[Odrl-version2] ODRL Initiative on LinkedIn

Steven Rowat steven_rowat at sunshine.net
Mon Feb 23 17:00:18 EST 2009

Interesting Invitation...

While investigating the link you sent, I was surprised by this 
announcement in the LinkedIn legal page about how anything we 'submit' 
can be used by them for anything they like. The all-but-infinite scope 
of their claim might even be worth considering vis a vis ODRL merely 
as background reading for what we are all trying to do. :-)  .  Does 
this claim for 'submissions' apply to email or other communications 
within the group being formed? If so, it makes me hesitant to join. 
Here is their wording (URL first):


"License and warrant your submissions:
You do not have to submit anything to us, but if you choose to submit 
something (including any User generated content, ideas, concepts, 
techniques and data), you must grant, and you actually grant by 
concluding this Agreement, a nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, 
perpetual, unlimited, assignable, sublicenseable, fully paid up and 
royaltyfree right to us to copy, prepare derivative works of, improve, 
distribute, publish, remove, retain, add, and use and commercialize, 
in any way now known or in the future discovered, anything that you 
submit to us, without any further consent, notice and/or compensation 
to you or to any third parties."

Renato Iannella wrote:
> Dear all - we have created a presence on LinkedIn for the ODRL Initiative.
> You can join the group here:
> < 
> http://www.linkedin.com/e/v47-8WE_w1i7a3nit07QN94ift/blk/139420559_1/0VdjkMczgVcP4LdRcMm4p3el8LdjAPcP0QciYMd3gTdj4LtCBDbOYWrSlI/giv/> 
> Cheers
> Renato Iannella
> ODRL Initiative
> http://odrl.net
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