12:58:59 RRSAgent has joined #mlw-lt 12:58:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-mlw-lt-irc 12:59:04 present+ dF 12:59:15 present+ davelewis 12:59:25 present+ Karl 12:59:26 present+ olaf-michael 12:59:33 present+ philRichie 12:59:40 chair: daveL 13:00:16 Zakim has joined #mlw-lt 13:00:50 Naoto has joined #mlw-lt 13:01:07 fsasaki has joined #mlw-lt 13:01:41 meeting: MLW-LT WG 13:02:05 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Mar/0064.html 13:02:11 chair: dave 13:02:20 Ankit has joined #mlw-lt 13:02:30 present+ Ankit 13:02:46 daveL, dF, can you make sure that http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Mar/0077.html is taken into account today? I can't be on the call but will watch on IRC. Thanks 13:03:02 Yves_ has joined #mlw-lt 13:03:10 present+ Yves 13:03:35 Thanks, Felix, sure the WD publication is our priority 13:04:12 I just want to confirm, the link you sent earlier today 13:04:14 http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/mlw-metadata-uc-impl/mlw-metadata-us-impl-wiki2spec.html 13:04:25 is it the TR form? 13:04:51 or is the note that you are going to transorm wiki after approval still relevant? 13:05:06 chriLi has joined #mlw-lt 13:05:11 hi dF, that is what I will use for the publication. But you can send to the chairs list whatever you want - I will then adapt http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/mlw-metadata-uc-impl/mlw-metadata-us-impl-wiki2spec.html following your mail to the chairs list 13:05:23 present+ chriLi 13:05:43 shaunm has joined #mlw-lt 13:05:51 present+ shaunm 13:06:31 scribe: kfritsche 13:06:41 script: kfritsche 13:07:32 present+ Naoto 13:07:38 daveL: checking attendance 13:07:49 roll call: ankit, christian, dave, david, felix, karl, naoto, shaun, yves 13:08:03 roll call: phil, olaf 13:08:18 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Mar/0064.html 13:09:04 daveL: main topic today is the use cases, so we can publish this 13:10:43 daveL: also quick going through the action to clean up and checking last call issue 13:12:37 agenda: add extension namespace topic to XLIFF mapping 13:13:15 topic: Highlevel Use Case wrap up 13:13:15 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Mar/0068.html 13:13:54 Jirka has joined #mlw-lt 13:14:18 chriLi: i went through all of the text on the weekend and shared my observations 13:14:21 Jirka has left #mlw-lt 13:14:46 ... all mails i send out got answered and changes are made there 13:15:40 ... I'm currently aware of two changes I have to look at 13:16:45 Jirka has joined #mlw-lt 13:17:02 more implementors mentioned in; 13:17:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Mar/0073.html 13:17:05 ... does anyone has currently concerns with the status of the wiki? 13:17:27 chriLi: these implementors are added 13:17:41 dF: i checked my additions there are in place 13:19:00 phil: kevin and chase are "my" coders and should be added 13:19:14 Spartan Software 13:19:18 dF: as which organization should they added? 13:19:42 phil: add them both as Spartan Software 13:19:54 chriLi: I added them now 13:20:06 daveL: anybody else is missing? 13:20:55 daveL: are all sections checked? 13:21:57 dF: the license of solas is not decided yet 13:22:19 chriLi: add it as a note, i will figure it out, how we can manage that there 13:22:36 chriLi: there is a discussion about the title 13:23:26 ... in the document is not only the use cases also some additional paragraphs 13:23:44 ... we now have something ready 13:23:59 daveL: can you forward this to the list? 13:25:41 dF: you included ??? into the the wrong section, it should be moved to 2.11 13:26:06 ... there should be also noted that it will be open source (license unclear) 13:26:12 chriLi: thats fixed 13:26:19 http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/mlw-metadata-uc-impl/mlw-metadata-us-impl-wiki2spec.html 13:26:55 chriLi: thats a slightly outdated version 13:27:17 fsasaki has joined #mlw-lt 13:27:29 This is a Working Group Note "High-level Usage Scenarios and Implementation Reports for Internationalization Tag Set 2.0". The W3C Internationalization Tag Set 2.0 - developed by the [http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/ W3C MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group] - enhances the foundation to integrate automated processing of human language into core Web technologies. The W3C MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group received funding by the European Commiss[CUT] 13:27:53 project [http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/language-technologies/project-multilingualweb-lt_en.html MultilingualWeb-LT (LT-Web))] through the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) in the area of Language Technologies (Grant Agreement No. 287815). 13:27:55 chriLi: this [above] is the paragraph we discussed 13:28:15 As part of their activities, members of the Working Group and the LT-Web project created various implementations that exemplify how ITS 2.0 supports automated processing of human language into core Web technologies. 13:28:39 daveL: thats the text of the status box 13:29:52 daveL: what is the current note title? 13:30:19 hi all, just to re-iterate: this is just a draft, not yet a final note ;) 13:30:21 Metadata for the Multilingual Web - Usage Scenarios and Implementations 13:30:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 13:31:37 dF: there are minor edits in the paragraph, which are not in yet 13:31:46 daveL: this is the first draft, so we can update it later 13:32:02 thanks, daveL and chriLi :) 13:32:42 daveL: Is everybody happy with the current status? 