15:00:00 RRSAgent has joined #html-media 15:00:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/10/09-html-media-irc 15:00:02 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:00:02 Zakim has joined #html-media 15:00:04 Zakim, this will be 63342 15:00:04 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_WG()11:00AM scheduled to start now 15:00:05 Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference 15:00:05 Date: 09 October 2012 15:00:13 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:00:13 HTML_WG()11:00AM has not yet started, adrianba 15:00:18 On IRC I see RRSAgent, pal, adrianba, paulc, trackbot, matt 15:00:19 zakim, this is HTML_WG 15:00:24 ok, adrianba; that matches HTML_WG()11:00AM 15:00:26 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:00:36 On the phone I see markw, [Microsoft] 15:00:49 zakim, [Microsoft] has paulc, adrianba 15:00:50 zakim, code? 15:00:58 +paulc, adrianba; got it 15:00:59 the conference code is 63342 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), matt 15:01:06 Clarke has joined #html-media 15:01:11 +??P19 15:01:14 zakim, ??p19 is me 15:01:14 +matt; got it 15:01:18 zakim, mute me 15:01:18 matt should now be muted 15:01:39 +Clarke 15:02:08 ScribeNick: adrianba 15:02:12 Scribe: Adrian Bateman 15:02:15 Chair: Paul Cotton 15:02:24 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2012Oct/0019.html 15:02:31 BobLund has joined #html-media 15:02:55 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:02:55 On the phone I see markw, [Microsoft], matt (muted), Clarke 15:02:57 [Microsoft] has paulc, adrianba 15:03:27 Regrets+ John_Simmons 15:03:37 +pal 15:03:42 rrsagent, make minutes 15:03:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/09-html-media-minutes.html adrianba 15:03:46 rrsagent, make logs public 15:04:29 strobe has joined #html-media 15:05:25 waves 15:05:29 markw has joined #html-media 15:05:50 TOPIC: Role call and introductions 15:05:58 paulc: done 15:06:04 TOPIC: Preview meeting minutes 15:06:11 http://www.w3.org/2012/09/25-html-media-minutes.html 15:06:19 paulc: didn't see any comments on the minutes 15:06:35 TOPIC: Review of action items 15:06:42 paulc: none assigned to MSE work 15:06:51 TOPIC: TPAC meeting plans 15:07:05 paulc: wg meeting thur/fri nov 1/2 in lyon, france 15:07:11 ... same place as November 2010 15:07:21 ... confirmed we have the same two meeting rooms we had 2 years ago 15:07:33 + +1.303.503.aaaa 15:07:36 + +1.813.728.aabb 15:07:40 ... i want to confirm that the people on the call are okay with the general plan 15:07:51 ... that MSE and EME experts meet for 90mins to 2 hours at TPAC 15:08:10 ... having talked to some of the editors about this i want to suggest that we meet on thursday 15:08:30 zakim, +1.303.503.aaaa is me 15:08:30 +BobLund; got it 15:08:38 ... so that the editors can meet afterwards to discuss how to take actions as a result of the meeting 15:08:41 +Aaron_Colwell 15:08:42 zakim, +1.813.728.aabb is me 15:08:42 +strobe; got it 15:09:33 ... and the goal would be to have enough discussion at TPAC to make sure we can do a CfC for a FPWD immediately after TPAC 15:09:51 ... we want to make sure we have the general discussion for both specs in the right direction 15:10:00 ... so that the group will be happy to go to FPWD 15:10:05 ... this doesn't mean every bug closed 15:10:15 ... but it means the scope and direction is well understood 15:10:23 ... comments? 15:10:46 ... chairs will build a wiki site for unconference meeting requests so my proposal is to request 90-120 mins for each of the media specs 15:11:08 ... in the past the HTML WG meeting session discusses the ideas at 9am on the first day 15:11:14 ... and the group discusses which to talk about 15:11:16 q? 15:11:33 ddorwin has joined #html-media 15:11:40 +ddorwin 15:11:41 pal: will there be a conference bridge? 