[Odrl-version2] Teleconf Notes

Renato Iannella renato at nicta.com.au
Thu Aug 20 14:17:22 EST 2009

ODRL V2 Teleconference Tues 18 Aug 2009 at UTC07:00 (9AM Frankfurt,  
5PM Brisbane)

Attendess: RenatoI, HelgeH, AndreasK, DanielP
Apologies: SuzanneG, AlapanA

1 - ODRL V2 Model - Draft Spec [3] (Renato)

- Currently stable until issues are found

2 - ODRL V2 Core Metadata - Working Draft [4] (Susanne)

- Looking for anymore community profiles (see list at end of [2])
- Review in detail at WG Meeting [8]

3 - XML Schema (Alapan)

- Draft XML Schema released [9]
- Need to develop test schema for the Core Profile and then create  
instances for each of the Scenarios in [3]

4 - RDF/RDFa [5] and Microformat [6] Encodings (Renato/Helge/Others)

- Get some moure Use Cases from AP
- Student work from UniK going well and presented at WG Meeting [8]

5 - OMA DRM Liaison (Renato/Susanne)

- All OK

6 - VG+ODRL Workshop [75] (Rudiger)

- All OK

7 - ODRL WG Meeting Agenda [8] (Renato)

- Detailed Agenda out soon
- Please indicate if you can attend

8 - AOB

- New ODRL Web Site Redesign - ready for 2010! (Send any requirements)

[2] http://odrl.net/2.0/
[3] http://odrl.net/2.0/DS-ODRL-Model.html
[4] http://odrl.net/2.0/WD-ODRL-Core-Metadata.html
[5] http://odrl.net/Profiles/RDFa/
[6] http://odrl.net/Profiles/Microformat/
[7] http://virtualgoods.org/2009/
[8] http://odrl.net/meeting2009.html
[9] http://odrl.net/pipermail/odrl-version2_odrl.net/attachments/20090818/772574cf/attachment.obj

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