20:28:08 RRSAgent has joined #svg 20:28:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/04/25-svg-irc 20:28:10 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:28:10 Zakim has joined #svg 20:28:12 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 20:28:12 ok, trackbot; I see GA_SVGWG(SVG1)5:00PM scheduled to start in 32 minutes 20:28:13 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 20:28:13 Date: 25 April 2013 20:28:23 Zakim, room for 10? 20:28:25 ok, heycam; conference Team_(svg)20:28Z scheduled with code 26631 (CONF1) for 60 minutes until 2128Z 20:28:36 Team_(svg)20:28Z has now started 20:28:44 + +1.415.832.aaaa 20:28:57 Zakim, aaaa is me 20:28:57 +krit; got it 20:29:03 heycam has changed the topic to: Use code 26631 today | http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2013JanMar/0064.html 20:29:22 Fore everyone: Conf room is 26631 20:29:49 +[IPcaller] 20:30:03 +[IPcaller.a] 20:30:10 Zakim, [IP is me 20:30:11 sorry, ed, I do not recognize a party named '[IP' 20:30:13 Zakim, IPcaller.a is me 20:30:13 +birtles; got it 20:30:19 Zakim, [IPcaller] is me 20:30:19 +ed; got it 20:30:42 +??P2 20:30:44 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2013AprJun/0082.html 20:30:44 Zakim, ??P2 is me 20:30:44 +heycam; got it 20:31:07 pass code is invalid ? 20:31:17 +??P7 20:31:20 Cyril: 26631 20:31:48 zakim, P7 is me 20:31:48 sorry, Cyril, I do not recognize a party named 'P7' 20:31:52 zakim, ??P7 is me 20:31:52 +Cyril; got it 20:32:09 + + 20:32:18 scribe: Cyril 20:32:23 scribeNick: Cyril 20:32:30 zakim, aabb is me 20:32:30 +Tav; got it 20:32:31 Topic: CSS 3 UI Last Call review 20:32:54 heycam: Chris emailed us recently to point out the Last Call 20:33:07 http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-ui/ 20:33:12 ... the summary says there are new values for the cursor property, the nav property 20:33:29 ... some removed because of lack of implementation 20:33:43 ed: which were attributes in Tiny 1.2 20:33:51 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-ui/ 20:34:03 heycam: perhaps they were added to the CSS as properties because of the SVG attributes 20:34:40 ... it's mentionned in the feature at risk that nav-* 20:35:00 ... are at risk 20:35:04 shepazutu has joined #svg 20:35:12 ... do you think this spec needs close review by us ? 20:35:17 ... if so, by who ? 20:35:35 Cyril: is there anything related to zooming and panning? 20:35:40 heycam: not that I'm aware 20:36:06 ... 4.1 applies to form, views, control 20:36:33 ... 4.2 are for form things 20:36:42 ... it doesn't look like they apply to SVG 20:37:04 ... Doug wanted them to apply to SVG content to have focus highlight for instance 20:37:24 ... there is also the text-overflow property that we want to have 20:37:41 krit: I would like to review it 20:38:00 ACTION: Dirk to review CSS 3 UI spec 20:38:00 Created ACTION-3490 - Review CSS 3 UI spec [on Dirk Schulze - due 2013-05-02]. 20:38:18 ed: is this the right version of the spec to review? 20:38:24 ... it seems quite old, from january 20:38:37 heycam: I'm looking at the dev.w3 one 20:39:01 ... I assume that's the one we should be reviewing 20:39:36 krit: if someone else wants to review, that would be better 20:39:55 s/wants to review/wants to review as well/ 20:41:14 Topic: hasFeature 20:41:22 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2013Apr/0038.html 20:41:36 heycam: what are our current plans in SVG for feature strings 20:41:58 ... Anne wants to unconditionally return true 20:42:37 ... my view is that if you're using script to call hasFeature, you should be calling that feature directly 20:43:07 krit: there is the method isSupported for SVG elements 20:43:13 ed: never heard of that one 20:43:21 heycam: it seems to exist in DOM2 Core 20:43:23 http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/core.html#ID-1950641247 20:43:32 http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/core.html#Level-2-Core-Node-supports 20:44:15 heycam: there is a slight difference with hasFeature (global) and isSupported 20:44:26 ... there is also a method to convert an element into another element 20:45:28 krit: there is also the check of each version we have: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 20:45:42 ... you can also search for animations ... 