[Odrl-version2] Core Model ["Poznan Edition"] - Draft Specification

Renato Iannella renato at odrl.net
Fri Jan 23 11:21:28 EST 2009

Thanks Daniel - will update as you suggested.


On 22 Jan 2009, at 21:30, Daniel Pähler wrote:

> Dear all,
> I think there is a problem with the definition of "Rights Container"  
> in
> Section 3.3 of the current draft specification [1]. The definition  
> states
> that
> "The Container entity may tie Permission, Prohibition, Duty, and  
> Constraint
> entities together with an AND, OR or XOR relationship."
> This implies that it cannot tie other entities. However, the example  
> in figure
> 3.1 below shows a Container which aggregates two Actions.
> I suggest changing the Definition to
> "The Container entity may tie entities together with an AND, OR or XOR
> relationship."
> and adding the sentence
> "Typically the container structure is used to aggregate Permission,
> Prohibition, Duty, and Constraint entities but can be used on other
> entities."
> ,which is basically like the last sentence of the Container  
> definition in ODRL
> v1.1, section 2.12 [2].
> Yours,
> Daniel
> [1] http://odrl.net/2.0/DS-ODRL-Model.html#section-3
> [2] http://www.w3.org/TR/odrl/#78698
> -- 
> Dipl.-Inform. Daniel Pähler
> Institute for IS Research
> University of Koblenz-Landau
> Universitaetsstrasse 1
> D-56070 Koblenz
> Fon +49-(0)261-287-2644
> E-Mail: tulkas at uni-koblenz.de
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Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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