[odrl-version2] Fwd: Virtual Goods + ODRL 2008 ahead!

Renato Iannella renato at odrl.net
Thu May 15 13:17:01 CST 2008

================Begin forwarded message==============

Dear VG+ODRL community,

the organization of the workshop in October in Poznan is on its very  
best way. Meanwhile we have three top-level keynote speakers (Renato  
Iannella, Leonardo Chiariglione, Kazimierz Krzysztofek) and a highly  
competent and motivated organisation team in Poznan with our general  
chair Wojciech Cellary.

However, a good workshop lives with good papers. Therefore, we need  
you. Last workshops were so successful with good content, that I am  
convinced that - with your help - we can keep or even increase the  
quality of the workshop.

The deadline of June 1 is approaching fast: 2 weeks to go. Please  
consider to submit a paper on virtual goods, digital rights, and  
associated technological, ecomical, and legal aspects. Send the  
submission (10-12 pages) to one of the PC chairs

grimm(at)uni-koblenz.de and/or

See http://www.virtualgoods.org/2008/ for further information.

Best greetings --- Rüdiger


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