[Odrl-version2] Use of the "attribute" action in a duty

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Tue Feb 1 23:15:38 EST 2011

Hi Francis (apologies for delay in response....)

I assume that #xpointer is a valid URI?

If so, then using of the xpath expressions are valid for the asset uid.


On 12 Jan 2011, at 02:22, Francis Cave wrote:

> Can anyone see a reason why one shouldn’t use XPointer in cases where the asset is an XML asset? This would enable the asset as a whole to be represented by the XPath expression for the document root, e.g.
>      <o:asset uid=”#xpointer(/)”/>
> Similarly an XPath expression could locate the attribution notice in a variety of ways, depending upon the schema to which the asset XML conforms, e.g.:
> If there happens to be an ID on the element in question:
>           <o:asset uid=”#xpointer(//*[@id=’attributionNotice’])”/>
> Or if the preceding element contains the title ‘Attribution Notice’:
>           <o:asset uid=”#xpointer(//*[preceding-sibling::*[1]=’Attribution Notice’])”/>
> Or if there is a handy XML tag:
>           <o:asset uid=”#xpointer(//ns:AttributionNotice)”/>
> Does this all make sense?


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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