[Odrl-version2] Updated Asset Model

Francis Cave francis at franciscave.com
Thu Dec 2 20:12:48 EST 2010

Hi Renato

Thanks for this. It helps a lot to have a picture to discuss.

Given that the default for item is "o:target", and given that every
Permission and Prohibition MUST have a target Asset, it would seem to me
that there is little point in having the Subject association class unless
more than one Asset can be associated with a Permission or Prohibition,
since otherwise in those cases item can only ever be "o:target".


Francis Cave

> -----Original Message-----
> From: odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net [mailto:odrl-version2-
> bounces at odrl.net] On Behalf Of ri at odrl.net
> Sent: 02 December 2010 02:30
> To: ODRL-Version2
> Subject: [Odrl-version2] Updated Asset Model
> I have posted the updated Core Model with the expanded Asset
> association class:
>   http://odrl.net/wiki/tiki-
> view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=87&forumId=1
> Comments on the wiki welcome!
> Cheers
> Renato Iannella
> ODRL Initiative
> http://odrl.net
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