[Odrl-version2] Model change?

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Fri Nov 19 17:03:58 EST 2010

On 19 Nov 2010, at 01:28, Francis Cave wrote:

> <o:policy
>   xmlns:o="http://odrl.net/2.0"
>   xmlns:a="http://assigner.com/identifiers"
>   type="o:set"
>   inheritAllowed="true"
>   conflict="prohibit">
>     <o:permission>
>         <o:asset uid=”myAssetURI”/>
>         <o:role uid=”a:anyParty” function=”o:assignee”/>
>         <o:action name="o:distribute"/>
>     </o:permission>
>     <o:permission>
>         <o:asset uid=”myAssetURI”/>
>         <o:role uid="a:party_A" function="o:assignee"/>
>         <o:action name="o:distribute"/>
>         <o:constraint
>           name="o:media"
>           operator="o:neq"
>           rightOperand="a:online"/>
>     </o:permission>
> </o:policy>

Francis - I assume the second Permission should be a Prohibition?

>  I also wonder whether the <o:role> element in the first permission is needed. In the Core Model a Permission must have at least one Party, but in the XML schema <o:role> is non-mandatory.

That is due to the current issue of Ticket/Set not having Parties....for resolution next week!


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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