16:54:33 RRSAgent has joined #audio 16:54:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/12/19-audio-irc 16:54:37 trackbot, start meeting 16:54:39 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:54:41 Zakim, this will be 28346 16:54:41 ok, trackbot; I see RWC_Audio()12:00PM scheduled to start in 6 minutes 16:54:42 Meeting: Audio Working Group Teleconference 16:54:42 Date: 19 December 2012 16:54:48 Chair: olivier 16:55:04 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-audio/2012OctDec/0768.html 16:55:12 Agenda+ WG co-chair 16:55:19 zakim, bye 16:55:19 Zakim has left #audio 16:55:23 Zakim has joined #audio 16:55:28 zakim, this will be audio 16:55:28 ok, olivier; I see RWC_Audio()12:00PM scheduled to start in 5 minutes 16:55:33 Agenda+ WG co-chair 16:55:46 Agenda+ Teleconference time change, next teleconference 16:56:06 Agenda+ Face-to-face date: 26-27 March proposed date 16:56:27 Agenda+ Testing - see http://w3c.github.com/testing-how-to/#(1) 16:58:52 RWC_Audio()12:00PM has now started 16:59:00 + +1.650.214.aaaa 16:59:17 ChrisWilson has joined #audio 16:59:30 zakim, this is audio 16:59:30 ChrisWilson, this was already RWC_Audio()12:00PM 16:59:31 ok, ChrisWilson; that matches RWC_Audio()12:00PM 16:59:31 +[IPcaller] 16:59:36 zakim, who is here? 16:59:36 On the phone I see +1.650.214.aaaa, [IPcaller] 16:59:38 On IRC I see ChrisWilson, Zakim, RRSAgent, olivier, plh, tmichel, colinbdclark, rtoyg, heath, shepazu, trackbot, chrislowis, paul___irish, mdjp, ack 16:59:41 zakim, [IPCaller] is me 16:59:41 +olivier; got it 16:59:45 zakim, aaaa is me 16:59:45 +ChrisWilson; got it 16:59:50 chris has joined #audio 16:59:52 zakim, olivier has chrislowis 16:59:53 +chrislowis; got it 17:00:54 +Plh 17:01:30 +chris.a 17:01:40 +gmandyam 17:02:03 gmandyam has joined #audio 17:02:22 tmichel has joined #audio 17:02:33 zakim, who is here? 17:02:33 On the phone I see ChrisWilson, olivier, Plh, chris.a, gmandyam 17:02:34 olivier has chrislowis 17:02:34 On IRC I see tmichel, gmandyam, chris, ChrisWilson, Zakim, RRSAgent, olivier, plh, colinbdclark, rtoyg, heath, shepazu, trackbot, chrislowis, paul___irish, mdjp, ack 17:02:48 zakim, chris.a is ChrisRogers 17:02:48 +ChrisRogers; got it 17:03:23 +??P37 17:03:40 zakim, ??P37 is me 17:03:40 +tmichel; got it 17:04:20 zakim, chrislowis is scribe 17:04:20 sorry, chrislowis, I do not recognize a party named 'chrislowis' 17:04:25 Scribe: chrislowis 17:05:31 Agenda? 17:05:56 zakim, take up agendum 3 17:05:56 agendum 3. "Face-to-face date: 26-27 March proposed date" taken up [from olivier] 17:06:03 +Doug_Schepers 17:06:46 Zakim, pick a chris 17:06:46 I don't understand 'pick a chris', chrislowis 17:07:23 olivier: Seems like the best dates are 27-28th March. 17:07:31 olivier: we are planning to hold the meeting in SF. 17:07:52 s/27-28/26-27 17:08:15 olivier: I'm talking to jer and chris about hosting at apple or google respectively. 17:08:50 olivier: I'm hearing no objections so pencil in 26-27th March 2012 as the date for our next face-to-face. 17:08:54 zakim, take up agendum 1 17:08:54 agendum 1. "WG co-chair" taken up [from olivier] 17:08:57 Is this in San Francisco, or in Mountain View area, or undecided? 17:09:17 ChrisWilson: undecided so far. 17:10:14 I can't hear Olivier ... 17:10:17 zakim, who is making noise? 17:10:28 olivier, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: olivier (9%), tmichel (57%) 17:10:40 zakim, who is making noise? 17:10:51 tmichel, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: olivier (55%) 17:11:12 olivier: I'd like to announce that Chris Lowis is to take on the co-chair role. 17:12:11 zakim, take up agendum 2 17:12:11 agendum 2. "Teleconference time change, next teleconference" taken up [from olivier] 17:12:25 chrislowis: is pleased to take up the co-chair role. 17:13:11 olivier: we're going to move the call from this time on Wednesdays to this time on Thursdays, every two weeks. 17:13:29 olivier: quick show of hands for either 10th or 17th for the next call. 17:13:56 chris: I may be taking vacation around that time. It could be one or the other possibly both. 17:14:11 ChrisWilson: slight preference for the 10th. 17:14:25 olivier: in that case we'll go for the 10th. 17:14:45 RESOLUTION: 10th January for the next teleconference. 17:14:51 zakim, close this agendum 17:14:51 agendum 2 closed 17:14:52 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:14:52 1. WG co-chair [from olivier] 17:14:58 zakim, take up agendum 4 17:14:58 agendum 4. "Testing - see http://w3c.github.com/testing-how-to/#(1)" taken up [from olivier] 17:15:13 http://w3c.github.com/testing-how-to/#(1)%22 17:15:52 The URL of the presentation plh is about to give is above. 17:16:48 I won't be scribing the presentation. 