[Odrl-version2] ODRL-related post at W3C; time-frame of HTML 5

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Mon Sep 14 11:46:27 EST 2009

On 12 Sep 2009, at 10:08, Steven Rowat wrote:

> Today a short essay of mine has appeared on the W3C TAG (Technical
> Architecture Group) mailing list, and I believe it could be of
> interest to many ODRL WG members for several reasons; it concludes
> with a recommendation that ODRL, or a language like it, be
> incorporated into the current HTML 5 proposal.

Steven - a great post.

We, over in the W3C PLING [1], are also looking at this issue.

The more eyes on this, the better!


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

[1] http://www.w3.org/Policy/pling/wiki/Main_Page

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