[Odrl-version2] Party constraints

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Thu Nov 18 10:25:17 EST 2010

David Martin has come to my rescue again. This is easier to express as a
prohibition rather than as a constraint on a permission. So, instead of
having a single permission to distribute that tries to express a constraint
on to whom one may distribute, one has a general permission to distribute,
then a separate prohibition to distribute to the party in question.


That's fine so long as one is able to include conflict="prohibit" at the
Policy level. But what happens if, for other reasons, one needs
conflict="permit" at the Policy level?


This leads to a more general question. Suppose that a Policy contains some
permissions and prohibitions where the intended resolution of conflicts is
to prohibit, whereas there are other permissions and prohibitions where the
intended resolution of conflicts is to permit. Would such cases be
inexpressible in ODRL? Or would one simply attach multiple Policies to the
asset in question?


Sorry if this is getting a bit convoluted.







From: odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net [mailto:odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net]
On Behalf Of Francis Cave
Sent: 17 November 2010 23:00
To: 'ODRL-Version2'
Subject: [Odrl-version2] Party constraints


Publishers frequently want to express constraints on, for example, to whom
an assignee is permitted to distribute an asset. How would such a constraint
be expressed? I have been thinking that one would use the new constraint
odrl:virtualLocation, but since we're talking about a constraint upon next
rights assignment more than upon distribution, maybe this can be handled in
some other way. 


Any thoughts?



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