15:58:22 RRSAgent has joined #html-a11y 15:58:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/12/06-html-a11y-irc 15:58:24 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:58:24 Zakim has joined #html-a11y 15:58:26 Zakim, this will be 2119 15:58:26 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)10:00AM scheduled to start 58 minutes ago 15:58:27 Meeting: HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 15:58:27 Date: 06 December 2012 15:58:36 WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)10:00AM has now started 15:58:43 +??P11 15:58:51 zakim, ??P11 is Janina_Sajka 15:58:51 +Janina_Sajka; got it 15:58:57 Meeting: HTML-A11Y Task Force Teleconference 15:58:57 Chair: Janina_Sajka 15:58:57 agenda+ Identify Scribe http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List 15:59:00 agenda+ Longdesc Extension Update http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-proposals/raw-file/b63325998cc1/longdesc1/longdesc.html 15:59:03 agenda+ Status of "alt" text in HTML (specification and usage in the 15:59:06 document) 15:59:08 agenda+ Subteam Reports: Bug Triage; AAPI Mapping; 15:59:11 agenda+ Other Business 15:59:13 agenda+ Actions Review http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/open 15:59:16 agenda+ Identify Scribe for the next TF teleconference http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List 15:59:19 agenda+ be done 15:59:31 Judy has joined #html-a11y 16:01:24 zakim, what is the code? 16:01:24 the conference code is 2119 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), paulc 16:02:13 +hober 16:02:20 +John_Foliot 16:02:21 +[Microsoft] 16:02:45 zakim, [Microsoft] has paulc 16:02:46 +paulc; got it 16:04:09 zakim, take up item 1 16:04:09 agendum 1. "Identify Scribe http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List" taken up [from janina] 16:05:59 +Judy 16:07:28 zakim, who's here? 16:07:28 On the phone I see Janina_Sajka, hober, John_Foliot, [Microsoft], Judy 16:07:29 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #html-a11y 16:07:30 [Microsoft] has paulc 16:07:30 On IRC I see Judy, Zakim, RRSAgent, paulc, janina, davidb, chaals, IanPouncey, darobin, Stevef, trackbot, hober, MichaelC 16:10:26 zakim, code? 16:10:26 the conference code is 2119 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), chaals 16:12:50 JF has joined #html-a11y 16:13:45 zakim, who's here? 16:13:45 On the phone I see Janina_Sajka, hober, John_Foliot, [Microsoft], Judy 16:13:46 [Microsoft] has paulc 16:13:46 On IRC I see JF, richardschwerdtfeger, Judy, Zakim, RRSAgent, paulc, janina, davidb, chaals, IanPouncey, darobin, Stevef, trackbot, hober, MichaelC 16:13:56 scribe: JF 16:14:08 zakim, take up item 1 16:14:08 agendum 1. "Identify Scribe http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List" taken up [from janina] 16:14:16 zakim, close item 1 16:14:16 agendum 1, Identify Scribe http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List, closed 16:14:20 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:14:20 2. Longdesc Extension Update http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-proposals/raw-file/b63325998cc1/longdesc1/longdesc.html [from janina] 16:14:20 Hi judy, I am just lurking on the call. … working on aria cr tests 16:14:23 zakim, take up item 2 16:14:23 agendum 2. "Longdesc Extension Update http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-proposals/raw-file/b63325998cc1/longdesc1/longdesc.html" taken up [from janina] 16:14:31 +David_MacDonald 16:14:44 +chaals 16:14:47 +Cynthia_Shelly 16:15:16 zakim, who's on the phone? 