14:57:41 RRSAgent has joined #html-media 14:57:41 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/16-html-media-irc 14:57:43 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:57:43 Zakim has joined #html-media 14:57:45 Zakim, this will be 63342 14:57:46 Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference 14:57:46 Date: 16 October 2012 14:57:47 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_WG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 14:57:59 zakim, this is html_wg 14:57:59 "html_wg" matches HTML_WG(HTMLT)11:00AM, and HTML_WG()11:00AM, adrianba 14:58:14 zakim, this is media 14:58:14 adrianba, I see HTML_WG()11:00AM in the schedule but not yet started. Perhaps you mean "this will be media". 14:58:46 Clarke has joined #html-media 14:58:47 HTML_WG()11:00AM has now started 14:58:54 + +1.650.525.aaaa 14:59:05 + +1.425.269.aabb 14:59:38 + +1.303.661.aacc 14:59:39 zakim, dial matt-voip 14:59:39 ok, matt; the call is being made 14:59:40 +Matt 14:59:45 zakim, mute me 14:59:45 Matt should now be muted 14:59:51 zakim, aacc is me 14:59:51 +Clarke; got it 15:00:12 +[Microsoft] 15:00:22 zakim, [microsoft] has adrianba, paulc 15:00:22 +adrianba, paulc; got it 15:00:30 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:00:30 On the phone I see +1.650.525.aaaa, +1.425.269.aabb, Clarke, Matt (muted), [Microsoft] 15:00:33 [Microsoft] has adrianba, paulc 15:00:43 zakim, I am aaaa 15:00:43 +pal; got it 15:01:01 zakim, aabb is johnsim 15:01:01 +johnsim; got it 15:01:12 + +1.425.202.aadd 15:02:09 Suzie has joined #html-media 15:02:12 zakim, who is noisy? 15:02:12 I am sorry, adrianba; I don't have the necessary resources to track talkers right now 15:02:31 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:02:31 On the phone I see pal, johnsim, Clarke, Matt (muted), [Microsoft], +1.425.202.aadd 15:02:33 [Microsoft] has adrianba, paulc 15:02:44 markw has joined #html-media 15:02:51 +Aaron_Colwell 15:03:18 BobLund has joined #html-media 15:03:19 zakim, aadd is me 15:03:19 +ddorwin; got it 15:03:49 ScribeNick: adrianba 15:03:53 Scribe: Adrian Bateman 15:03:56 Chair: Paul Cotton 15:04:01 strobe has joined #html-media 15:04:05 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2012Oct/0032.html 15:04:15 + +1.213.234.aaee 15:04:34 TOPIC: Roll call, introductions and selection of scribe 15:04:36 Zakim, +1.213.234. is me 15:04:36 +Suzie; got it 15:04:43 + +1.415.867.aaff 15:04:44 paulc: done 15:04:51 TOPIC: Minutes from Oct 2 15:04:54 +??P35 15:05:02 + +1.813.728.aagg 15:05:04 paulc: i wasn't at that meeting so i don't have comments 15:05:04 aaff is markw 15:05:12 zakim, aaff is markw 15:05:12 +markw; got it 15:05:13 zakim, ??p35 is me 15:05:13 +BobLund; got it 15:05:14 http://www.w3.org/2012/10/02-html-media-minutes.html 15:05:20 TOPIC: Review of action items 15:05:21 Zakim, +1.813.728 is me 15:05:21 +strobe; got it 15:05:27 paulc: the two outstanding are later on the agenda 15:05:34 TOPIC: TPAC meeting plans 15:05:46 paulc: there is discussion on the list about who is going to TPAC 15:06:04 ... you may already know that we're anticipating both MSE and EME meeting at TPAC 15:06:21 ... and there are notes on the wiki asking for at least 90 minutes on the Thursday 15:06:30 ... for those who haven't been to a HTML WG F2F before 15:06:37 ... the actual agenda is decided at 9am on the first day 15:06:50 ... we take the topics from the wiki and decide how to organise ourselves 15:06:55 ... we do have two meeting rooms 15:07:39 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/TPAC2012 15:08:03 paulc: this page has the possible topics for EME and MSE 15:08:05 -johnsim 15:08:14 ... assume non-overlapping consecutive sessions 15:08:26 ... expecting more people putting more discussion on here 15:08:45 ... there is an agenda with times but no topics - some will be anchored because they're with other groups 15:09:00 ... but at 9am on Thursday well decide based on who is in the room which topics we want to work on 15:09:17 ... so i would like to recommend that the editors for EME come to the TPAC meeting having triaged the outstanding bugs 15:09:25 ... so that we know which items we're going to talk about 15:09:36 ... let's try to get that done before the meeting on the archive 15:09:41 ...questions? 