13:56:40 RRSAgent has joined #tt 13:56:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/04/11-tt-irc 13:56:41 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:56:41 Zakim has joined #tt 13:56:43 Zakim, this will be TTML 13:56:43 ok, trackbot; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 4 minutes 13:56:44 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 13:56:44 Date: 11 April 2013 13:57:00 zakim, this will be ttwg 13:57:00 ok, glenn; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 13:57:42 SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has now started 13:57:49 +glenn 13:58:15 mike has joined #tt 13:59:09 +mike 13:59:14 +Sean 14:00:24 +Frans__EBU_ 14:00:40 Frans__EBU_ has joined #tt 14:02:22 scribenick: glenn 14:02:25 chair: sean 14:03:08 topic: ttml10se review 14:03:25 pal has joined #tt 14:03:42 mijordan has joined #tt 14:04:27 back 14:04:36 +[Adobe] 14:04:42 +pal 14:05:18 Zakim, +[Adobe] is mijordan 14:05:18 sorry, mijordan, I do not recognize a party named '+[Adobe]' 14:05:34 Zakim, Adobe is mijordan 14:05:34 +mijordan; got it 14:07:44 sean: has sent one popon and one rollup/painton combined 14:08:04 sean: will resend with 3 separated and 1 combined rollup/painton 14:18:28 glenn: describes changes, particularly time expression semantics 14:19:16 glenn: also need to update region pseudo-code in 9.3.2 14:19:45 mike: has some concerns about this being normative 14:20:02 Frans__EBU_: Andreas has started review 14:20:40 Sean asks whether we can add the set processing in synchronic document 14:22:14 ACTION to glenn to add set element processing to 9.3.3 14:22:14 Error finding 'to'. You can review and register nicknames at . 14:22:32 ACTION glenn to add set element semantics to 9.3.3 14:22:33 Created ACTION-152 - Add set element semantics to 9.3.3 [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-04-18]. 14:23:30 mike: suggests making appendix H be informative now 14:24:32 no objections to making H informative in SE and altering reference language to SHOULD 14:25:03 RESOLVED: mark appendix H as informative and use SHOULD in referencing language 14:29:46 -Frans__EBU_ 14:31:41 +David 14:31:54 DRonca has joined #tt 14:32:57 ACTION glenn to remove XSD/RNC schema from inline in the SE spec text; only use external zip files 14:32:57 Created ACTION-153 - Remove XSD/RNC schema from inline in the SE spec text; only use external zip files [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-04-18]. 14:34:54 ISSUE-178? 14:34:54 ISSUE-178 -- initial values and style set calculations are unclear, especially for transformable attributes -- open 14:34:54 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/178 14:38:20 glenn: will review other open issues/actions against 1.0 and, if straightforward, attempt to address this week in SE update 14:43:31 topic: html mapping doc 14:44:03 ACTION glenn to create CP on wiki with reference to draft text for mapping based on doc previously posted by monica 14:44:03 Created ACTION-154 - Create CP on wiki with reference to draft text for mapping based on doc previously posted by monica [on Glenn Adams - due 2013-04-18]. 14:44:15 topic: charter 14:44:23 sean: need to wait for plh 14:44:28 topic: AOB 14:44:36 no other business 14:44:42 sean: adjourned 14:44:49 -glenn 14:44:50 -mike 14:44:50 -mijordan 14:44:53 -David 14:44:57 -Sean 14:45:05 rrsagent, publish minutes 14:45:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/04/11-tt-minutes.html glenn 14:45:16 trackbot, end meeting 14:45:16 Zakim, list attendees 14:45:16 As of this point the attendees have been glenn, mike, Sean, Frans__EBU_, pal, mijordan, David 14:45:24 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:45:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/04/11-tt-minutes.html trackbot 14:45:25 RRSAgent, bye 14:45:25 I see no action items