[Odrl-version2] Spatial constraints

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Thu Nov 18 10:15:55 EST 2010

David Martin has pointed out to me that two types of constraint would
probably be rather better than two types of action. For example "source
location of action" and "target location of action". I could imagine use
cases in which both spatial and virtual locations would need to be expressed
as constraints on either source or target location.


I'm not suggesting that these should be in the Common Vocabulary, but since
"distribute" and "spatial" both are, I think we need to be explicit that a
spatial constraint on an action that has both source and target locations,
such as distribute, is a constraint on the target location.







From: odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net [mailto:odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net]
On Behalf Of Francis Cave
Sent: 17 November 2010 22:47
To: 'ODRL-Version2'
Subject: [Odrl-version2] Spatial constraints


Consider the action odrl2:distribute. This typically involves two locations:
the source location and the target location. If one were to express a
spatial constraint upon such an action, would one be constraining the source
or the target? Clearly the most likely answer is: the target. But there may
be occasions when one wants to constrain the spatial location of the source.
Would this require a different action, such as odrl2:distributeFrom. If so,
the need for it might be unusual enough that it doesn't have to be in the
Common Vocabulary.


Any thoughts?



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