21:01:06 RRSAgent has joined #svg 21:01:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/01/17-svg-irc 21:01:08 RRSAgent, make logs public 21:01:08 Zakim has joined #svg 21:01:10 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 21:01:10 ok, trackbot, I see GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:00PM already started 21:01:11 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 21:01:11 Date: 17 January 2013 21:01:56 Zakim, who is here? 21:01:56 On the phone I see [IPcaller], krit 21:01:58 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Cyril, birtles, Tav, richardschwerdtfeger, thorton, cabanier, krit, pdr, glenn, trackbot, stearns, nikos, ed, plinss, heycam 21:02:04 Zakim, IPcaller is me 21:02:04 +birtles; got it 21:03:44 + + 21:03:51 zakim, aaaa is me 21:03:51 +Cyril; got it 21:03:57 +[IPcaller] 21:04:08 Zakim, [IP is me 21:04:08 +ed; got it 21:04:26 +[IPcaller] 21:04:29 Zakim, [IPcaller] is me 21:04:29 +heycam; got it 21:04:42 +nikos 21:04:52 +Rich 21:05:01 Zakim, who is on the call? 21:05:01 On the phone I see birtles, krit, Cyril, ed, heycam, nikos, Rich 21:05:19 Chair: Cameron 21:05:22 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2013JanMar/0015.html 21:05:42 scribe: Cyril 21:05:46 scribeNick: Cyril 21:05:56 heycam: F2F is coming up 21:06:10 ... bring your agenda requests for the week 21:06:16 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/F2F/Sydney_2013/Agenda_proposals 21:07:08 need to add an agenda item on applying aria attributes to attribute reference. 21:07:39 cyril: alex said there is no special rate with the hotel indicated on the wiki page 21:08:32 brian: have we decided which day will be half a day 21:08:48 heycam: I imagine we will be working in the morning and the afternoon is off 21:09:12 s/which day will be half a day/which half-day will be off/ 21:09:19 Topic: Combining SVGLocatableElement and SVGTransformableElement in SVG 2 21:09:34 +cabanier 21:09:43 https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1DjmqGOk71JATh5ysZtnFe0Nxvox-g6mZ-M02jLA9aOc/edit?pli=1 21:09:56 +Tav 21:10:03 dirk: left side is SVG 1.1 inheritance tree and right one is SVG 2 21:10:37 ... the circle shows that SVG 2 has the locatable only has transformable as child 21:10:53 heycam: in SVG 1.1 the SVGElement was locatable but not transformable 21:11:06 ... we changed that in sVG 2 so that you could put transform on it 21:11:30 ... so there is no longer a concrete element that inherits just from locatable element 21:11:44 ... I'm fine with combining those 2 21:12:47 ... we have someone at mozilla converting SVG interfaces to WebIDL 21:13:12 [not on call] for implementation reasons, the presentation editor uses paths for text 21:13:18 zakim, mute me 21:13:18 Cyril should now be muted 21:13:54 heycam: is there any concern in combining these 2 interfaces ? 21:14:01 cyril: what's the benefit ? 21:14:26 heycam: one less prototype object to go up when you look at properties 21:14:33 dirk: simplifies implementation also 21:14:50 ... you would combine them anyway in a implementation 21:15:03 ed: I agree it would be simpler 21:15:24 heycam: ok hearing no objection 21:15:39 resolution: SVG 2 will combine the SVGLocatable and SVGTransformable interfaces 21:16:03 Topic: Should SVGTextContentElement inherit from SVGGraphicsElement or SVGGeometryElement? 21:16:45 heycam: graphics is for things that render, in the normal rendering tree, that includes g, shapes and images ... 21:16:56 ... geometry is for elements that define a shape 21:17:37 ... we've added some DOM methods on SVG Geometry elements to determine if the click is inside the fill or the stroke 21:17:54 ... my thinking is that it make sense to call that on geometry elements, including text 21:18:03 ... to see if the click is in the glyph or not 21:18:31 dirk: the font rendering is out of the rendering system in WebKit, due to Core Graphics restriction 21:18:36 -ed 21:18:41 ... to emulate that that would make it very slow 21:19:36 +[IPcaller] 21:20:11 heycam: there is no other functionality in SVG that require to have access to the glyph ? 