[Odrl-version2] Core Model: relationship between Action and Duty

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Mon Nov 8 23:37:10 EST 2010

On 6 Nov 2010, at 04:27, Francis Cave wrote:

> In the revised Core Model a Duty is defined in terms of a single Action. Figure 2.1 appears to suggest that for any given Action there can only be a single Duty, and vice versa. Is this an error in the diagram? It must surely be possible to define multiple Duties that involve the same Action, presumably involving different Assets or different Constraints. Indeed, would not the same apply to Permissions and Prohibitions, involving the same Action but with different Constraints in each case?

Duty has a "0..*" cardinality with Permission  - meaning you can have multiple Duties for a single Permission.

Scenario 3.6 in the Model shows this - there are two Duties (pay and nextRights) for the distribute Permission.

(hope that's what u meant!)


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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