15:11:54 paulc: the rooms will have a bridge so we'll see if that is feasible 15:12:36 ... i want to warn you that there are 44 members and 40+ observers registered and the room is pretty large and even with the phone in the middle of the room it's not clear how audible to the meeting would be 15:12:47 thanks 15:12:51 zakim, unmute me 15:12:51 matt should no longer be muted 15:13:14 matt: when will we know what the agenda will be for that thursday? 15:13:22 paulc: at 9.30am on thursday 15:13:31 matt: so we should come in at 9am to show our support of the topics 15:13:35 paulc: yes 15:13:47 ... this is the model that we've done before and it worked well 15:14:11 ... we have one coordination request already so sometimes the chairs anchor the coordination requests when they involve another WG 15:14:28 ... but the rest of the sessions are determined by unconference 15:14:30 zakim, mute me 15:14:30 matt should now be muted 15:14:38 matt: i suspect that some people will be in other meetings too 15:14:47 paulc: the agenda will be set at 9am on thursday 15:15:03 TOPIC: Baseline documents 15:15:27 paulc: aaron had produced a draft on oct 1 that resolved 5 bugs and then on oct 8 that resolved 5 more 15:15:37 ... not planning to go through the list of bugs specifically 15:15:47 ... acknowledge that you made progress by cutting the bugs by 1/3 15:15:57 ... do you have anything specific to highlight? 15:16:28 acolwell: most are clarifications 15:16:30 Latest update news is in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2012Oct/0024.html 15:17:04 ... seeking doesn't set things back into open so that you seeking doesn't require you to call endstream 15:17:05 -BobLund 15:17:38 ... you weren't allowed to call append in the ended state - now it will transition to open and allow the append to happen 15:17:55 +??P18 15:18:07 ... for example if the app determined it had some higher quality data it could append that 15:18:08 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:18:08 On the phone I see markw, [Microsoft], matt (muted), Clarke, pal, strobe, Aaron_Colwell, ddorwin, ??P18 15:18:11 [Microsoft] has paulc, adrianba 15:18:15 zakim, ??P18 is me 15:18:15 +BobLund; got it 15:18:31 paulc: there are currently 19 bugs outstanding 15:18:41 ... most listed under agenda 6 and 7 15:18:48 zakim, mute me 15:18:48 BobLund should now be muted 15:19:09 paulc: i'd like to propose that we handle the next agenda item as follows 15:19:13 acolwell has joined #html-media 15:19:27 ... looking at the bugs, some of them i'd characterise as "hard" that we've been carrying for a few weeks 15:19:45 ... i haven't seen any significant progress on the bugs in agenda 6 15:19:58 ... high level question is how to get ready for TPAC sessions 15:20:13 ... especially for work items assigned to editors or others in the group 15:20:20 q+ 15:20:51 acolwell: a bunch of things in section 6 are new features and have lower priority for me because trying to focus on clarifying existing behaviour before adding new stuff 15:21:02 ... that's why these haven't made as much progress 15:21:18 ... have started on remove because i think others can be specified using the remove method 15:21:34 ... the TS one is one that I need to continue to read the specs 15:21:50 paulc: remove is bug 18709 15:21:59 ... TS is bug 17094 15:23:28 adrianba: i 15:23:36 s/i/i'd like to propose that 15:23:51 ... the editors meet to triage the current bugs 15:23:58 ... and figure out the status and next action of each 15:24:06 ... so that in two weeks we can work on the TPAC agenda 15:24:27 ... and let people know to come to TPAC prepared to discuss concrete issues 15:24:38 ... and make actual progress on the things that have been blocked 15:24:45 acolwell: that sounds good to me 15:24:45 q? 15:24:49 ack adr 15:25:16 paulc: i had mail from mark about bug 18962 - allow appending with xhr 15:25:26 markw: i wanted to point out that there is some work in webapps 15:25:34 ... that is about adding a stream response to XHR 15:25:42 ... which allows the app to lazily access data received 15:25:51 ... so we should discuss if that might be a solution for this bug 15:26:15 ... and if so coordinate with webapps on this to make sure it addresses the requirements we have 15:26:29 paulc: webapps meet on mon/tue - will you be there? 