21:20:37 dirk: I would be unhappy to block the feature but some port of WebKit (Safari) would not support that 21:20:49 ... you don't get the details of the glyph 21:21:53 heycam: I'll be ok with having SVG Text elements inherit from SVG graphical elements 21:22:03 ed: how is it different from pointer events handling on text ? 21:22:14 dirk: this is not implemented that way on Safari 21:22:23 ... right now you just get the bounding box 21:22:47 heycam: right, the spec does not require you to get the acual shape of the glyph for pointer events 21:23:22 ed: that's right, it's only the character cell according to the spec 21:23:38 ... in that case, that's fine not to have those additional methods for text 21:23:53 dirk: I would be ok with having a note saying that they might apply on text in the future 21:24:04 ... we could also formulate it with a "should" 21:24:34 ... that would allow implementation that can't do it to do something different 21:24:59 heycam: it might make the methods not useful if you can't rely on them 21:25:14 ... I am ok with having them on shapes at the moment 21:25:53 zakim, unmute me 21:25:53 Cyril should no longer be muted 21:26:23 resolution: SVG text elements will inherit from graphical elements 21:26:43 ... and ispointonfill or ispointonstroke won't be called on text 21:26:58 Topic: Should SVGClipPathElement inherit from SVGElement? 21:27:45 heycam: right now SVG clip path element inherits from SVGTransformable element to allow the transform attribute 21:28:17 ... the problem is that SVG Transformable Element inherits from SVG Locatable element 21:28:45 ... which allows methods like getScreenCTM on clipPath elements but that's not the case for gradients, ... 21:28:54 ... why is it the case for clipPaths ? 21:29:00 s/heycam:/dirk:/ 21:29:17 heycam: my guess is that the clipPath transform attribute is just called transform 21:29:26 ... but mask isn't transformable 21:29:43 ... gradients have gradientTransform not the standard transform attribute 21:30:27 ... it's a bit to call getScreenCTM on the clipPAth because the transform on the parent of the clipPath don't matter 21:30:49 s/it's a bit/it's a bit weird/ 21:31:05 ... does it make sense to call getBBox on the clipPath 21:31:13 thorton has joined #svg 21:31:23 dirk: no it doesn't make sense 21:31:29 ed: yes it's a bit strange 21:31:48 ... on the one hand it's like a g (a container) but it's also linked to where it is used 21:31:58 heycam: what else is on SVGLocatable ? 21:31:58 https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/types.html#InterfaceSVGLocatableElement 21:32:14 ... Bounding box, CTM, transform 21:32:34 ... all these methods only make sense on elements that exist in their parent coordinate space 21:33:27 ... I would be alright with having clipPath elements inherit from SVGElement 21:34:08 https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/types.html#InterfaceSVGTransformableElement 21:34:21 still need to have that one IDL attribute on SVGClipPathElement 21:34:29 which gives DOM access to transform="" 21:34:48 ... we are keeping the ability to have the transform attribute on the clipPath element 21:35:30 ... we could just copy the transform attribute on the element that use it 21:37:01 ... is everybody happy not to have the locatable thing? 21:37:26 resolution: SVG 2 will make SVGClipPathElement inherit from SVGElement and give it its own IDL attribute to access the transform 21:37:52 Topic: Percentage values for basic shapes on 'clip-path' relative to objectBoundingBox or strokeRect 21:38:04 heycam: are they relative to the object bounding box or the stroke rect 21:38:16 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/FXTF/raw-file/tip/masking/index.html#the-clip-path 21:38:43 dirk: we have the new short-hand for clip paths 21:38:54 rect, circle, ellipse ... 