15:09:48 q? 15:10:08 paulc: are the editors willing to step up and organise the bugs? 15:10:09 yes, for my part 15:10:12 yes 15:10:19 yes 15:10:37 paulc: i will volunteer to possibly chair if that's what you want 15:10:46 ... i believe that the rooms will have a telcon ability 15:11:25 +[Microsoft.a] 15:11:32 TOPIC: baseline documents and bugzilla info 15:11:49 paulc: spec http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/tip/encrypted-media/encrypted-media.html 15:11:57 ... updated sep 15 15:12:20 paulc: do the editors have comments on the current status? 15:12:36 ddorwin: no comments 15:12:54 paulc: current bugs http://tinyurl.com/7tfambo 15:13:06 ... this is the set i think we need to categorise and deal with at tpac 15:13:19 TOPIC: Actions from the previous meeting 15:13:32 paulc: two outstanding tracking actions 15:13:33 ACTION-3? 15:13:33 ACTION-3 -- John Simmons to propose resolution to bug 17682 -- due 2012-09-11 -- OPEN 15:13:33 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/media/track/actions/3 15:14:02 johnsim: i sent a proposal for this to the editors yesterday 15:14:12 ... waiting for some feedback from the editors before updating the bug 15:14:39 paulc: once you update the bug feel free to close the action and provide a link to the comment 15:14:44 ACTION-6? 15:14:44 ACTION-6 -- Aaron Colwell to give a couple of examples for section 2 -- due 2012-09-04 -- OPEN 15:14:44 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/media/track/actions/6 15:14:50 zakim, who is noisy? 15:14:50 I am sorry, matt; I don't have the necessary resources to track talkers right now 15:15:23 paulc: not sure which bug or item this is related to 15:15:38 ... wondering if this was resolved by one of the recent postings to the list 15:15:52 acolwell: not sure which issue this at the moment 15:16:19 ... will need to review the minutes 15:16:24 paulc: was created on aug 28 15:17:31 MartinSoukup has joined #html-media 15:17:45 Simmons has joined #html-media 15:18:21 ... it is in the minutes for aug 28 - it is an MSE item 15:19:47 ... https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=18575 15:20:14 TOPIC: Recent threads from the list 15:20:25 paulc: Bug 17199 - Provide examples for and get feedback on Key Release 15:20:42 paulc: proposal from mark is in the bug 15:20:45 ... https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17199 15:21:04 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17199#c8 15:21:09 ... in the last large comment 15:21:20 markw: i only posted this yesterday - not expecting feedback yet 15:21:41 paulc: this is an item where people should look at the comment and propose that we should have this on the tpac agenda 15:22:00 markw: one thing to highlight - this was a detailed proposal based on the outline earlier in the comments 15:22:14 ... the behaviour of key release when the browser is closed is new 15:22:35 ... one way is with the close() method but another is if the object is destroyed for another reason 15:22:43 ... there may be browser implementation issues with this part 15:22:57 ... and so feedback from implementers on this part would be extremely valuable 15:23:09 paulc: Bug 17660 – Request to add parameters to createSession (bug 17660) 15:23:18 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17660 15:23:25 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2012Oct/0031.html 15:23:48 paulc: this was from joe steele 15:24:06 ... he's provided an example - don't believe there has been a reply 15:24:14 ... do we want to do anything about this now? 15:24:17 ddorwin: there was one reply 15:24:30 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2012Oct/0033.html 15:24:50 zakim, mute me 15:24:50 BobLund should now be muted 15:24:52 paulc: assume this will continue by email 15:25:03 ... looks like a possible tpac topic 15:25:16 paulc: Bug 17470 - Provide specific guidance on when generateKeyRequest should be called 15:25:22 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17470 15:25:28 + +1.408.536.aahh 15:25:30 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2012Oct/0029.html 15:25:40 paulc: joe was asked to provide sample code 15:25:51 ... no replies here 15:26:03 ... does anyone have any comments? 