[Odrl-version2] New ODRL v2.0 Model

Alapan Arnab aarnab at cs.uct.ac.za
Thu Jan 19 03:07:20 EST 2006


> > So if "print" is an action, how do I put a constraint to it?
> Have a look at a example here:
>    <http://odrl.net/2.0/issues/issueslist-1_10.html>
> (We are not saying this is the final way, but is a proposal...)
Thanks - I think I understand.

However, I still think that the action element does not really serve a
purpose. In the issues-list, the example is:
         <o-ex20:permission assigner="party99">
           <o-ex20:beneficiary id="party01"/>
           <o-ex20:hasConstraint id="c01"/>
           <o-ex20:hasDuty id="d01"/>
However, I think the permission model from ODRL 1.0 is much more
elegant, and the above example would look:
         <o-ex20:play assigner="party99">
           <o-ex20:beneficiary id="party01"/>
           <o-ex20:hasConstraint id="c01"/>
           <o-ex20:hasDuty id="d01"/>
I do understand that the current approach was due to the prohibition
model - but _if_ the prohibition model is changed, then the action model
is not really necessary.

Alapan Arnab
Data Networks Architecture (DNA) Laboratory
Department of Computer Science
University of Cape Town
Rondebosch, 7700
South Africa

Tel: +27 21 650 3127
Web: http://people.cs.uct.ac.za/~aarnab/
Blog: http://idiots-mind.blogspot.com
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