17:18:38 please feel free to ask questions - use q+ if you want to be added to the queue 17:20:36 q+ to ask if there is any tool extracting MUSTs from prose 17:21:27 olivier: has anybody built a tool to extract MUST statements from prose, or do we do that by hand? 17:21:33 +q 17:22:00 plh: there has been some tools but what we've seen that it's not to bad to go through the spec and extract them. 17:22:50 olivier: when we've talked about testing in the past, not all the algorithms that are specified in our spec are entirely described as they tend to be "well known" from the signal processing literature. 17:23:04 ack me 17:23:04 olivier, you wanted to ask if there is any tool extracting MUSTs from prose 17:25:02 plh: some test suites are testing specifications to help get the spec approved, but are not so useful for product testing. Product testing is a level above that. 17:25:24 plh: the level above *that* is to write tests to find bugs in implementations. 17:25:33 plh: and there you need much more detail. 17:26:01 ack g 17:26:04 Giri Mandyam speaking ... 17:26:15 +q 17:26:37 gmandyam: if a WG has a use cases document, is there no obligation to write tests for those use cases? 17:26:47 plh: no, there is no obligation. 17:27:11 gmandyam: so the MUSTs in the normative specification are the only things that matter, in the sense they supercede the use cases? 17:27:14 plh: that is case. 17:27:39 ack me 17:27:47 plh: creating a test suite for CR (?) is the first step. You can put stronger requirements on yourself. 17:27:49 ack t 17:28:20 tmichel: looking at the charter of the audio WG we are chartered to provide a test suite in order to exit CR. 17:28:39 q+ 17:28:54 ack s 17:30:01 shepazu: we have recommendations yet we still keep producing tests because interoperability is very important. That is our ultimate goal even if we decide first to produce the minimum set of tests required for CR. 17:30:55 rossk has joined #audio 17:31:29 testharness.js is at http://w3c-test.org/resources/testharness.js 17:34:03 olivier: you mention that a file can contain many tests. Is there a best practive? 17:34:12 s/practive/practice 17:34:51 plh: it's a good idea to keep related tests in section. Tests need to run on all devices including mobile. So a file with too many tests might run into trouble. 17:57:02 jussi has joined #audio 17:57:30 Agh, sorry, I forgot we rescheduled back to the old slot 17:58:55 +??P13 17:59:19 Zakim, ??P13 is me 17:59:19 +jussi; got it 18:00:34 chris: Is there any notion of a test which is like a manual test but where a screenshot is taken and a human being compares a test with a screenshot? 18:01:00 plh: no, Reftests are used for that - you provide a separate file for reference. 18:01:59 chris: would a possible reference test be used for example for the canvas2d api? Comparing a rendered canvas with a png file for example? 18:02:07 plh: yes, that would be a reftest. 18:02:08 shepazu has joined #audio 18:02:35 chris: and that image could be different on IE and Firefox for example? 18:03:19 plh: at the moment we don't have the concept of an "approximation" in the reftest, it either matches or doesn't. 18:03:54 shepazu: we reftest any given implementation is self-consistent to the library/platform etc, but may not be different between implementations. 18:04:00 -gmandyam 18:04:21 chris: good, if that's the case that's what we call tests in webkit. 18:04:45 s//reference 18:05:55 olivier: Just a point of reference Alan has posted the start of a test harness for us using testharness.js 18:05:56 https://github.com/alankligman/webaudio-conformance/blob/master/sdk/incoming/destination.html 18:06:07 olivier: thank you to plh for joining us today. 18:06:17 olivier: we can continue discussion on the mailing list. 18:06:32 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-test-infra/ 18:07:05 shepazu: I want to officially welcome Chris Lowis as co-chair, the email has now been sent and is official. 18:07:24 -ChrisWilson 18:07:26 -Plh 18:07:27 olivier: great. We'll talk on the 10th, Thursday at the same time. 18:07:27 -olivier 18:07:28 -jussi 18:07:29 -Doug_Schepers 18:07:35 rrsagent, make minutes 18:07:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/12/19-audio-minutes.html olivier 18:19:44 ChrisWilson has joined #audio 18:34:55 -ChrisRogers 18:39:55 disconnecting the lone participant, tmichel, in RWC_Audio()12:00PM 18:39:56 RWC_Audio()12:00PM has ended 18:39:56 Attendees were +1.650.214.aaaa, ChrisWilson, chrislowis, Plh, chris, gmandyam, ChrisRogers, tmichel, Doug_Schepers, jussi 19:59:34 colinbdclark has joined #audio 20:33:26 colinbdclark has joined #audio 20:48:41 colinbdclark has joined #audio 20:49:23 colinbdclark has joined #audio 21:23:47 ChrisWilson has joined #audio