[Odrl-version2] ODRL Teleconference Notes (10-Mar-2009)

Renato Iannella renato at odrl.net
Thu Mar 12 16:09:11 EST 2009

ODRL Teleconference 10-Mar-2009 09:00UTC

Agenda: <http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/2009-March/000026.html 

Attendees: Renato Iannella, Suzanne Guth, Rudiger Grimm, Helge  
Hundacker, Daniel Pahler

1 - ODRL Core Model
   - Fix and review UML diagrams (consistent composition associations)
   - Current document will stay at "Draft Specification" level until  
we have greater consensus on the Core Metadata and at least one of the  
XML/RDF Encoding documents has matured.

2 - ODRL Core Metadata
   - Add OMA DRM terms [SG]
   - Ask for feedback and new terms  and comments on existing [ALL]
   - Will leave CC terms for a Profile
   - Any examples for Party and Asset XML specifications, please send  
to SG

3 - Encoding documents
     - XML Schema - deferred to next meeting (Alapan)
     - Volunteers required for the RDF/XML Encoding [ALL]

4 - OMA DRM Liaison
   - Contact OMA DRM WG Chair and request access to new proposals that  
deal with the OMA REL [RI]

5 - ODRL+VG Workshop, Nancy, France
   - Please see the CFPs and promote this event to the wider community

6 - Next Teleconference
   - 12-May-2009 at 08:00UTC (9AM Frankfurt, 5PM Brisbane)


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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