20:45:51 ... feature and versions 20:46:01 ... I have no idea how much it is used 20:46:06 -heycam 20:46:09 ... but it returns the right values 20:46:33 ... at least in WebKit 20:46:51 +??P2 20:46:54 Zakim, ??P2 is me 20:46:54 +heycam; got it 20:47:19 heycam: in Anne's email 20:47:31 ... there was a survey from Opera to check if the hasfeature was used 20:47:38 ... and got very few results 20:47:46 krit: how did he check that? 20:47:56 heycam: I don't know the methodology 20:48:10 krit: I would trust if it was with Opera mobile 20:48:26 ... but just Google is not sufficient 20:48:35 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2013Apr/0038.html 20:48:37 heycam: I think he used a large collection of documents 20:48:52 ... from http://webdevdata.org/ 20:49:21 ... right, how many of the top 10000 web sites use SVG scripting 20:50:05 krit: I would be fine if no user was using it 20:50:28 ... we could ask Google 20:50:42 ... if they could check how much that feature is used 20:50:43 krit is suggesting to instrument Blink to record how often it encounters has Feature 20:53:10 krit: I can ask Tab to instrument Blink to do that and after 3 months, we can rediscuss 20:53:38 ACTION: Dirk to ask on the Blink mailing list to record usages of that feature 20:53:38 Created ACTION-3491 - Ask on the Blink mailing list to record usages of that feature [on Dirk Schulze - due 2013-05-02]. 20:53:56 s/Tab// 20:55:08 Topic: RDFa and SVG 20:55:32 Cyril: the question was raised in some ePub discussion about whether SVG could use RDFa 20:56:00 heycam: in tiny 1.2, some attributes were used but they've not been ported to SVG 2 20:56:06 ... what's the status in HTML 20:56:21 Cyril: not sure, but I think RDFa is supported in HTML 20:56:38 heycam: if RDFa is an extension spec for HTML, they could do the same for SVG 20:56:53 thomassmailus has joined #svg 20:56:56 ... not sure that would require a spec for that 20:57:51 Cyril: there is also the difference between RDF and RDFa 20:58:03 ed: yes RDF is XML so you can use it with namespace 20:58:09 ... RDFa is a lot of attributes 20:58:19 ... I don't think they conflict with SVG attributes but ... 20:58:53 ed: SVG 1.1 and SVG 2.0 does not say anything about those attributes, but Tiny 1.2 does 20:59:05 s/does not/do not/ 20:59:30 Tav: what's the difference between RDF and RDF a 21:00:02 heycam: RDF is heavily namespace based, and RDFa uses attributes in no namespace for better HTML integration 21:00:12 ed: that's my understanding too 21:00:22 Cyril: is it what the 'a' is for ? attributes ? 21:00:24 heycam: no idea 21:00:43 krit: yes 21:01:15 Tav: Inkscape includes RDF 21:01:23 heycam: for licenses? 21:01:26 Tav: yes 21:01:47 heycam: if we did want to make it explicit that we can use RDFa in SVG 2 21:01:54 ... I'm not sure if it should be in the SVG spec 21:02:00 ... or in an extension spec to SVG 21:02:14 -heycam 21:02:18 ... they are content attributes, you can put them on any element in the markup 21:02:25 http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-in-html/ 21:02:36 +??P2 21:02:39 Zakim, ??P2 is me 21:02:39 +heycam; got it 21:02:49 Did we change the phone #? 21:02:52 (I don't think RDFa should be in SVG, or even in an SVG extension spec… it should be defined somehow so it "just works") 21:03:13 heycam: what Doug is saying is what I was thinking too 21:03:34 ... it should just be possible, we don't want to select RDFa or microdata 21:04:26 ed: I agree, it should be possible to use it 21:04:40 Um, how do I "see topic" 21:05:26 + +1.425.373.aacc 21:05:34 heycam: we should look at how we could have RDFa in SVG in the same way as it is done for HTML 21:07:03 krit: I would like to continue discussing the marker discussion 21:07:47 topic: marker-segment and marker-patterns 21:08:04 marker-segment: 50% url(...) 