15:26:21 zakim, aahh is Joe_Steele 15:26:21 +Joe_Steele; got it 15:26:57 joesteele: have not had time to reply to the previous issue - read the response this morning 15:27:02 paulc: will you be at tpac? 15:27:08 joesteele: not this time 15:27:19 paulc: it would help if you could try to push these along 15:27:47 joesteele: for the example one, if nobody has any problems with the example then if we include that i think we're good 15:28:03 ... if anyone wants anything else, let me know 15:28:26 ... the earlier one, 17660 about additional parameters, i'll respond to this thread 15:28:36 ... if there's a lot of pushback we could defer this to later 15:28:43 ... to a v2 perhaps 15:28:55 TOPIC: Other business 15:29:05 paulc: are there any recent threads people want raised to discuss? 15:29:17 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19156 15:29:25 ddorwin: i sent one about initialising decoders - 19156 15:29:39 ... seemed to be agreement on the thread so will update the bug to say we'll go with this proposal 15:29:44 + +1.613.287.aaii 15:29:50 zakim, aaii is me 15:29:50 +MartinSoukup; got it 15:30:00 Thread started at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2012Oct/0001.html 15:30:08 paulc: you're saying there is more consensus in the discussion after the last meeting 15:30:10 ddorwin: yes 15:30:19 paulc: do you plan an update to the spec before tpac? 15:30:25 ddorwin: maybe at tpac 15:31:05 paulc: editors preparing for tpac should put in a category of we have consensus but not yet implemented in the spec 15:31:12 paulc: any other items? 15:31:17 +q 15:31:47 joesteele: it wasn't clear to me what the consensus was on the changing decoders thread - one of the comments seemed to contradict the message i sent about initiatisation prior to media flowing 15:32:14 ddorwin: i don't recall this being a problem - perhaps one of the options was to disallow that but this wasn't chosen 15:32:23 joesteele: i will send an email to you on that 15:32:26 q? 15:32:32 ack pal 15:32:41 pal: question on process 15:32:53 ... is the goal to close all the issues before FPWD? 15:33:03 paulc: i don't think we have to but i don't think we have consensus on that 15:33:05 zakim, who is noisy? 15:33:05 I am sorry, matt; I don't have the necessary resources to track talkers right now 15:33:14 ... this is an important topic to discuss at tpac 15:33:29 ... if the editors triage the bugs they might be able to come to tpac saying that if they flatten certain issues 15:33:42 ... then at that point we should go back to the WG and ask for a FPWD 15:33:51 ... my opinion is that we don't have to flatten all the issues 15:33:52 +1 15:34:04 acolwell: i'd be fine with that 15:34:14 +1 15:34:16 ... it depends how important people believe certain bugs are 15:34:18 +1 15:34:26 q+ 15:34:32 ack pal 15:34:47 pal: let's assume there is an issue where there appears to be consensus 15:34:57 ... but the editors don't get to that 15:35:06 ... will we resolve this before fpwd? 15:35:18 paulc: i think the tpac discussion will include time about what happens next 15:35:37 ... i think the reason for wanting to meet on thursday is to allow the editors to meet on friday to come up with a plan 15:35:52 ... and the editors should track during the session what work will need to be done 15:36:22 pal: looking at issue 16544 15:36:22 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16544 15:36:39 pal: i think this is a pretty important clarification 15:36:48 ... and would be good if it made it into the spec before fpwd 15:37:08 paulc: if this on your work queue markw? 