[Odrl-version2] FWD: Students' slides that were presented in Nancy available online

ri at odrl.net ri at odrl.net
Mon Oct 5 12:49:04 EST 2009

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Daniel Pähler <tulkas at uni-koblenz.de>
> Date: 3 October 2009 00:51:54 AEST
> To: odrl-interest at odrl.net
> Cc: Helge Hundacker <helge.hundacker at uni-koblenz.de>, Olaf Radcke <oradcke at uni-koblenz.de 
> >, Ulrich Eckstein <elmuerte at uni-koblenz.de>
> Subject: [Odrl-interest] Students' slides that were presented in  
> Nancy available online
> Reply-To: odrl-interest at odrl.net
> Dear all,
> at our face-to-face meeting in Nancy last week Helge and I showed  
> you two sets
> of slides which had been created by our students, the respective  
> topics were:
> - Translation of ODRL 1.1 to RDF - done by Ulrich Eckstein
> - Translation of ODRL 1.1 to RDFa (Microformat)  - done by Olaf Radcke
> It took a while because we first asked the students to correct some  
> mistakes in
> the slides, but now they are ready and I've put them online. You can  
> find them
> at http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~aggrimm/odrl/
> Apart from the valuable feedback which we got in Nancy, we'd also be  
> grateful
> for comments you might want to add now.
> Greetings from Koblenz,
> Daniel
> -- 
> Dipl.-Inform. Daniel Pähler
> Institute for IS Research
> University of Koblenz-Landau
> Universitaetsstrasse 1
> D-56070 Koblenz
> Fon +49-(0)261-287-2644
> _______________________________________________
> Odrl-interest mailing list
> Odrl-interest at odrl.net
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Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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