15:26:41 q+ 15:26:57 markw: i might need to go to Web & TV but will shuttle between them 15:27:01 ack adr 15:27:19 adrianba: The discussion in Web Apps is partly about the proposal that MS made for stream support for XHR. 15:27:45 adrianba: The broader discussion is about whether that's a good solution for this or if there's a need for something else. This was mostly in the context of understanding what support there would be for chunked HTTP. 15:28:05 adrianba: I think the current proposal is to add at least the receive part of the MS proposal. That's the last I saw, not sure if anything specific changed in the last few days. 15:28:11 paulc: mark does that help? 15:28:14 markw: yes 15:28:31 paulc: other bug on action 6 and 7 is bug 17002 15:28:41 ... this is SourceID to .id mapping 15:28:53 ... i asked about the status in the other media group 15:29:00 ... aaron followed up with some questions 15:29:05 ... and that thread is continuing 15:29:21 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2012Oct/0026.html 15:30:05 paulc: i think i'm going to skip to agenda 9 - any other business 15:30:08 q+ 15:30:13 q+ 15:30:21 ack adrian 15:30:31 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=18666 15:30:49 adrianba: this is HTMLMediaElement.seekable 15:31:45 acolwell: all seekable does is to be from 0 to the duration 15:31:58 ... so in the case of live, the duration would be positive infinity 15:32:12 ... wait, let me look at the text 15:33:01 ... in a live stream what will happen is if the duration is set to something other that +inf then seekable will be zero to the duration 15:33:12 ... otherwise it will be zero to the highest time in the source buffer 15:33:27 ... then the seekable will be set to the highest of what is in the buffer 15:33:33 ... so you can only seek to what is in the buffer 15:34:21 adrianba: does that mean that the seekable range will grow as the data is being buffered, say from a URL 15:34:25 acolwell: yes 15:34:42 adrianba: that answers my question 15:34:48 paulc: are thinking of reopening this? 15:35:26 ack pal 15:35:27 adrianba: i don't expect to reopen this - solution sounds good 15:35:49 pal: question on process - if i have some minor questions on the spec - how should i ask them? 15:36:15 paulc: depending on how many you have, you might consider sending mail to the list with the list of questions 15:36:37 ... sometimes if the questions are complicated it might make sense to put one per email 15:36:45 ... then you can put the question in the subject 15:36:52 ... or you could open a bug 15:37:01 ... my preference is option 2 15:37:09 pal: thank you 15:37:30 paulc: i think option 2 is the best approach - you might get an answer to the first before you asked the second 15:37:39 paulc: any other business? 15:37:53 TOPIC: Chair and scribe for next meeting 15:38:00 paulc: i will chair, any volunteers for scribe? 15:38:05 ... not hearing any one 15:38:26 ... major item of discussion for next meeting will be the triage from the editors and preparing for the TPAC meeting 15:38:38 TOPIC: Adjournment 15:38:38 -BobLund 15:38:44 -Clarke 15:38:50 -pal 15:38:51 paulc: bye everyone 15:38:52 zakim, drop me 15:38:52 -[Microsoft] 15:38:52 -Aaron_Colwell 15:38:52 matt is being disconnected 15:38:53 -matt 15:38:54 thanks 15:39:00 -markw 15:39:04 zakim, bye 15:39:04 leaving. As of this point the attendees were markw, paulc, adrianba, matt, Clarke, pal, BobLund, Aaron_Colwell, strobe, ddorwin 15:39:04 Zakim has left #html-media 15:39:06 rrsagent, make minutes 15:39:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/10/09-html-media-minutes.html adrianba 17:06:46 adrianba has joined #html-media