[Odrl-version2] Updated V2 - XML (2/2)

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Tue May 18 14:42:10 EST 2010

Extending the previous XML example, we can then use idref to point to the full Party (and give more details from a diff namespace), and assuming now that the assignee is a group, we add the scope attribute.

  <o:rights xmlns:o="http://odrl.net/2.0/" xmlns:v="http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#"
           uid="urn:exp:9001" type="o:type/agreement">
       <o:asset uid="urn:music:4545"/>
       <o:action resource="o:action/play"/>
       <o:duty idref="d1"/>
       <o:role idref="p1" function="o:function/assigner/">
       <o:role idref="p2" function="o:function/assignee/" scope="o:scope/group">
       <o:asset uid="urn:music:4545"/>
       <o:action resource="o:2.0/action/copy"/>
       <o:constraint name="o:constraint/count" operator="o:operator/lteq" rightOperand="1"/>  
       <o:duty idref="d1"/>
       <o:role idref="p1" function="o:function/assigner/">
       <o:role idref="p2" function="o:function/assignee/" scope="o:scope/group">
    <o:duty id="d1">
       <o:action resource="o:2.0/action/pay"/>
       <o:object measure="o:object/currency" value="EUR0.50"/>        
       <o:role idref="p1" function="o:function/assigner/">
       <o:role idref="p2" function="o:function/assignee/" scope="o:scope/group">
    <party id="p1" uid="urn:sony:10">
       <v:fn>Sony Example Music Inc</v:fn>
    <party id="p2" uid="urn:billie:888">
       <v:fn>Billie Music Class</v:fn>


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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