15:37:16 markw: yes 15:37:42 paulc: pal, is this one of a kind or is this one of many? 15:37:56 pal: i think this one is particularly important 15:37:58 paulc 15:38:02 s/paulc// 15:38:20 paulc: suggest send notes to the list, perhaps a thread for each topic explaining why it is important 15:38:31 markw: i think this one is uncontroversial 15:38:44 ... and just needs text - definitely needs to be done before fpwd 15:39:00 johnsim: this is updating because the figure is misleading 15:39:21 pal: i think it's confusing that the responsibility is to not make encrypted frames available 15:39:44 ... the point of encrypting is not to make the decrypted frames back to the UA 15:40:02 markw: definitely needs clarified but doesn't specify exactly what any given CDM will do 15:40:28 pal: i agree that the spec not be prescriptive but do need to describe the variations 15:40:38 markw: understood, that's the action outstanding 15:40:53 Patent Policy: http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/#sec-disclosure-requests 15:40:55 paulc: for the general question, are there particular bugs people want before FPWD 15:41:15 ... one parameter is that you want to make sure for FPWD where there will be a disclosure requirement 15:41:40 ... you want to make sure the spec covers the domain that the final version will cover 15:41:59 ... so that members reviewing the spec won't find that it was vague about the scope 15:42:14 ... don't know if this applies but would suggest this does need to be done 15:42:22 paulc: any other comments? 15:42:42 ddorwin: that seems like a good way to evaluate - clarifications vs. features 15:42:49 paulc: right - this is important 15:43:16 ... without this disclosure requirement is more difficult and might cause people not engaged here to pushback if they think the scope isn't well enough defined 15:43:23 paulc: any other business? 15:43:43 suzie: 16544 - i was personally waiting for this to be addressed 15:44:00 ... everyone is very curious about this - i expressed my opinion in the bug 15:44:14 ... this is necessary to be clear for people reading for the first time 15:44:22 markw: that will be definitely in the next version 15:44:46 ddorwin: the figure was supposed to be illustrative - if people have suggestions on updating this that would be helpful 15:45:01 ... i have an action to update this to also show the new API 15:45:30 paulc: suggestions of how to improve are always welcome but even just saying which parts are hard to understand is useful 15:45:34 paulc: anything else? 15:45:44 TOPIC: Chair and Scribe for next meeting 15:45:58 paulc: the next meeting would occur during tpac and so this will not occur 15:46:08 ... the next meeting will be on nov 13 after tpac 15:46:20 ... we'll decide at tpac if it makes sense to meet then or if the editors need more time 15:46:27 i can scribe the next meeting if it is Nov 13 15:46:49 paulc: martin, thank you 15:47:14 TOPIC: Adjournment 15:47:18 paulc: thanks everyone 15:47:27 ... for those in lyon, i'll see you there 15:47:39 -[Microsoft.a] 15:47:40 -BobLund 15:47:41 -Clarke 15:47:41 -MartinSoukup 15:47:42 -pal 15:47:42 -Joe_Steele 15:47:43 -Aaron_Colwell 15:47:44 -[Microsoft] 15:47:45 -Matt 15:47:45 -Suzie 15:47:46 -ddorwin 15:47:46 ... will make sure zakim information is distributed on this list 15:47:47 -strobe 15:47:49 -markw 15:47:50 HTML_WG()11:00AM has ended 15:47:50 Attendees were +1.650.525.aaaa, +1.425.269.aabb, +1.303.661.aacc, Matt, Clarke, adrianba, paulc, pal, johnsim, +1.425.202.aadd, Aaron_Colwell, ddorwin, +1.213.234.aaee, Suzie, 15:47:50 ... +1.415.867.aaff, +1.813.728.aagg, markw, BobLund, strobe, [Microsoft], +1.408.536.aahh, Joe_Steele, +1.613.287.aaii, MartinSoukup 15:47:57 rrsagent, make minutes 15:47:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/16-html-media-minutes.html adrianba 15:48:03 rrsagent, make logs public 17:10:21 ddorwin has joined #html-media 18:33:13 Zakim has left #html-media