[odrl-version2] Virtual Goods + ODRL 2008 ahead!

Renato Iannella renato at odrl.net
Tue Feb 26 20:47:27 CST 2008

Dear Virtual Goods + ODRL enthusiasts,

The next International IFIP Workshop on Virtual Goods is confirmed.  
The paper submission date is June 1 (3 months to go). The workshop  
will be organized by the University of Economics Poznan (Poland), by  
Prof, Wojciech Cellary, our IFIP-WG 6.11 co-chairman, on October  
16-18, 2008.

Because of the great success of the incorporation of the ODRL workshop  
in Koblenz 2007, we resume this cooperation. Consequently, the full  
title of the conference is

6th International Workshop for Technical, Economic and Legal Aspects  
of Business Models for Virtual Goods incorporating the 4th  
International ODRL Workshop

We have greate keynote speakers! Number one is Renato Iannella who is  
known in the world as "Mr. ODRL" and who has already fruitfully  
inspired the Koblenz workshop 2007. Number two (or, better, the other  
number one) is Leonardo Chiariglione, well known for his Digital Media  
Project, but also for his great influence on the development of DRM  
for many many years.

See http://www.virtualgoods.org/2008/ for further information.

Important dates:
June 1, 2008: Full papers submitted
October 16-18, 2008: Workshop in Poznan

I would be very happy to see many papers from all of you and to meet  
you in Poznan in October.

Best greetings --- Rüdiger

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