[Odrl-version2] Scope attribute

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Mon Jun 13 06:20:05 EST 2011

In working on documentation for the ACAP Profile of ODRL I have found myself
wondering whether the definition of the 'scope' attribute on the Role entity
(ODRL V2.0 Core Model Section 2.3.1) is correct. The current definition is:

*	scope: defines how the role shall be interpreted under different
contexts. (OPTIONAL)

However, if one looks at the various values for this attribute that are
defined in the Common Vocabulary, they all seem to relate to how the Party
is to be interpreted, not the Role. In fact, the introductory paragraph to
Table 6 in the Common Vocabulary says:


"The scope attribute indicates how to interpret the identified Party and
provides contextual information in determining the extent of the policy


My opinion is that the Common Vocabulary is correct and the Core Model is
incorrect in this regard.


Francis Cave

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