[Odrl-version2] Teleconference Notes

Renato Iannella renato at odrl.net
Thu Jul 2 16:14:30 EST 2009

ODRL V2 Teleconference: Tues 30 June 2009 at UTC07:00-08:30 [1] (9AM  
Frankfurt, 5PM Brisbane)

Agenda & Notes:

0 - Actions from last meeting [2]
   - No specific actions recorded

1 - ODRL V2 Model - Draft Specification [3] (Renato)
   - Discussion over model changes to support embedded actions
   - This was seen to address less verbosity for microformats/RDFa
   - More discussion planned
   - Some discussion of ODRL V2.0 being seen as a broader Policy  
Language, not just rights
   - For example, to cover Privacy as well - In particular for Social  
   - Action: RI to look at mapping P3P to ODRL V2.0 to see what issues  
it raises
   - Also look at FaceBook's XFBML <http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/XFBML 

2 - ODRL V2 Core Metadata - Working Draft [4] (Susanne)
   - Need to look at wider communities needs for vocabulary terms - RI  
to send announcement
   - Other examples include:
     - ONIX-PL Working Group <http://www.editeur.org/licensing/ONIX-PL_format_v1.0.html 
     - PLUS <http://www.useplus.com/useplus/license.asp>
   - Open Questions: to include all the OMA REL Profile terms
   - Decided that ODRL/CC Profile will be updated for 2.0

3 - XML Schema (Alapan)
   - Planned to release in early August
   - Issue over how to deal with Rights Container

4 - RDF/RDFa Encodings (Helge)
   - A number if students now looking at mapping to RDF and RDFa tools
   - Action: RI to announce the RDFa Proposal as a new item of work

5 - OMA DRM Liaison (Susanne)
   - Discussions with the OMA DRM Chair concluded
   - Susanne to act as the contact point and sharing of related ODRL  
REL issues

6 - VG+ODRL Workshop [5] (Rudiger)
   - All going well

7 - ODRL WG Meeting [6] (Renato)
   - On track - please suggest and new agenda items and confirm  
   - Think about ODRL 10th year celebration ideas
   - Consider new people for the ODRL International Advisory Board <http://odrl.net/IAB/ 

8 - AOB
   - None noted

9 - Next Meeting
   - Tues 18 August 2009 at UTC07:00-08:30

[1] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=06&day=30&year=2009&hour=07&min=00&sec=0&p1=0
[2] http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/2009-May/000046.html
[3] http://odrl.net/2.0/DS-ODRL-Model.html
[4] http://odrl.net/2.0/WD-ODRL-Core-Metadata.html
[5] http://virtualgoods.org/2009/
[6] http://odrl.net/meeting2009.html

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