[Odrl-version2] New Core Model Draft Specification uploaded

Daniel Pähler tulkas at uni-koblenz.de
Wed Sep 1 02:16:29 EST 2010

Dear all,

after quite an amount of editing work, I have finally uploaded the working 
version of the new Draft Spec., it can be found at [1]. Please note some facts 
about it:

- The document with the name "DS-ODRL-Model.html" was not (yet) changed, so 
this newer version is not found by someone looking for the current version.

- It is not really public for two reasons: 1. I wanted some feedback first 
because there's quite a lot that was changed. 2. The whole section "Scenarios" 
is still unchanged. Redrawing all the diagrams in "astah" is quite a lot of 
work and I'd rather wait with that until the normative sections of the Draft 
Spec. are settled.

- Section "2.2.1 Inheritance" might need to be edited some more, cf. the 
discussion forum at [2].

- I used the background colors that had been used before for edited sections:
yellow for new sections, green for changed sections and "pinkish" for deleted 
sections. Note that I only marked those sections green where an actual change 
to the Model had been done. Many other smalle changes were done, but did not 
affect the Core Model.

- I changed the order of some sections to better reflect the Core Model 

- A syntax highlight explanation and a brief Core Model overview were added 
near the top of the document.

- For questions and/or discussions please contact me, use the mailing list, or 
(my favorite option) use the ODRL wiki's discussion forum [3].

Greetings from KOblenz,

[1] http://odrl.net/2.0/DS-ODRL-Model-20100831.html
[2] http://odrl.net/wiki/tiki-
[3] http://odrl.net/wiki/tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=1
Dipl.-Inform. Daniel Pähler

Institute for IS Research
University of Koblenz-Landau
Universitaetsstrasse 1
D-56070 Koblenz
Fon +49-(0)261-287-2644
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