea is that you use deriveKey to get a key, deriveBytes to get things like nonces 20:42:16 virginie: so discussion will continue on this, then the editor will work on integrating 20:42:29 … like wrap/unwrap, we will integrate into our call in two weeks 20:42:57 zakim, take up agendum 10 20:42:57 agendum 10. "dictionary" taken up [from wseltzer] 20:42:58 … next item is the use of dictionaries [10] 20:43:35 rsleevi: the discussion was that if we keep it as a dictionary, we need an explicit method call 20:43:47 … according to WebIDL, you can't have attributes that are dictionaries, they need to return interfaces 20:44:06 … either we have a method like getAlgorithm, or we make interfaces that mirror the algorithm dictionary 20:44:07 q+ 20:44:25 zakim, who is on the phone ? 20:44:25 On the phone I see rbarnes, jyates, Sangrae, ddahl, Wendy, [Microsoft], Google, Karen, Michael, Virginie, karen_odonoghue, Netflix, vgb 20:44:27 [Microsoft] has Israel 20:44:27 Google has rsleevi 20:44:28 … from an implementation side, having the algorithm return dictionaries is no difference 20:44:36 … this is really just spec sugar 20:45:04 … the push that i got was to do the spec sugar to make the WebIDL happy 20:45:12 … israelh, how does that sound? 20:45:20 israelh: that sounds OK, just more interfaces 20:45:21 q- 20:45:37 … thought you had broken up the interface, and returned the dictionary aspect of it 20:45:56 … but that was just in the input parameters, where you ended up taking dictionaries and breaking out individual parameters 20:46:03 rsleevi: nope, don't think so 20:46:25 … that was algorithm vs. algorithm.params, just flattening 20:46:46 israelh: having more interfaces is ok, but were trying to see if there was a simpler way 20:47:00 … this is also associated to the AES-GCM return values 20:47:13 rsleevi: right, would have to return an interface rather than a dictionary 20:47:20 … all the same from the implementation point of view 20:47:38 … this is just a limitation of the expressiveness of WebIDL 20:47:53 israelh: just trying to make sure the right things are implemented based on that spec sugar 20:48:05 rsleevi: right. all the feedback i've gotten says to just write the interfaces 20:48:26 israelh: that seems reasonable 20:48:38 … that's basically what we were proposing for AES-GCM anyway 20:49:30 virginie: so i guess rsleevi will make a proposal? 20:49:44 … wanted to discuss the dates of the next PWD 20:50:21 … rsleevi, if we have futures in two weeks and are able to get comments on wrap/unwrap and agreement/derivation in the next 2 weeks 20:50:31 … then might it be possible to have a PWD in 3 weeks? 20:50:44 rsleevi: don't know if that's reasonable. depends on what we want to do 20:50:52 … we could publish a WD that has some known holes 20:51:08 … that's obviously the case with the current WD, and we're slowly filling them in 20:51:25 … we'll probably reach agreement on the shape of the API, but the specs of the individual steps might not be totally ready 20:51:41 … dictionary vs. interface thing is a good example 20:52:11 … that timeline is pretty tight on time people have to review 20:52:44 virginie: the reason i'm asking is that we haven't published since january or so 20:52:55 … so if we wait until july/august, it's getting kind of long 20:53:20 … let's plan to publish with holes in june, another with fewer holes in august, last call in october 20:53:38 rsleevi: that sounds OK to me. would like others to do more review and identify issues to resolve 20:53:55 … there are obviously a lot of gaps to fill, so we should think about what the most critical gaps are 20:54:26 virginie: so let's try to have the next PWD in june 20:54:32 … and another in august 20:54:50 … wanted to discuss the next f2f 20:55:15 … proposal is in Berlin 25-26 july 20:55:22 … that's the week before the IETF 20:55:37 [thu-fri before the IETF] 20:55:44 [questionnaire: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/54174/F2FBerlinJuly13/ ] 20:55:54 … at the moment, the only important person who can't make it is markw 20:56:29 … will be focused on key discovery, high-level thoughts, secondary use cases 20:57:55 … we need to firm things up pretty soon, not completely sure the fraunhofer institute can host 20:58:10 … might try to use IETF venue, will discuss offline 20:58:55 … WASH13 conference is organized by Oxford, will happen on 20th june in london 20:59:09 … about how web apps can be secured with hardware 20:59:37 … nick vdb was accepted and will present some thoughts on web crypto and his experiments with it 21:00:05 … anything else under AOB? 21:00:20 israelh: did we get closure on the question of results for AES-GCM? 21:00:24 q+ 21:00:28 … combined or separate? 21:00:39 (about WASH'13 http://wash2013.wordpress.com/) 21:01:08 rsleevi: that's a good question. not thrilled with splitting them up, but could probably live with it 21:01:21 … would like to examine what today's APIs do 21:01:44 … part of the concern is to avoid introducing new things 21:01:52 … think we could have the API fake it if the API combines things 21:01:58 … not entirely convinced that it's more intuitive 21:02:03 … but could live with it 21:02:14 … to me, feels less natural rather than more 21:02:24 virginie: do we have an action related to this? 21:03:13 -Google 21:03:24 -Netflix 21:03:25 -jyates 21:03:26 -ddahl 21:03:33 -Karen 21:03:35 -Wendy 21:03:37 -[Microsoft] 21:03:38 -karen_odonoghue 21:03:38 -vgb 21:03:40 -Virginie 21:03:47 -Sangrae 21:03:56 MichaelH has left #crypto 21:04:05 -rbarnes 21:35:01 disconnecting the lone participant, Michael, in SEC_WebCryp()4:00PM 21:35:03 SEC_WebCryp()4:00PM has ended 21:35:03 Attendees were +1.617.873.aaaa, jyates, ddahl, Wendy, Israel, Sangrae, Karen, +1.512.257.aabb, +1.512.257.aacc, rsleevi, rbarnes, Virginie, Michael, +1.540.809.aadd, 21:35:03 ... karen_odonoghue, Netflix, [Microsoft], vgb 23:53:29 trackbot, end teleconf 23:53:29 Zakim, list attendees 23:53:29 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 23:53:37 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 23:53:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/05/20-crypto-minutes.html trackbot 23:53:38 RRSAgent, bye 23:53:38 I see no action items