[Odrl-version2] Duties query

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Thu Mar 24 23:13:14 EST 2011

On 24 Mar 2011, at 20:32, Francis Cave wrote:

> Thanks for this. Both your interpretations are clear to me, but this does seem to imply that a Duty without some kind of Constraint is ambiguous. If it is always necessary to include a Constraint to make it clear when the Duty must be performed, does this need to be made explicit in the definition of a Duty in the Core Model

Yes - we updated the Duty description in the Model (See Section 2.5 - yellow text) so that we make no assumptions about when a Duty must/should be performed. It's obviously best to make these assumptions expressed explicit in the policy language.


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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