16:15:16 On the phone I see Janina_Sajka, hober, John_Foliot, [Microsoft], Judy, David_MacDonald, chaals, Cynthia_Shelly 16:15:19 [Microsoft] has paulc 16:15:55 JS: looking at longdesc spec whi8ch would give us a FPWD 16:16:22 David has joined #html-a11y 16:16:41 after last week, decide to look at all objections with care 16:17:56 chaals: sent out an email starting on that - hoping that someone with more time can take up the thread 16:18:29 Q+ 16:18:57 chaals: we have o0ne objection to publishing, and one statement of noting "issues" 16:19:09 so we must respond to at least the first one 16:20:04 JF volunteers to assist chaals with this effort 16:21:09 q+ 16:21:15 ack JF 16:21:15 q+ 16:21:21 ack David 16:22:20 David: I have some concerns still, and want to discuss this before it goes out the door. 16:22:44 chaals: agree, and we have a bug filed against that too, so it will be addressed 16:22:50 JS: hearing violent agreement 16:22:51 q- 16:23:44 JS: does not appear that there are any new objections that have not surfaced previously 16:24:01 key is to be succinct in response to the current objection(s) 16:24:42 zakim, take up next item 16:24:42 agendum 3. "Status of "alt" text in HTML (specification and usage in the" taken up [from janina] 16:25:26 JS: document developed by text sub-team created to assist in this effort 16:26:20 goal is to avoid 2 W3C specs that disagree with each other, especially around the use of @alt 16:28:05 JS: email from Leonie noting some bugs marked wontfix that have relevance to this topic 16:28:47 JB: Leonie asked that the text sub-team address these bugs, hoping to re-convene that group next tuesday 16:29:04 q+ 16:29:20 have also done an initial review of the set 16:29:47 JB: notes that the co-chairs have also invited the text sub-team should be in discussion with the editors over the next while 16:30:20 JS: question is, do we need/want to associate the bugs against the problems identified in David's docujment 16:30:34 q? 16:30:38 ack p 16:30:40 believe that this has been requested in the past 16:31:15 s/the text sub-team should be in/the TF to be in/ 16:31:19 PC: looking for some record or indication of which new bugs have been filed, so that Robin can meet the direction identified by Judy 16:31:37 PC: is there a definitive list of which items have been addressed by editorial team? 16:31:53 JB: that would be helpful, but unaware of direct information to supply that? 16:32:14 JS: seems nobody is directly discussing this with editors 16:32:31 chaals: SteveF and I are in discussion with them, and watching their progress 16:32:51 JB: can we ask that they provide some form of list/notes of what has been processed to date? 16:32:56 chaals: yes 16:33:08 ACTION: chaals to report on what HTML editors are doing wrt alt text issues 16:33:09 Created ACTION-150 - Report on what HTML editors are doing wrt alt text issues [on Charles McCathie Nevile - due 2012-12-13]. 16:33:24 JS: 2 areas of work - alt guidance and then actual examples used in the spec 16:34:40 q+ 16:35:10 JS: Question: is anyone thinks we need to move forward with alt guidance in section 4.8 and the use of alt in HTML spec in tandem with Steve's document? 16:35:41 JB: I think we've already answered that question, and that we should be moving forward independantly 16:36:16 JS: just wish to be sure that there is full clarification here - but seems that perhaps not 16:36:49 q? 16:36:53 ack ju 16:36:57 q+ 16:37:05 PC: best outcome is that we resolve all problems in the document and it goes away. Perhaps put the question of publishing the alt document be put on hold until the other issues are resolved 16:37:09 zakim, who's noisy? 16:37:20 David, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds 16:37:35 ack ch 16:37:36 ack chaals 16:37:49 ack me 16:38:30 chaals: support Paul's observation, propose that we request HTML postpone the question whether Steve's document be published one way or other until all the other issues are resolved 16:38:55 JS: should we make that a formal resolution? 16:39:01 chaals: what I am proposing, yes 16:39:05 proposed resolution: We request HTML to defer the question of publishing Steve's doc while we determine whether we can resolve the issues instead. 