[Odrl-version2] ODRL Working Group Meeting 2009 - Agenda Forming

Steven Rowat steven_rowat at sunshine.net
Tue Aug 25 03:27:47 EST 2009

Renato Iannella wrote:
>   http://odrl.net/meeting2009.html
> Please send any comments and rsvps...

I'm not certain, but possibly this could be useful; it's a working 
list I wrote of global goals for metadata and sent to the W3C 
html-public list, where it appears  here:


It was linked from there, and the goals list quoted, by one of the 
members of the W3C TAG (Technical Architecture Group), Larry Masinter, 
to the TAG public list, and added by him to an open ISSUE of that 
group, W3C TAG ISSUE-63, "Metadata Architecture for the Web".



I wrote these goals, as explained in the first link above on the 
html-public list, with the idea of resolving the dispute in the HTML5 
list between DRFa and Microdata, but possibly they can be useful for 
other groups as well.

Best regards,

Steven Rowat

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