21:39:01 but they take % values 21:39:19 ... do they get resolved according to the stroke or object 21:39:29 ... at the previous F2F we were not sure 21:39:38 ... we did not decide 21:39:56 heycam: currently Webkit is relative to the object bounding box 21:39:58 dirk: right 21:41:04 heycam: it would be a bit strange to have some new bounding box rectangles just for this clipPath property because we don't have it on other elements 21:41:12 ... maybe it would be useful on other elements 21:41:31 dirk: we could add a property in the future to indicate which bounding box you use 21:41:37 ... in the next level 21:41:55 heycam: when you don't use %, are they user space length 21:42:11 dirk: lenght of 0 is 0px which is different from 0% ? 21:42:39 heycam: I think this way is probably the way we should have done from the beginning 21:43:38 21:44:20 dirk: 0% 0% is resolved to 20px 20px 21:44:33 ... but 0 0 is resolved to 0px 0px 21:45:59 heycam: I'll be ok with deferring to the next level the control to which bounding box it's relative to 21:46:15 ed: yes that would make sense to have the control in CSS 21:46:41 dirk: CSS has something like that for boxes but they are not applicable to SVG ( 21:47:18 heycam: but it's not the same property 21:47:34 I meant for e.g clipPathUnits, that we could have clipPathUnits="strokedBoundingBox" 21:47:51 and that there would be something reflected in CSS 21:48:02 heycam: I would say at this level it's objectBoundingBox because that's the only one we have in SVG 21:48:28 dirk: clipPathUnits can just be applied on the clipPath element, not on the property 21:48:41 heycam: disagreement ? 21:49:14 resolution: the shape in the clip-path property will have percentages resolved against the object bounding box 21:50:27 background-clip 21:50:30 heycam: what is the default box used for percentages resolution in background-clip 21:50:44 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/FXTF/raw-file/tip/masking/index.html#the-mask-clip 21:51:06 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/background-clip 21:51:06 dirk: the border box, which is the same as the layout box which is the same as the stroke 21:51:34 ... it should be the painting box but it's not yet define 21:51:54 dirk: the exclusion specification uses the border box 21:53:03 ... it might make sense to have the stroke box for compatibility reasons 21:53:25 -Cyril 21:54:06 +Cyril 21:55:19 * I think it's just you :-) * 21:55:45 tav: it is possible to have the masking behavior changed 21:57:05 krit: We could modify the UA style sheet to use content-box on SVG 21:57:15 tav: that would make sense to me 21:57:19 krit: Then the default value on mask-clip does not need to change 21:57:40 heycam: that would still lead to some inconsistentcies 21:59:31 dirk: what do you think is less inconsistent 21:59:44 -Tav 21:59:52 heycam: maybe to have clippath default to including the stroke 22:00:27 ... we could add a new value in the units attribute 22:00:35 +Tav 22:02:03 I am happy with clip-path defaulting to stroke bounding box if we add strokeBoundingBox or similar values to maskContentUnits="", gradientUnits="" etc. 22:02:16 -birtles 22:02:21 so that there is not a new bounding box that clip-path uses that all our other definition elements can't use. 22:02:33 Then clip-path's default matches the default of mask-clip, background-clip, etc. 22:03:21 tav: it's strange in SVG that the clipPath changes if you change the stroke width 22:03:33 ... changing the style shouldn't change what's being clipped 22:04:16 dirk: I think I agree with tav 22:04:44 heycam: yes, changing any style does not change now the clipping, but it could be useful, if it's not the default 22:05:12 tav: useful, but that's not what I would naturally expect 22:05:46 heycam: any concern with the consistency of other property 22:05:57 tav: I have to think about it 22:06:31 heycam: I'm not that unhappy to have it be objectBoundingBox 22:06:45 ... I think it's probably ok 22:07:02 ... dirk, you have it implemented, did you try with some content 22:07:57 tav: how would you handle different kinds of line join 22:08:19 dirk: we rely on the graphics library to get the bounding box 22:08:25 ... this is not done by WebKit 22:08:48 ed: objectBoundingBox is not affected by the line join right? 