[Odrl-version2] Fwd: [ODRL] Ideas for the core metadata

Renato Iannella renato at odrl.net
Tue May 26 18:20:28 EST 2009

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Eetu Luoma <eetu.m.luoma at jyu.fi>
> Date: 26 May 2009 16:09:26 GMT+10:00
> To: Renato Iannella <renato at nicta.com.au>,  
> "susanne.guth at vodafone.com" <susanne.guth at vodafone.com>
> Subject: [ODRL] Ideas for the core metadata
> Hi,
> I earlier promised to give some feedback/ideas to the core profile  
> based
> on our project with the university publishing here in Finland. To  
> start
> with, here are some addition entities that were seen as important in  
> the
> (uni) publishing domain that are not considered in the current working
> draft. Alternatively, these might fit better to some of the upcoming
> profiles.
> Permissions:
> <Name>Publish
> <Semantics>This means that the grantee may make the content publicly
> available, according to the given requirements and
> constraints.</Semantics>
> <Name>Reproduce</Name>
> <Semantics>This means that the grantee may produce or manufacture  
> items of
> the content, according to the given requirements and
> constraints.</Semantics>
> <Name>Distribute</Name>
> <Semantics>This means that the grantee may distribute the items of the
> content to others, according to the given requirements and
> constraints.</Semantics>
> <Name>Public Display</Name>
> <Semantics>This means that the grantee may present the content  
> publicly to
> an audience, according to the given requirements and
> constraints.</Description
> <Name>Archive</Name>
> <Semantics>This means that the grantee may convert and save a copy  
> of the
> content to enable long-term preservation. Permission may have  
> requirements
> and constraints.</Semantics>
> <Name>Digitize</Name>
> <Semantics>This means that the grantee may convert physical item  
> into a
> digital form. Permission may have requirements and
> constraints.</Semantics>
> <Name>Translate</Name>
> <Semantics>This means that the grantee may translate the original  
> content
> into other languages. Permission may have requirements and
> constraints.</Semantics>
> <Name>Reassign Contract</Name>
> <Semantics>This means that the beneficiary may reassign the rights and
> duties of this contact completely or in part to a third party.  
> Permission
> may have requirements and constraints.</Semantics>
> <Name>Dissolve</Name>
> <Semantics>This means that the beneficiary may dissolve the
> contract.</Semantics>
> + some university specific entities not listed here.
> Duties:
> <Name>advance payment</Name>
> <Description>This requirement means that the person or party must  
> perform
> an advance payment that needs to be fullfilled before utilization of  
> the
> permissions or other benefits.</Description>
> <Name>single payment of benefits</Name>
> <Description>This requirement means that the person or party must  
> perform
> a single payment to be able to utilize the permissions or other
> benefits.</Description>
> <Name>usage charge</Name>
> <Description>This requirement means that the person or party must  
> perform
> an use charge due for use of the permissions or other benefits or  
> similar
> repetitive payment.</Description>
> <Name>royalty payment</Name>
> <Description>This requirement means that the person or party must  
> perform
> a royalty payment (percentage of the revenue received) due for use  
> of the
> permissions or other benefits or similar repetitive payment.</ 
> Description>
> <Name>commitment to an obligation</Name>
> <Description>This requirement means that the person or party must  
> commit
> to performing certain action or to restaining from certain
> action.</Description>
> + some university specific entities not listed here.
> Constraints:
> We have only used the entities of the ODRL 1.1 vocabulary plus some
> university specific entities not listed here.
> For assets we've used Dublin Core.
> For parties we've used national recommendation for describing people  
> and
> organizations.
> Then, as I will be busy by the time of the telco also today, here  
> are my
> brief comments to the core profile draft (at
> http://odrl.net/2.0/WD-ODRL-Core-Metadata.html):
> - Should the table at section 2.2 Constraints be placed under 2.1  
> Actions?
> - What is the difference between executing and installing? I think
> installing requires executing an installer and could therefore be  
> removed.
> - Annotate may also be a permission. We had this case with an  
> industrial
> company making electronic learning material. To some learning  
> materials
> this company wanted to prohibit the changing the material, to some  
> of the
> material annotation was specifically allowed.
> BR,
> -Eetu
> -- 
> Eetu Luoma
> Tutkija, Jyväskylän yliopisto
> +358 40 739 3075, eetu.luoma at jyu.fi


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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