[Odrl-version2] Parent and Child Assets and their associated Policies

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Tue Nov 2 08:10:36 EST 2010

Is there a need to clarify what is meant by a Parent Asset and a Child
Asset? These terms are used in the latest draft of the Core Model, but are
not formally defined. Their definition is obviously linked to the meaning of
the term "inheritance", so both Sections 2.1 and 2.2 are involved.


I presume that a Child Asset is an Asset that is derived in some way from a
Parent Asset, usually as a result of performing a (permitted) Action on the
Parent Asset. I understand that inheritance is never allowed if a Child
Asset is derived from more than one Parent Asset.


In Section 2.1.1 the fourth bullet point of the list of restrictions that
apply to inheritance starts with the words: "The Child Asset will always
override the Parent Asset". I suspect that the term Action should have been
used here instead of Asset.  


The fifth bullet point states: "No state information is transferred from the
policy in the Parent Asset to the Child Asset", but the term "state
information" is not defined - I assume that this is referring to the
attributes of the policy of the Parent Asset.


Francis Cave


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