13:33:01 ... as a first public draft of the working group note 13:33:13 ... any objections 13:33:23 - no objections - 13:33:52 dF: we need pretty printed minutes for this 13:34:07 daveL: normaly fsasaki is doing this 13:34:19 s/normaly/normally 13:34:40 question for felix; can you generate a pretty printed version of minutes for transition request 13:34:41 hi dF, no need for pretty printing 13:34:59 above rrsagent link is enough - also for the mail to the chairs list 13:35:09 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:35:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-mlw-lt-minutes.html daveL 13:35:10 dF: requisition request refers to minutes 13:35:27 rrsagent, where am I? 13:35:27 See http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-mlw-lt-irc#T13-35-27 13:35:36 dF: the raw link is enough 13:36:10 daveL: after rome we can extend this draft 13:36:17 Topic: XLIFF mapping - short update 13:36:33 daveL: send out an email: 13:36:45 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Mar/0060.html 13:37:48 ... updating our implementations and the wiki to the current status 13:38:54 ... using match-quality in XLIFF instead of mtConfidence 13:39:36 ... all changes are on going, any comments are welcome 13:40:38 I have several comments, but I'll post emails in the thread for that. 13:40:59 too long to comment now 13:41:42 dF: would be good if the whole group would maybe aware of it, maybe we can move it to next call 13:42:10 daveL: can you follow up with the namespace issue 13:43:06 dF: extending namespace without any location or validation resources would be pointless in my mind 13:43:09 I think we can have a schema, just speciifc to our purpose 13:43:44 df: is there a way to use multiple XSD for different scenarios? 13:43:52 standalone xsd is not meaning full 13:43:58 ...in this case 13:44:21 markup make sense only when used with XLIFF 13:44:46 dF: i look for way, that this is not only working as a empty shell, also for validation purposes 13:45:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 13:45:56 tadej has joined #mlw-lt 13:46:12 The bottom line is I think we can have an XSD for ITS+XLIFF with that namespace, without stepping on the other elements/attributes of that namespace. 13:46:28 phil: can there an uri under that namespace, we could use 13:46:38 there is no rule that says 1 namespace == 1 XSD 13:46:46 daveL: we could always do this 13:47:19 probably 13:47:47 dF: I would be happy to have suche a XSD for ITS+XLIFF 13:48:11 ... probably better discuss this further f2f in rome 13:48:18 itsx.uni.me 13:48:59 That's a URI not an URL 13:49:15 df: itsx.uni.me is what we are using currently until this is resolved 13:49:19 where is it? (URL) could we see it? Thanks. 13:49:49 http://itsx.uni.me/ 13:50:01 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Mar/0070.html 13:50:14 There is just a sample xsd there now 13:50:40 thanks. 13:50:51 topic: last call issue check 13:51:08 daveL: moving the agenda around and maybe we could jump to last call issues because we are at the end of the hour 13:52:10 action: Uploading XSD to github to daveL 13:52:11 Error finding 'Uploading'. You can review and register nicknames at . 13:52:19 action: daveL to Uploading XSD to github 13:52:19 Created ACTION-457 - Uploading XSD to github [on David Lewis - due 2013-03-13]. 13:52:37 http://tinyurl.com/its20-comments-handling 13:52:51 hi all, just for the record, I had an action item to create a separate (= not the existing extension URI) namespace URI for its-xliff mapping - if this is needed please let me know and I can try to do that this week 13:53:06 http://services.w3.org/xslt?xslfile=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FInternational%2Fmultilingualweb%2Flt%2Fdrafts%2Fits20%2Ftools%2Fxslt%2Fdisco-for-its20.xsl&xmlfile=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FInternational%2Fmultilingualweb%2Flt%2Ftrack%2Fapi%2Fdump%3Ffull&content-type=&submit=transform 13:53:59 dF: oldest open issue is 67 13:53:59 https://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/track/issues/67 13:55:20 dF: issue 68 is mostly resolved 13:55:48 ... chriLi are you satisfied with the solution of this? 13:56:25 chriLi: i can't answer this today, because i was busy with editing the wiki 13:56:46 s/wiki/high level use cases draft/ 13:57:29 dF: many issues are only editorial actions left 13:57:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 13:58:09 daveL: maybe we need longer editor calls, like we have shortly before the first draft 13:59:09 dF: but not all are only editing actions 13:59:36 ... there is still some pending issues 14:00:02 daveL: maybe this is mostly co-chair stuff between felix, david and me to check this 14:00:44 daveL: we need this table in form the W3C can go through this and accepts its 14:00:58 regrets+ felix 14:00:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 14:01:13 present+ felix(partially_on_IRC) 14:01:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-mlw-lt-minutes.html fsasaki 14:01:26 daveL: remind everybody you should print and bring your poster by yourself to rome 14:01:51 ... there is also a call on Friday for Luxembourg preparations 14:02:59 http://www.localizationworld.com/lwlon2013/feisgiltt/ 14:03:24 daveL: would be good to see some demos at the ITS2 track in London at Feisgiltt 14:04:17 ... maybe you can promote your products there 14:04:54 daveL: next week no call, because most of us are in rome 14:05:04 ... see you all in rome 14:05:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:05:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-mlw-lt-minutes.html daveL 14:05:41 daveL: chrili is the wiki stable now? 14:06:03 chrili: give me maybe half an hour 14:06:12 daveL: i will prepare and wait for your mail 14:06:26 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:06:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/03/06-mlw-lt-minutes.html daveL 15:25:52 Zakim has left #mlw-lt