[Odrl-version2] ODRL Teleconference Notes (27 JAN 2009)

Renato Iannella renato at odrl.net
Thu Jan 29 14:06:05 EST 2009

ODRL Teleconference 27-Jan-2009 09:00UTC

Agenda: <http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/2009-January/000012.html 

Attendees: Renato Iannella, Suzanne Guth, Eetu Luoma, Alapan Arnab,  
Rudiger Grimm, Helge Hundacker, Daniel Pahler

1 - ODRL Core Model
    - Section 2.1 - Update "undefined" attribute with "invalid" option  
    - Section 2.2.1 - Check Inheritance is consistent with OMA DRM [SG]
    - Section 3.2 - Update Next Rights to limit next Asset [RI]
    - Section 3.3 - Update figure 3.1 and definitions for OR/AND/XOR  
[RI+ all]
    - Section 4 - Update Figure 4.9 and description [RI]

2 - ODRL Core Metadata
    - Will now call this "Core Metadata" (not "Core Profile")
    - Create first WD and publish on website [SG]
    - Add column for Perm/Prob/Duty/Const [SG]
    - Add OMA DRM terms [SG]
    - Ask for feedback and new terms [ALL]

3 - XML Schema
    - Deferred to next meeting

4 - OMA DRM Liaison
    - Contact OMA DRM WG Chair and request access to new proposals  
that deal with the OMA REL [RI]

5 - ODRL+VG Workshop, Nancy, France
    - Mon 21 Sep: ODRL Working Group Meeting 10AM to 5PM
    - Tue 22 Sep: 7th Virtual Goods + 5th ODRL Workshop <http://virtualgoods.org/2009/ 
    - Wed/Fri 23-25 Oct: IFIP I3E Conference <http://i3e2009.loria.fr/>

6 - Next Teleconference
    - 10-March-2009 09:00UTC
    - Teleconf info will now appear on the WG website <http://odrl.net/2.0/ 


Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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