16:39:16 +1 to proposal 16:39:31 chaals: suggest to defer for 4-6 weeks 16:39:39 (+1 to that too) 16:39:46 JS: any objections on this call? 16:39:59 [none heard] 16:40:17 JS: will run a CfrC via email for next seven days 16:40:58 s/CfrC/CFC/ 16:41:09 provisional resolution: We request HTML to defer the question of publishing Steve's doc while we determine whether we can resolve the issues instead 16:41:27 zakim, take up next item 16:41:27 agendum 4. "Subteam Reports: Bug Triage; AAPI Mapping;" taken up [from janina] 16:41:31 s/instead/in the next 6 weeks or so/ 16:41:35 JS: Leonie is not here 16:41:52 JB: looks like they gathered their remaining stuff and tossed over to me 16:41:55 {laughter} 16:42:16 JB: looks like som have also been sent to some others 16:42:25 (JF notes he has some to review as well) 16:42:41 JS: moving on... 16:42:55 JS: AAPI Mapping? 16:43:12 cyns: Hard to get everyone together on a call - may need to look for an alternative time 16:43:31 cyns: progress is slow 16:43:39 JS: important document, has a ways to go 16:44:17 JS: if anyone may not have noted, we have agreed to not have to map to MSAA, as it has been overtaken by other APIs that are more current 16:45:30 q+ 16:45:52 ack david 16:46:22 David: just curious what the new way of referring to MSAA today? 16:46:29 cyns: generally I say UIA 16:46:54 cyns: but if there is a need for more detail then I expand on that 16:47:01 zakim, next item 16:47:01 agendum 5. "Other Business" taken up [from janina] 16:47:14 zakim, take up item 4 16:47:14 agendum 4. "Subteam Reports: Bug Triage; AAPI Mapping;" taken up [from janina] 16:48:09 JB: anyone on this call (John, David, others) - are you available at the old time next tuesday? 16:48:17 David: have a conflict 16:48:30 (JF & JS available) 16:48:49 JB: just want to process Leonie 16:48:59 s list against what we have 16:49:06 zakim, who's here? 16:49:06 On the phone I see Janina_Sajka, hober, John_Foliot, [Microsoft], Judy, David_MacDonald, chaals, Cynthia_Shelly 16:49:07 JB: 16:49:09 [Microsoft] has paulc 16:49:09 On IRC I see David, JF, richardschwerdtfeger, Judy, Zakim, RRSAgent, paulc, janina, davidb, chaals, IanPouncey, darobin, Stevef, trackbot, hober, MichaelC 16:49:13 q? 16:49:55 JB: will look to set up a call for next tuesday then to try and make some progress 16:50:02 problem above is that i.e. supports msaa + UIA Express 16:50:12 iE does not support UIA directly 16:50:51 JS: media has been dormant for a while - we have a charge to propose an extension specification around the old Issue 194 16:51:05 wondering if we should re-convene that group in the new yeart 16:51:11 s/yeart/year/ 16:51:34 JSW: we should likely not ignore other efforts underway 16:51:52 s/JSW/JS/ 16:52:21 q+ 16:52:32 ack p 16:53:07 PC: just want to be sure that everyone knows that the 2 sub-groups (encrypted media and streaming) are likely to publish FPWDsearly in the new year 16:53:57 JS: hoping that protected media and accessibility goals can be achieved 16:54:04 Leaving to get ready for the WG meeting 16:54:10 zakim, take up next item 16:54:10 agendum 5. "Other Business" taken up [from janina] 16:54:19 JS: anyone? 16:54:42 ACTION-149? 16:54:42 ACTION-149 -- Charles McCathie Nevile to follow up old action items and see which remain relevent -- due 2012-12-06 -- OPEN 16:54:42 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/149 16:55:23 chaals: have not had time to address that 16:55:32 action 148 on JF - stalled 16:55:32 Sorry, couldn't find 148. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:55:38 147 - ongoing 16:55:45 146 - will be closed 16:55:53 145 - completed 16:56:07 144 - incomplete at this time 16:56:18 anything prior is covered by action 149 16:56:24 -chaals 16:56:27 -Judy 16:56:30 -David_MacDonald 16:56:32 -Cynthia_Shelly 16:56:34 -hober 16:56:36 -Janina_Sajka 16:56:43 -John_Foliot 16:57:31 rrsagent, make logs public 16:57:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:57:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/12/06-html-a11y-minutes.html JF 16:58:09 zakim, please part 16:58:09 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Janina_Sajka, hober, John_Foliot, paulc, Judy, David_MacDonald, chaals, Cynthia_Shelly 16:58:09 Zakim has left #html-a11y 17:00:04 janina has left #html-a11y 17:19:29 Stevef has joined #html-a11y 17:20:47 David_ has joined #html-a11y 17:33:17 chaals1 has joined #html-a11y