21:08:33 heycam: didn't we decide tjhat % on marker pattern refer to the length of the segment 21:08:45 ... in my original proposal, it would take a single value 21:08:52 ... just like marker mid 21:08:59 ... but I don't remember for patterns 21:09:12 ... it would make sense to refer to the whole 21:09:26 krit: I would like to discuss marker-segment 21:09:41 ... in my example, would it be always at the middle ? 21:09:57 ... if you don't specify 50% it would be 0 21:10:04 ... start of the segment 21:10:26 heycam: I don't know if that's the right level of complexity 21:10:43 ... if you wnat to put 1 marker on a segment, you would want it at the middle 21:11:03 ... without the ability to put more than 1 marker on a segment, specifying the position is not really useful 21:11:15 ... if you ahve 2 markers, you could have 40% and 60% 21:11:35 krit: I think we already agreed to have more than 1 marker 21:11:51 heycam: why are you asking that? to merge the properties ? 21:11:57 krit: I dont' know yet 21:12:09 ... we might want to have the same syntax 21:12:19 heycam: make the 2 more similar 21:12:30 krit: maybe merge, I don't know 21:13:00 heycam: I'm not completely against the idea, but I'd like to see the complete set to see if we need to increase hte complexity or not 21:13:09 ... it's a bit hard to see in isolation 21:13:20 krit: pattern is probably more useful 21:13:33 heycam: but some simple examples will be common cases 21:13:40 ... and I'd like that to work 21:14:06 heycam: if you want to write up a proposal and send it to the list, please do 21:14:11 krit: yes, I can do that 21:14:32 heycam: we did not settle on that last time so it'd be good to hear some thoughts 21:15:33 -Cyril 21:16:13 +??P7 21:16:23 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/19480/SVGTokyo2013/ 21:16:24 zakim, ??P7 is me 21:16:24 +Cyril; got it 21:17:24 Topic: meeting with ePub people at the F2F 21:17:44 heycam: I had suggested that some of the ePub people come and visit us on the monday 21:17:50 ... it was going to be the plan 21:18:03 -heycam 21:18:04 ... but someone said that they could have some space on tuesday 21:18:43 ... so it wasn't clear 21:19:37 +??P0 21:20:19 ... we wouldn't meet for the all day, something like tuesday PM2 21:20:33 ... if people don't have strong opinion, we'll organize what's best for them 21:20:46 ... I don't think it's going to be far awat 21:20:52 s/awat/away/ 21:21:11 Cyril: do we have any what's going to be discussed ? 21:21:21 heycam: how much time would it take to go there? 21:21:31 birtles: it's not so far, maybe 1/2 hour 21:21:51 ... but I'm a bit concerned that it's going to be only 1 and 1/2 day for SVG 21:22:02 ... we could ask them to come or go there only in the evenging 21:22:22 heycam: I wouldn't like to spend more than 1/4 of a day 21:23:01 ... I'll reply to them and see if it's not feasible for them to come on monday 21:23:22 ??: how many are they? 21:23:40 heycam: on monday probably only a few 21:24:09 s/??: /birtles: / 21:24:11 ... I'll see how late their meetings go 21:25:03 Topic: Meeting 21:25:20 birtles: because the meeting is so early, can we send a mail at least 12 hours before 21:25:35 ed: was the agenda sent at the right time 21:25:38 birtles: yes 21:25:52 heycam: normally I try to send it 20 hours before 21:26:25 ... if we collect our agenda items on the wiki, it should be feasible 21:27:06 rrsagent, make minutes 21:27:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/04/25-svg-minutes.html Cyril 21:27:13 -??P0 21:27:14 - +1.425.373.aacc 21:27:14 -birtles 21:27:16 -ed 21:27:17 -Tav 21:27:17 -krit 21:27:19 -Cyril 21:27:19 Team_(svg)20:28Z has ended 21:27:19 Attendees were +1.415.832.aaaa, krit, birtles, ed, heycam, Cyril, +, Tav, +1.425.373.aacc 22:08:51 shepazu has joined #svg 22:39:59 cabanier has joined #svg 23:01:34 cabanier1 has joined #svg 23:04:46 cabanier has joined #svg 23:16:23 cabanier1 has joined #svg 23:37:20 Zakim has left #svg