[Odrl-version2] Duties query

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Thu Mar 24 14:51:01 EST 2011

Francis - here is how I would interpret your two use cases:

> a) If the duty must be performed every time (no Constraint needed?)

You can put the Constraint on the Action, hence you Pay each time to Play the asset once:

        <o:asset uid="urn:music:4545"/>
        <o:action name="o:play"/>
        <o:constraint name="o:count" operator="o:lteq" rightOperand="1"/>
            <o:asset uid="urn:ubl:AUD0.50"/>
            <o:action name="o:pay"/>

> b) If the duty must be performed once before the permitted action is performed for the first time (Constraint needed).

We can use the new policyUsage value for the event Constraint:

        <o:asset uid="urn:music:4545"/>
        <o:action name="o:play"/>
             <o:asset uid="urn:ubl:AUD0.50"/>
             <o:action name="o:pay"/>
             <o:constraint name="o:event" operator="o:lt" rightOperand="o:policyUsage"/>


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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