[Odrl-version2] Core Model: Roles, Parties and Assets

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Fri Nov 12 23:12:06 EST 2010

On 12 Nov 2010, at 00:57, David Martin wrote:

> The second is more difficult.  As an example of a use case, we currently deal with the way some publishers express a data mining permission by specifying "access by crawler" to a "licensed content" Asset (eg a database of subscribed online journals) creating a new resource "downloaded licensed content".  We then have a second permission allowing the use of the "downloaded licensed content" (the Asset in this second permission) for data mining, usually with some constraints on retention of the downloaded data, and possibly some further permissions and/or prohibitions on the use of the output of the data mining process. So at each stage we need to identify the output of one Action so that it can be used as the Asset in the next Action.  That doesn't sound like a Constraint.
> How would ODRL handle a requirement to identify a new resource that is created by an Action, so that it can be referred to in subsequent Actions?

Hmmm....good question.....

What comes to mind is the NextPolicy (duty) action.

That is - we can specify/control the downstream use of the asset.

I tried to represent your use case (above) in the attached diagram.

Does that make sense?


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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