[Odrl-version2] DS Inheritance

Renato Iannella renato at odrl.net
Fri Jan 16 16:44:24 EST 2009

On 16 Jan 2009, at 15:02, Steven Rowat wrote:

>   On the other hand, how many parts of the Expression are actually  
> inherited? In the example (4.9) it appears that only the Asset,  
> which is explicitly declared in the Child (via 'inherit'), and the  
> Permission to print, which is not explicitly declared. So perhaps it  
> would, in fact, be more consistent to declare both of them explicitly?

A good question!

Everything is inherited - except if it (action) already exists in the  

....But....if you look at Figure 4.9 example - what the complete Child  
license now contains is the Display action (from Sony:999 for Nikky: 
543) AND the Print action (from Sony:999 for Billie:888)

Assuming this Child license was issued to Nikky:543, she will have a  
hard time doing the Print as she is not Billie:888 !



Renato Iannella
ODRL Initiative

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