[Odrl-version2] A naive question...

Alapan alapan at gmail.com
Sun Nov 21 01:12:35 EST 2010

Effectively, rights granted by a policy are not activated if the policy
constraints are not met. Thus, in your example, since the constraints are
not met, the rights granted by the policy are not activated, and the user
should not be able to get access to that right (in this case4 distribute)

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On 19 November 2010 16:02, Francis Cave <francis at franciscave.com> wrote:

> If a Policy contains one Permission, and this Permission has a Constraint,
> how is the Policy interpreted when the Constraint condition is not
> satisfied? Is the Policy always interpreted as Prohibition in that case?
> Does it depend upon the value of the ‘conflict’ attribute?
> Here’s a concrete example:
> <o:policy
>   xmlns:o="http://odrl.net/2.0"
>   xmlns:a="http://assigner.com/identifiers"
>   xmlns:xsdt="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes#dateTime"
>   type="o:set"
>   inheritAllowed="true">
>     <o:permission>
>         *<o:asset uid="myAssetURI"/>*
>         <o:action name="o:distribute"/>
>         <o:constraint
>           name="o:dateTime"
>           operator="o:gteq"
>           rightOperand="xsdt:2010-11-19T00:00:00Z"/>
>         <o:constraint
>           name="o:dateTime"
>           operator="o:lteq"
>           rightOperand="xsdt:2010-11-20T23:59:59Z"/>
>     </o:permission>
> </o:policy>
> The policy is trying to express that the asset may be distributed between
> midnight on 2010-11-19 and one minute to midnight on 2010-11-20, *and not
> otherwise*. The *implication* of the expression is that distribution is
> prohibited at other times, but this is not made explicit above. Or is it? My
> understanding of Constraints is that they limit the applicability of a
> Permission or Prohibition, but that is not the same as saying that they
> should have the opposite interpretation when the Constraint is not
> satisfied.
> I am sure that this has an “obvious” answer. But maybe this needs to be
> spelt out somewhere?
> Thanks.
> Francis
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