14:38:53 RRSAgent has joined #html-media 14:38:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/04/09-html-media-irc 14:38:55 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:38:55 Zakim has joined #html-media 14:38:57 Zakim, this will be 63342 14:38:57 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_WG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 22 minutes 14:38:58 Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference 14:38:58 Date: 09 April 2013 14:54:59 Michael_Thornburgh has joined #html-media 14:56:57 pal has joined #html-media 14:57:08 glenn has joined #html-media 14:57:50 HTML_WG()11:00AM has now started 14:57:57 +Michael_Thornburgh 14:58:32 +glenn 14:58:58 +pal 14:59:00 Bin has joined #html-media 14:59:58 markw has joined #html-media 15:00:20 +Bin 15:00:22 +Mark_Watson 15:00:37 Zakim, Mark_Watson is markw 15:00:37 +markw; got it 15:00:44 present+ Bin_Hu 15:01:37 +[Microsoft] 15:02:17 acolwell has joined #html-media 15:02:34 +Aaron_Colwell 15:02:42 johnsim has joined #html-media 15:03:24 ReimundoGarcia has joined #html-media 15:03:34 + +1.404.269.aaaa 15:04:04 +ReimundoGarcia 15:04:32 jdsmith has joined #html-media 15:04:53 ddorwin has joined #html-media 15:04:59 BobLund has joined #html-media 15:05:09 +[Microsoft.a] 15:05:24 +ddorwin 15:05:34 +BobLund 15:06:47 I guess Paul cannot make it. Anyone want t chair ? 15:07:30 +[Microsoft.aa] 15:07:37 (I'm on a bus - noisy - otherwise I'd volunteer) 15:07:45 zakim, [Microsoft.aa] is me 15:07:45 +adrianba; got it 15:08:03 -BobLund 15:08:49 I can chair 15:08:58 +BobLund 15:09:10 hooray, we can start ;-) 15:09:16 scribenick: adrianba 15:09:24 scribe: adrian bateman 15:09:29 zakim, who is on the call 15:09:29 I don't understand 'who is on the call', johnsim 15:09:30 chair: aaron colwell 15:09:40 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2013Apr/0039.html 15:10:05 acolwell: i published an updated version of the spec with 5 bug fixes 15:10:16 ... mostly clarifications, nothing too huge 15:10:23 zakim, who is one the phone? 15:10:23 I don't understand your question, adrianba. 15:10:26 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:10:26 On the phone I see Michael_Thornburgh, glenn, pal, Bin, markw, [Microsoft], Aaron_Colwell, +1.404.269.aaaa, ReimundoGarcia, [Microsoft.a], ddorwin, adrianba, BobLund 15:10:35 TOPIC: CfC: to publish a heartbeat Media Source Extensions Working Draft 15:10:50 WG Decision: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-admin/2013Apr/0023.html 15:11:21 adrianba: think we need to work with Robin or Mike to get this published 15:11:28 TOPIC: F2F meeting topics 15:11:39 acolwell: thought we could talk about what we need to do to get to last call 15:11:55 ... sems like the bug count is pretty low 15:12:00 s/sems/seems/ 15:12:09 q+ 15:12:19 acolwell: do we want the slot at the face-to-face? 15:12:29 q+ 15:12:36 q- 15:13:49 adrianba: i'd like to see us make progress towards LC 15:13:58 ... perhaps we can give notice to the WG that we're getting close 15:14:14 pal: would like to do this on the 23rd at the f2f 15:14:22 q+ 15:14:40 acolwell: think we can put in a request for the 23rd but it might not be decided before everyone is in the room 15:15:23 adrianba: does anyone on the call object to requesting 23rd? perhaps we could add this to the wiki 15:15:36 acolwell: not hearing any objections 15:15:56 ack adr 15:16:05 acolwell: anything else about the f2f meeting? 15:16:14 TOPIC: Discussion of outstanding bugs 15:16:16 q+ 15:17:00 adrianba: would like to discuss out of order appends in this section 15:17:04 ack adr 15:17:13 acolwell: let's address that after the others 15:17:14 q+ 15:17:27 Bug 20760: