[Odrl-version2] Working Group Meeting Draft Agenda

Steven Rowat steven_rowat at sunshine.net
Fri Jun 12 14:10:01 EST 2009

Renato Iannella wrote:
> Dear all - please review the Draft Agenda for the ODRL WG meeting on 22 
> Sept:
>   <http://odrl.net/meeting2009.html>
> Please send in any comments/additions...

 From the V2 Core Model:

3.3 Rights Container:

Thank you! -- for the table with "...the semantics of the Container 
Operation". It makes AND, OR, XOR and Containers very clear for me 
now. (I don't recall seeing this before -- were the colored changes in 
the original 6 March publication, or are they later? Perhaps I missed 
them somehow the first time around.)

steven rowat

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