[Odrl-version2] Call for Community-based Rights Vocabularies

Guth, Susanne, VF-Group Susanne.Guth at vodafone.com
Tue Jul 7 18:42:41 EST 2009

Hi all,

I heard that OMTP is about to define rights "policies" within BONDI. They might need a REL. Does anyone have a contact into BONDI/OMTP?
We should suggest ODRL as the rights language to be used, no?

Freundlicher Gruß / Kind regards 

VIS - Branded Content - Development
Service/Content Protection & Games 
mobile: +49 162 2678760  

-----Original Message-----
From: odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net [mailto:odrl-version2-bounces at odrl.net] On Behalf Of Renato Iannella
Sent: Dienstag, 7. Juli 2009 06:03
To: ODRL-Version2
Subject: [Odrl-version2] Call for Community-based Rights Vocabularies

Dear all, we are calling for Community-based Rights Vocabularies that are currently deployed (or planned) to consider as part of the new ODRL Version 2.0 Core Metadata vocabulary.

For example, we have already identified:
	* ODRL/CC Profile V1.1
	* OMA DRM REL 2.1
	* PLUS License Data Format
	* ONIX for Publications Licenses v1.0

We will track the list on the ODRL Version 2.0 Working Group page:


If you have any suggestion, then please forward to <info at odrl.net>


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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