[Odrl-version2] WG Meeting Actions

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Tue Sep 22 23:35:25 EST 2009

Hi All,

Please find my updated XML schemas. I have only placed three terms in  
the vocab file - but it is an idea on how to exapnd it by adding more.


Blog: http://idiots-mind.blogspot.com/
Life's a gamble - take a chance

2009/9/21 ri at odrl.net <ri at odrl.net>
ODRL WG Meeting 22 SEPT 2009 Nancy, France - ACTIONS

Model - change "rights container" to "extended relations" [RI]

Model - make Permission mandatory [RI]

XML Schema - investigate two bindings; traditional and xQuery-based  
for "extended relations" [AA]
(Jean-Noël Colin review XML bindings)

Core Metadata - rename as "common vocabulary" and will be a list of  
terms that we strongly recommend communities "profile" - we will do  
the CC profile as an example [SG]

Add Etu's permission suggestions and CC profile terms [SG]

Contact PLUS License Data Format to see what to add [RI]

RDFa - re-establish contact with RDFa Task Force members and produce  
RDFa encoding guidelines [RI]

RDF/RDFa - send students slides to list [HH/DP]

IAB - review members and new invitations [RI]

Next Skype Call: 3 NOV 08:00-10:00GMT (9AM-11AM FRA)


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

Odrl-version2 mailing list
Odrl-version2 at odrl.net

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