[Odrl-version2] Core Model: Roles, Parties and Assets

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Mon Nov 8 16:39:48 EST 2010

On 6 Nov 2010, at 02:54, Francis Cave wrote:

> 4. The Role entity currently has two properties: ‘function’ and ‘scope’. The first if these is clearly required. The second appears to be descriptive of the Party and not of the Role, and we wonder whether we have misunderstood its purpose.

You can think of "scope" as "how *big* is the Party".

> We are fairly clear what is meant by “individual”: an identified individual person or corporate entity. But we are not completely sure what is meant by “group”. The semantics of “all” (one of the additional values for ‘scope’ added to the latest draft of the Common Vocabulary) seems to suggest that the intention is that “group” means “any member of the identified group”, while “all” means “all members of the identified group” (i.e. the whole group). Have we understood this correctly?

There is overlap in the semantics of Group and All - but they differ when you look at AllConnections etc....which refine All more specifically.

NOTE: "All" also assumes "Group" scope.

Typically, you would use Group when the UID identifies a group, eg "my.university.edu/class/2010/MATH101/students"
and "All" when the UID gives you the context to "calculate" the group members. eg "odrl.net/WorkGroup/2.0"

I hope that is clearer ;-)


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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