22:08:57 dirk: no, strokeBoundingBox is 22:09:11 heycam: yes, maybe strokeBoundingBox needs more thoughts 22:11:32 Topic: Review request of CSS Masking spec before going to LC 22:11:48 dirk: I asked the same request in the CSS WG 22:11:57 ... it would be great to have review early 22:12:24 ... the review I had from CSS was that the spec should rely on the background spec as much as possible 22:12:33 ... I will rewrite the spec 22:12:51 ... and get feedback from the group, for instance during the F2F 22:13:02 heycam: when do you want to get it to LC 22:13:10 dirk: when the review is finished 22:13:36 Topic: text-shadow on , , , etc. 22:14:01 heycam: dirk said text-shadow should apply to text 22:14:05 shepazu has joined #svg 22:14:16 dirk: I think text-decoration should apply to text 22:14:34 http://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-decor-3/ 22:14:40 tav: SVG has different colors 22:14:44 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-text-decor-3/ 22:14:48 ... how does that this apply 22:15:16 tav: I agree it's better to have unification 22:15:46 ... I don't know if there is a problem with text-decoration 22:16:04 heycam: I think we should have the same rules as HTML elements 22:16:19 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/20110816/svg/text-deco-01-b.svg 22:16:51 dirk: we already use these properties 22:16:59 ... it's really a matter of normative reference 22:17:06 tav: and it handles the variation of colors 22:17:21 dirk: we already have stroke and fill on HTML text 22:18:30 tav: text-shadow does it apply to text-decoration ? 22:18:41 dirk: good question, CSS WG is still discussing it 22:18:49 ed: not very well defined yet 22:20:19 s/ not very well defined yet/how text-decorations affect the boundingbox is not defined yet/ 22:20:20 tav: I would expect that the shadow apply on the decoration 22:20:39 heycam: I like the idea of text-shadow applying to SVG text in general 22:22:26 resolution: in SVG 2, text-shadow will apply to svg text 22:23:13 Topic: getStrokeBBox behaviour and naming 22:23:20 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2013Jan/0057.html 22:23:48 heycam: we have getStrokeBBox in the DOM, the definition is slightly off in the text 22:24:12 ... it include the stroke in the marker but not the fill which is a bit strange 22:24:32 ... but the real issue is the name 'stroke' if it includes the marker as well 22:25:17 getBBox({ fill: true, stroke: false, markers: true }) 22:25:19 ... the dictionnary BBoxOption means that you can pass an object 22:26:25 dirk: if you put two values to true, then you would get the union of both 22:26:28 heycam: yess 22:28:20 dirk explaining an example of the strokebbox being smaller than the fillbox 22:28:50 with the use of dashes not present at corners 22:28:59 tav: dashes should not matter for the bbox 22:30:11 dirk: I think the style doesn't matter on the stroke box 22:36:17 tav: what's useful is having the 3 options and having them additive 22:36:35 heycam: perhaps three different methods 22:36:53 -nikos 22:36:54 -[IPcaller] 22:37:00 -krit 22:37:04 -Tav 22:37:10 rrsagent, generate minutes 22:37:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2013/01/17-svg-minutes.html Cyril 22:37:12 -cabanier 22:37:29 rrsagent, make minutes public 22:37:29 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', Cyril. Try /msg RRSAgent help 22:37:49 -Cyril 22:42:42 -Rich 22:42:44 -heycam 22:42:44 GA_SVGWG(SVG1)4:00PM has ended 22:42:44 Attendees were krit, birtles, +, Cyril, ed, heycam, nikos, Rich, cabanier, Tav, [IPcaller] 22:44:07 thorton_ has joined #svg 23:18:49 birtles has joined #svg 23:57:15 cabanier has joined #svg