[Odrl-version2] Dates and times in constraints

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Wed Feb 2 21:29:12 EST 2011

Hi Renato


The reason why Stuart proposed restricting date-time formats to comply with
the W3C Note doesn't arise from any ACAP-specific concerns. I believe his
concern - Stuart will confirm - is that in a global market for content it is
frequently vital to know the time-zone in which a date-time restriction
applies, and this can only be expressed by including the time-zone offset


If there is a case for allowing date-time constraints to be interpreted
according to the local time-zone of the user, the Common Vocabulary should
probably stick with its current, broader definition of dateTime. If there is
no such case, then yes, I would propose adding this further restriction to
the Common Vocabulary.








From: odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net [mailto:odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net]
On Behalf Of ri at odrl.net
Sent: 02 February 2011 01:35
To: ODRL-Version2
Subject: Re: [Odrl-version2] Dates and times in constraints



On 11 Jan 2011, at 05:03, Francis Cave wrote:

Following discussion in Namur, the Common Vocabulary now states that a
dateTime should conform to ISO 8601 as represented in W3C XML Schema. Stuart
Myles has suggested to me that in the ACAP profile we should consider
constraining this further so that date-times conform to
http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime, i.e. making on the following forms


It may be that this additional constraint won't make sense for the Common
Vocabulary, but I thought it worth mentioning.]


It is perfectly fine for the ACAP Profile to specify the W3C-NOTE to refine
dateTime (as it is a clear subset, and reduces some complexity).


Are you proposing this for the ODRL Common Vocab as well?




Renato Iannella

ODRL Initiative



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