[Odrl-version2] Party constraints

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Fri Nov 19 21:39:57 EST 2010

Yes, but could one have several Policies for the same Asset with the same
assignee? In other words, is the use of multiple Policies a way of enabling
more complex combinations of Permissions and Prohibitions, with different
conflict resolutions for different subsets of these Permissions and
Prohibitions, to be expressed?






From: ri at odrl.net [mailto:ri at odrl.net] 
Sent: 19 November 2010 01:58
To: francis at franciscave.com; ODRL-Version2
Subject: Re: [Odrl-version2] Party constraints



On 18 Nov 2010, at 20:56, Francis Cave wrote:

Would it be the norm for an ODRL expression to be in a single Policy, or in
multiple Policies, do you think?


I suppose it depends on the business case!


I can give you a Policy that says you can distribute Asset X in the UK.

And I can give Susanne another Policy that says she can distribute Asset X
in Germany.


(As the assigner, I can mange these multiple policies...)




Renato Iannella

ODRL Initiative



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